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Robert C <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 13 Sep 2012 18:45:52 -0700
text/plain (168 lines)
	Where's the beef? Remember that TV commercial?

	The issue is not discussing ham radio and whatever we tie to it, such 
as braille

	I also did this on the same list when I wanted to get a handle on 
netering mixed letters and numbers for example. I would have gone off 
topic if I went on to other topics about ham radio that had nothing to 
do with note takers.

	The issue is discussing what is not related to ham radio. Need help 
with computers? There is the blindtech list. Problems with screen 
readers? Ditto, there are lists for that. Got issues with NLS/BARD? 
There is also a list for that. While you are running as net op and you 
have an emergency, a busted toilet and you cannot hold it another 
minute? Call the plumber.

	So now HIMS has the SDK, its time to lure someone into developing some 
ham related apps.

	There have been posts by list members whose ham related posts got lost 
in all the off topic threads. If that is not a clue, I dunno what is.

Quote of the nanosecond . . .
A mistake is to commit a misunderstanding.
  --Bob Dylan
Robert & Dreamer Doll  ke7nwn
[log in to unmask]

On 9/13/2012 6:27 PM, Colleen Roth wrote:
> Hi,
> I have done so already.
> I have asked on the Hims-notetaker List if anyone has used a Braille Sense with FLDIGI like they used to use the Braille 'n Speak and Versabraille and Braille Lite with Packet radio.
> I have also suggested that if hims offers an SDK it would be nice if something would be developed which would allow us to use Winkink.
> Colleen Roth, N8TNV;
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Robert C <[log in to unmask]>
> To:  [log in to unmask]
> Date: Thursday, Sep 13, 2012 09:02:23 PM
> Subject: Re: Picky Picky
>> Then by all means lets talk amateur radio on the note taker lists since
>> we use those note takers alogside our radios. That should be an
>> acceptable topic.
>> Quote of the nanosecond . . .
>> Standing in the middle of the road is dangerous. You will get knocked
>> down by the traffic from both ways.
>> Robert & Dreamer Doll  ke7nwn
>> E-mail-
>> [log in to unmask]
>> On 9/13/2012 5:46 PM, COLLEEN ROTH wrote:
>>> Hi Phil,
>>> Well personally I think discussing my Adaptive equipment is valid because I figure that guys with the knowledge Hams have might have an answer. Besides, I have used a Perkins brailler, A Braille 'n Speak, yuk! Because I like to read my data, a Braille Lite, A Versabraille and a Braille Sense over the years.
>>> I was lucky enough to have the Versabraille given to me and everything else I bought used except the Braille Sense. My point is that I have used these devices as a Net Control Station, traffic handler, and a Net Manager.
>>> I also hope to use something with a PC for Braille Input to the PC so that I can see if I can operate FLDIGI.
>>> Now am I off topic.
>>> I think that it would be helpful to be able to use FLDIGI in Ares and Navy Mars.
>>> I want to use a Braille Notetaker as a Terminal Screen Reader with a PC to read in Braille and to input in Braille.
>>> If you don't like a topic your computer has a delete button.
>>> I think having equipment we use when operating Amateur Radio should be an acceptable topic.
>>> Colleen Roth, N8TNV;
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>
>>> To:  [log in to unmask]
>>> Date: Thursday, Sep 13, 2012 07:49:22 PM
>>> Subject: Picky Picky
>>> ar
>>> ar
>>> ar So you call CQ, or just tune through the bands.  What are you looking =
>>> ar for, that is, with whom do you wish to speak.  I've seen contacts, and =
>>> ar heard many more, where the guy only wants to talk about his radio and =
>>> ar antennas.  Once he's exhausted what he wants to discuss, such as his ham =
>>> ar gear, he off and saying 73 so he can call CQ and find someone else whom =
>>> ar he can talk about his station all over again anew.  I never would have =
>>> ar gotten even my novice if I was limited to just ham radio topics.  I =
>>> ar realize blind hams is more like a net where we normally talk about just =
>>> ar ham radio topics but I've been on the internet for 18 years and been on =
>>> ar probably 50 mailing lists and the only ones that restrict the topic do =
>>> ar so out of volume.  I mean, if you have 2500 subscribers, you best keep =
>>> ar your hand on the break handle as the moderator or all hell will break =
>>> ar loose.  I don't think, although I haven't checked lately, that this =
>>> ar lisps does not even run 200 subscribers.  I could be wrong, like I said, =
>>> ar because I haven't checked of late.  Regardless, when I need kind of an =
>>> ar electronics device answer, or a computer answer, or a cell phone =
