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For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 20 Sep 2012 21:36:45 -0400
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Steve Forst <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (182 lines)
No, the PA QSO is the week before: Oct. 13-14.   I plan to be active 
both weekends, listen for me, I could use the points.

73, Steve KW3A

On 9/20/2012 9:25 PM, Gary Tillinghast wrote:
> Too bad it conflicts with the PAQSO party...
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: NY QSO Party
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2012 2:59 PM
> Subject: [NYQP] NYQP Reminder
> !!! CQ NYQP !!!
> 2012 NYQP - October 20, 2012
> 1400 UTC thru Oct. 21, 0200 - 12 Hours
> 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM EDST
> (third Saturday in October)
> NYQP is just 1 month away, get ready for the best state QSO Party ever !
> Due to a posted a suggestion on the NYQP Forum and also an email sent to the
> NYQP committee about some of us getting 1x1 call signs and spelling NY QSO
> PARTY like Florida and Kansas did. It seemed to increase activity as
> stations tried hard to get all of the 1x1 calls.
> NYQP will make the arrangements for a certificate, etc, so let's see if we
> can get all of the  1x1's N, W, & K with all of the necessary letters N, Y,
> Q, S, O, P, A, R, T so that we don't get stuck with only 8 possible stations
> getting on the air, and one or more of them having difficulties and not
> being very active. That would give 24 possibilities, more participation and
> more certificates to give out.
> Four 1x1's are already reserved: N2Y (N2CU), K2O (WB2ABD) and W2R (WB2ABD),
> and K2DB has applied for N2Q thru the ARRL VEC and it was approved in less
> than 15 minutes.
> Would you guys want to promote the idea and even get 1x1's yourself? "YES"
> let's do it here is the info:
> The link below is the main page for 1x1 call sign information.
> Once you have checked for availability of a call go to the link below to
> fill out the request. Use NY QSO Party for the special event and use the two
> dates of the contest. October 20 and October 21. The process is painless and
> you should have a reply in a day or so.
> "Plaque Sponsorship"
> The 2012 NYQP has available over 40 possible plaque sponsorships. We have
> many sponsors who have renewed and several have not renewed sponsorship as
> of today.
> We will be opening up the remaining sponsorships on Monday, September 23rd,
> and I will be sending out an announcement of any remaining plaques available
> for sponsorship.
> We hope to repeat with another record number of generous supporters of the
> With only 30 days to go we hope you are planning to be active. Get those
> chores out of the way and your stations, mobiles, rovers, antennas and
> equipment ready to rock & roll.
>>From home or mobile, there will be fun for all. If you plan on going mobile
> or rover, check everything out ahead of time. Consider taking a friend to
> share the driving and the fun! There is an entry class this year for our
> four wheeled friends, we have added a Rover class. The NYQP rules spell out
> the differences.
> Not a regular contester? Check out the N1MM set-up procedure posted on the
> NYQP web. Also, the FAQ page is loaded with useful information.
> Rovers and Mobiles should check out the NYQP County Activity Map to see if
> any of those sparsely populated counties can be activated!
> Check out for all details!
> Also, we have the NYQP Forum, register and let us know your plans at
> Brent KC2QLJ, 2012 NYQP Coordinator
> Paul K2DB, NYQP Advisor
> !!! CQ NYQP !!!
> 2012 NYQP - October 20, 2012
> 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM
> (third Saturday in October)
> Questions? [log in to unmask]     NYQP Web:
> The terminology NYQP, NY QSO Party and New York QSO Party are Service Marks
> of the contest organizing committee.
> The contents of this page may not be reproduced or distributed in any form
> without the written permission of the NYQP SM organizing committee.
> Permission is given for use only for the October event of New York QSO Party
> SM participants for their personal use.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ____________________________________________
> NYQP mailing list
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