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Wed, 9 Jul 2014 15:40:26 -0700
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For blogging, I use Word Press. It's chaotic and overwhelming until you 
get used to it. Then it's mostly fine. I remember the setup process 
being accessible, but it's possible that captchas have been introduced 
since I set up my last blog.

After you set up your blog, you need to log in to create posts, add 
categories, etc. Once you log, move focus to the top of the screen with 
alt+home and down-arrow to examine the dash board. You find groups of 
links. for example, one says post, immediately followed by Add New, 
Edit, and one or two other things. Then you might find another cluster 
that starts with Pages and consists of Add New, Edit, etc. There are 
clusters for Categories, Links, and so on.

Some things aren't at all in intuitive locations. The place where you 
give your blog a title and tag line is one of these. I always have to 
Google around or trial-and-error it to edit.

One thing that wasn't accessible when I last tried it a year and a half 
ago was the process for adding widgets. You're supposed to drag the 
widget from one area of the screen to another. I couldn't get this to 
work, even with the screen reader's official drag and drop commands, so 
I got sighted help. I read a post on a forum somewhere that made me 
think this may have changed, but I haven't tried it.

Another thing that doesn't work very well is edit fields. You used to 
type ctrl+z or something like that to work in edit fields with a screen 
reader, but that doesn't seem to be working now. sometimes I'm able to 
type or edit, but this is very inconsistent, and I haven't figured out 
what I do right when it does. My work-around is to create my posts in 
Word, then paste them into the edit fields or email them to the blog.

Yes, you can set up an email address for emailing posts. The subject of 
the email becomes the title of the post, and the message body becomes 
the post itself. That's another one of those thing I need to look up to 

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