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ted chittenden <[log in to unmask]>
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ted chittenden <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 9 Dec 2012 12:23:41 -0700
text/plain (76 lines)
Two comments:

1) The relationship between freedom and security, whether it be on or off of the Internet, is inversely proportional; that is, the more security you have, the less freedom you actually have.

2) It is absolutely impossible to make the Internet or anywhere else 100% secure. If somebody (or more likely a group of somebodys) wishes to destroy the Internet and the power grid as described in this article, they will find a way to do it no matter what security measures are put in place.
Ted Chittenden

Every story has at least two sides if not more.
---- Deborah Kendrick <[log in to unmask]> wrote: 
Samantha Murphy
5 days ago
Is the Internet facing "the cyber equivalent of the World Trade Center
attack?" According
to a former security chief, the U.S. has already received its "9/11 warning"
a cyber-attack that could take down the banks, power and ultimately cripple
the economy.
Former U.S. Intelligence Chief John "Mike" McConnell, who served under
Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama, told the
Financial News
the U.S. has already been warned about a huge potential cyber threat that
could have
a tremendous negative impact on the country.
"We have had our 9/11 warning. Are we going to wait for the cyber equivalent
of the
collapse of the World Trade Centers?" said McConnell, calling the warnings a
call to businesses and political leaders.
Facebook Hacks Its Employees to Teach Lessons on Cyberattacks
McConnell detailed what a large-scale cyber-attack could mean for the
"All of a sudden, the power doesn't work, there's no way you can get money,
you can't
get out of town, you can't get online, and banking, as a function to make
the world
work, starts to not be reliable," he said. "Now, that is a cyber-Pearl
Harbor, and
it is achievable."
Although McConnell believes a terrorist group might not be able to carry out
an attack right now, sophisticated tools could fall into the wrong hands in
the future.
McConnell is currently vice chairman at Booz Allen Hamilton, a technology
firm which contracts with private businesses as well as the federal
The news comes several months after a series of
cyber-attacks targeted major banks
such as JPMorgan Chase and Bank of America and crippled computers at a Saudi
oil company Saudi Aramco in August.
In November, U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta spoke at a meeting of
the Business
Executives for National Security and told leaders the events signaled "a
escalation of the cyber threat."

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