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Tom Behler <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 20 May 2013 21:33:19 -0400
text/plain (88 lines)

The only thing anywhere near the ladder right now is a small piece of the 
feedline as it runs from the G5RV feed point to where the RV is located.

But, hey, you can give me a hard time about last year's  initial 
ladder-oriented installation any time you want.  I really didn't think it 
would work, but thought I'd humor my well-meaning camper friend by at least 
giving it a try.  (big smile)

As a result, I think he learned a little about antenna instalations, and I 
confirmed what I thought I knew all along.

Tom Behler: KBV8TYJ
From: "Steve Forst" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Monday, May 20, 2013 6:25 AM
Subject: Re: Update on RV set-up

> Tom,
> Did you remember to wrap several turns of the antenna around the RV's
> ladder like you did last year?
> 73, Steve KW3A
> On 5/19/2013 10:22 PM, Tom Behler wrote:
>> Hey, all.
>> Well, for a variety of reasons, not the least was an unexpected rainy and
>> cool day on Friday, the XYL and I didn't get the G5RV up at the camp site
>> until early yesterday evening.  However, all was not lost.  I did manage 
>> to
>> get onto 40 meters later last evening, and made two CW contacts--one with 
>> a
>> guy in Southern Illinois, and another with someone near Rodchester NY. 
>> Both
>> gave me 579 signal reports, despite lots of QRN and other noise on the 
>> band.
>> Quite simply, the band did not seem to be in very good shape, which is 
>> what
>> I think you guys found out earlier that afternoon on the round table.
>> As it stands now, the G5RV is only up about 15 feet or so, quite simply
>> because there are not any substantial trees or other structures to tie it
>> too at the camp site.  And, like last year, I need approximately 100 feet 
>> of
>> coax to get the antenna to tune down to the bottom of 40 meters with the
>> auto-tuner in the TS480.  The antenna tunes now on 10 through 40, and on 
>> the
>> bottom half of 80.
>> I tried to get as much of the ladder line to be as vertical as possible, 
>> but
>> with only a 15-foot height, that idea only goes so far.  I guess, if 
>> nothing
>> else, it's a good NVIS antenna!  (grin)
>> If anyone has any suggestions as to what I might do to improve things, 
>> given
>> these constraints, please send them my way.
>> In the meantime, I guess some sort of antenna is better than none, and 
>> the
>> G5RV is sure a heck of a lot quieter sounding than the screw-driver 
>> mounted
>> on back of the RV ever was.
>> When I get back out to the camp site later this week, I'll give things
>> another try.  I plan to at least make some sort of an effort in the CQ 
>> WPX
>> CW contest this week-end, and hope to check into at least one of our nets 
>> as
>> well.
>> Will keep everyone posted.
>> Tom Behler: KB8TYJ