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Colleen Roth <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 16 Sep 2012 07:56:45 -0400
text/plain (96 lines)
Hi Steve,
Thanks for the info.
I hope that FLDIGI becomes accessible.
Colleen Roth, N8TNV;

----- Original Message -----
From: Steve Forst <[log in to unmask]>
To:  [log in to unmask]
Date: Saturday, Sep 15, 2012 06:06:55 PM
Subject: Re: Ham Radio Delux

> Colleen,
> Didn't see any replies to this one, so here goes:    HRD is a control 
> program that can be used with a large number of radios.  One of it's 
> main problems is that it isn't very accessible.  You can use  the JAWS 
> cursor to move around the screen, perhaps the same with WE.   Pretty 
> much everything that can be   done  at the front panel of the radio can 
> be done via HRD, if you can make it work.
> HRD  also offers a log book, and digital mode operation (neither of 
> which I cared for).
> HRD was free for a number of years, but was sold a while back.   I think 
> you can still get the final free version, but doubt it will be 
> supported.   I think they are charging 70 or 80 bucks for the latest 
> release, but are having a problem  getting it ready for release.
> Don't know about Fldigi and WE.   Not usable with JAWS in it's present 
> configuration, but  I've heard reports  that someone is trying to make 
> it accessible.  I know someone using WE who has great success with 
> Digipan for PSK and MMTTY for RTTY.
> 73, Steve KW3A
> On 9/15/2012 10:02 AM, Colleen Roth wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I am really not trying to be strange when I ask this question.
> > Could someone please tell me what HRD is and how it can be helpful?
> > Also can someone tell me if you have had any su-ess with FLDIGI with Window-eyes Screenreader?
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Colleen Roth, N8TNV;
> >
> >
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: Steve Forst <[log in to unmask]>
> > To:  [log in to unmask]
> > Date: Friday, Sep 14, 2012 11:11:41 PM
> > Subject: Re: Ham Radio Delux
> >
> >ar
> >ar
> >ar I've plodded around with HRD over the past few years, and  really  only
> >ar use it to set  power level and mic gain on my TS-2000, since the multi
> >ar knob is flakey and I can't count clicks.
> >ar
> >ar Having said that, I'm not  sure what the future of the software is.
> >ar The new owners of HRD are charging $80 for the program and seem to be
> >ar having a lot of trouble getting version 6 released.  I'm not trying to
> >ar be a downer on this, but I'm not sure how many of us are going to  be
> >ar buying this one, assuming it ever gets released.    If I were FS, I
> >ar wouldn't waste my time  providing support for the free  version that is
> >ar now (I think)  DOA.
> >ar
> >ar Maybe some dialog with the new owners of HRD  could  achieve something,
> >ar if they thought there was    some possibility  of increased sales to
> >ar blind hams.
> >ar
> >ar 73, Steve KW3A
> >ar
> >ar On 9/14/2012 10:23 PM, Howard, W A 9 Y B W wrote:
> >>> Hi Kris,
> >>>
> >>> Do you know who you talked to at Freedom Scientific?
> >>>
> >>> I think it would be a good idea if we all contacted the same person for =
> >>> continuity.
> >>>
> >>> Howard #3
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >