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"Jose Tamayo (KK4JZX)" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Tue, 11 Sep 2012 16:34:31 -0400
text/plain (96 lines)
Thanks Ron.

[May I qualify that what  I am about to say is with all due respect to all
involved, I am known to speak my mind and I intend to insult no one directly
on this list, even though I address names directly]

I like it when answers are met by explanations.  The perceived notion that
blind people always have their hand out is really not my opinion.  Howard,
with all due respect, I find myself and many on this list outside of that
norm.  Although it might be perceived that way, it is a fact that many
people, blind or sighted, have their challenges.

I take exception to your line of  commentary, Howard, , but we are all here
to solve issues, whether radio related or not.  If my questions insulted
anyone here, my apologies.  Quite frankly, I am known for asking lots of
questions  and many individuals are friendly enough to respond with some
good answers.  Others just choose to perpetuate an incorrect perception and
I am sorry to confirm that it is hard for tough questions to be met by
criticism even on this list.  

Again, I am just asking that a freedom which we all have, and that is to
explore, be allowed without so much criticism and antagonism.  I don't think
anyone on this list is truly going to be breaking the law and I most
certainly do not think that it is wrong to ask some hard questions.

Again, Howard, my intention is with all due respect and I hope we can
collaborate more on this list.  It would be a shame to do otherwise, in my
opinion.  Of course, if I am out of line, my apologies to all involved.

Jose - KK4JZX

-----Original Message-----
From: For blind ham radio operators [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
On Behalf Of Howard, W A 9 Y B W
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2012 2:47 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Old keyer available


Well said and I fully agree!!

No wonder blind people have a reputation for always having their hand out.

Howard #3

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ronald E. Milliman" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2012 10:39 AM
Subject: Re: Old keyer available

>A keyer is absolutely not eligible to be mailed as "Free Matter for the
> Blind."  It is not made specifically for a blind person and does not fit
> within either the letter or spirit of the postal regulations. Knowingly
> misusing the "Free Matter for the Blind," privilege is both unethical and
> illegal.
> As the President of the South Central Kentucky Council of the Blind, I 
> have
> studied the postal regulations quite closely and even conferred with the
> postal authorities to be sure I understood the regulations before we used
> the "Free Matter for the Blind" stamped on our mailings and shipments 
> going
> to our members, mailing materials to doctors' offices, etc.  Believe it or
> not, the postal inspectors will and do inspect some mailings and shipments
> to be sure they are not in violation of the postal regulations.  No, they
> do not inspect everything that is sent as "Free Matter for the Blind," but
> they will check anything that looks even a little suspicious.
> To use the "Free Matter for the Blind" mailing privilege, your item must 
> be
> specifically for a legally blind person or persons and includes Braille 
> and
> large print matter and devices designed for the specific use of blind
> people.  A Victor Reader Stream can be sent as "Free Matter for the 
> Blind,"
> but an Olympus DS-50, which has speech built into it, cannot be sent as
> "Free Matter for the Blind" because the Olympus DS-50 was not designed
> specifically for the blind; though, it can certainly be used by the blind.
> In like manner, all of the Apple products, e.g. iPhone Apple TV, etc.
> cannot be shipped as "Free Matter for the Blind," even though they all 
> have
> Voiceover built into them and can be used by a blind person.
> Ron M.
> Dr. Ronald E. Milliman, retired Professor Western Kentucky University
> Chair, American Council of the Blind Public Relations Committee
> Monthly Monetary Support Program (MMS) Committee