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Fri, 1 Nov 2013 12:14:16 -0700
Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I am having an issue, I have celiac we don't know about my 7 year old, she has a problem with gluten but we don't know if its celiac or intolerance but it does give her stomach aches and messes with her sleep at night. Were on food stamps (no bashing please, I work my butt off as a single mom raising a disabled child and still can't make ends meet). Its costing a large portion of our food stamps every month to be able to send lunch with my 7 year old every day, we haven't had luck sending warm food  in a thermos and the school is unwilling to reheat food. We normally eat left overs from diner for lunch. I called the school and the gist of it is they don't want to deal with it and its to expensive for them even though we qualify for the free lunch program. Yeah well buying prepackaged food, bread, lunch meats and such means were not eating to well because her school lunches are costing more then what I spend on dinner for all of us. I would be happy to
 send a hot lunch if they are willing to reheat it but they are not. My daughter is the only GF child in the district, its a tiny district and they are telling me they can't afford it. I am at a loss on how to feed this child a healthy lunch at school that doesn't eat a large portion of our budget. She missed school the other day because I was out of stuff to send for lunch and I couldn't afford to drive to the nearest store to buy anything (its half hour to the nearest grocery store, we live in a rural area) nor could I afford gas to drive the 10 miles each way to school to bring her a hot lunch. Doing so would have meant I would not have had enough gas to make it to the gas station on the way to work an hour away. Were pretty bad off financially right now and the only time I'm driving is if its going to work. School is just to expensive when you factor in lunch. I never thought about how living in poverty could cause a child to miss lunch at school of
 all places!

I'm sure someone will point out that I could bake, well yes I could but I find it hard to find the time to do so when I'm to busy working trying to meet our basic needs. I'm at a loss on feeding her at school. 

I could really use suggestions for lunches in a child who is gluten/dairy/peanut free and needs a high protein diet or at the very least medium to low carb with protein to keep her blood sugar stable (hypoglycemic) and is there anything I can do about the school, the lady who heads up the lunch program was pretty hostile about the possibility of having to feed my daughter. Personally I find school lunches horrible and no where near healthy but I can't have her missing school because I can't afford Udi's every day and the poor kid is sick of sandwiches anyway. I would be happy if they would just warm up her lunch so I could send regular home cooked food other then soup that doesn't break the bank.


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