>>> ar question, or an internet question, the first thing I do is think about =
>>> ar posting on blind hams because I figure here, somebody will know the =
>>> ar answer.  I was thinking of selling something that was an electronic =
>>> ar device, not ham related, and I thought, Now that's something some hams =
>>> ar would like to have but I didn't post it for fear I'd be busted by those =
>>> ar on the list that think this list is only for ham radio topics.  Have you =
>>> ar checked with the list owner concerning his rules, or have you forgot the =
>>> ar list rules and guidelines?  Running people off the list isn't our job =
>>> ar because we don't own the list.  As a ham, I'd go crazy if I worked =
>>> ar somebody who only wished to talk ham radio yet it is my favorite hobby.  =
>>> ar I think traffic nets are weird the have a list of 100 people and the net =
>>> ar control calls each call sign, his name, and location, one by one and has =
>>> ar a short conversation with each one but you can't tell them they are =
>>> ar pushing your buttons by taking half the night reading down a list when =
>>> ar it could be concluded in 15 minutes and free up band space.  At the =
>>> ar school for the blind, we burned our 30 to 40 minutes of free time after =
>>> ar lunch sitting on the Nebraska and Iowa noon nets just for our calls to =
>>> ar be mentioned.  We normally couldn't stay for the complete role call, so =
>>> ar we often had to check in early, and run for our lockers when the bell =
>>> ar rang for classes to begin.  I was a net control on all types of CW nets =
>>> ar for many years and loved traffic handling.  I was also a standing net =
>>> ar control several times a week on the Nebraska sideband net and we just =
>>> ar called sections of the alphabet on the SSB net because we had two nets =
>>> ar back to back an hour apart, and the regional ten CW net and the Nebraska =
>>> ar CW net in-between the two nets.  In my old age, and after hundreds of =
>>> ar thousands of messages, maybe even a million, I have learn to track =
>>> ar topics only or even collecting, marking, all the unwanted topics and =
>>> ar deleting them at one push of the del key.  Maybe these new computers =
>>> ar don't have such features any more.  When the dead bands are open, tune =
>>> ar around and see just how many different things hams are talking about.  =
>>> ar Better yet, jump down to the CW bands and there find new life to the =
>>> ar hobby.  If you are new with the code, stay above 50 on each band and you =
>>> ar will always find QRS stations, that is, guys working slow code.  On 30 =
>>> ar meters, the only band restricted to just CW, too bad it is only 50 KHz =
>>> ar wide, hang out around 10.125 and you'll find lots of slow code guys just =
>>> ar itching to get an answer to the 5 or 4, or 3 Words Per Minute CQ.  Too =
>>> ar bad we have no real novice bands any more.  I used to run a novice CW =
>>> ar net on 80 and 15 meters when I was 14.  I've had 6 hour QSOes even as a =
>>> ar novice, telling jokes, talking politics, religion, and just about =
>>> ar everything else under the sun, and all on CW.  You want to be bored?  =
>>> ar Listen to the role call on a large traffic net some evening.  I've got a =
>>> ar friend who checks into probably 10 75 meter nets every night.  He has =
>>> ar done this for years.  It is part of the hobby for him so why should I =
>>> ar care.  I have 316 countries worked; this guy has his Worked All Y L, =
>>> ar young ladies, certificate for all 50 states with contacts just with =
>>> ar gals.  I could have a dozen certificates from the ARRL but I've never =
>>> ar applied for even one after I've been a ham 46 years so far, too.  So =
>>> ar this is just one hams viewpoint; for what that's worth on this ham radio =
>>> ar list.  The week this list was formed, I joined.  I think it started up =
>>> ar shortly after I started blind exchange, blind-x,  that Ann Parson's owns =
>>> ar now and that was nearly 18 years ago.  I like blind hams for many =
>>> ar different reasons and even with a few hundred off topic messages over =
>>> ar the years.  If you are crazy enough to read every freaking message on =
>>> ar any list, then pin a rose on your nose, and pat yourself on the back but =
>>> ar I'm just too freaking old to read everything any more.  Oh, yes, I =
>>> ar understand the blind bitching stuff but if you are going to hang out =
>>> ar with blind people on any list, you are going to hear that so get used to =
>>> ar it or submit your complaints directly to the list owner and do that off =
>>> ar list while you are at it so we don't have to listen to your own bitching =
>>> ar while everybody else is doing the same thing you are doing.  Lighten up, =
>>> ar too.  Some people are blind more than physically, if you get my drift.
>>> ar
>>> ar Phil.
>>> ar K0NX