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Catherine Alfieri <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
* EASI: Equal Access to Software & Information
Thu, 24 Jul 2003 19:06:13 -0400
text/plain (132 lines)
    from the U.S. Department of Education (ED) include:

      *  Office of Special Education & Rehabilitative Services --
         Multiple CFDA#s

    Additional information about ED funding opportunities,
    including discretionary grant application packages, are at:


    Below is information from the notices inviting applications.
    For more complete information, please see the notice itself;
    however, please note that while we *try* to ensure that the
    version on the web & the Federal Register notice are the same,
    the Federal Register notice is the one to consult for complete
    & authoritative information.

 Office of Special Education & Rehabilitative Services (Federal
 Register: July 21, 2003 [Multiple CFDA#s])
==> Special Education: Technical Assistance & Dissemination to
Improve Services & Results for Children with Disabilities [CFDA#
Purpose of Program: The purpose of this program is to provide
technical assistance & information -- through such mechanisms as
institutes, regional resource centers, clearinghouses, & programs
that support States & local entities in building capacity -- to (1)
improve early intervention, educational, & transitional services &
results for children with disabilities & their families; & (2)
address systemic-change goals & priorities.
   Eligible Applicants: State educational agencies, local
educational agencies, institutions of higher education, other
public agencies, nonprofit private organizations, for-profit
organizations, outlying areas, freely associated States, & Indian
tribes or tribal organizations.

>> 84.326A: The IDEA Partnership Project
   Applications available: 07/21/03
   Application deadline date: 08/20/03
   Estimated aavailable funds: $2,000,000
   Maximum award (per year): $2,000,000
   Estimated number of awards: 1

>> 84.326D: National Center on Dispute Resolution
   Applications available: 07/21/03
   Application deadline date: 08/20/03
   Estimated aavailable funds: $500,000
   Maximum award (per year): $500,000
   Estimated number of awards: 1

>> 84.326P: The National Coordination & Dissemination Center to
Improve Strategies for the Recruitment & Retention of Qualified
Personnel for Children with Disabilities
   Applications available: 07/21/03
   Application deadline date: 08/20/03
   Estimated aavailable funds: $500,000
   Maximum award (per year): $500,000
   Estimated number of awards: 1

>> 84.326V: Federal Resource Center for Special Education
   Applications available: 07/21/03
   Application deadline date: 08/20/03
   Estimated aavailable funds: $800,000
   Maximum award (per year): $800,000
   Estimated number of awards: 1

==> Special Education: Technology & Media Services for Individuals
With Disabilities [CFDA# 84.327]
Purpose of Program: To: (1) Improve results for children with
disabilities by promoting the development, demonstration, & use of
technology; (2) support educational media activities designed to be
of educational value to children with disabilities; & (3) provide
support for some captioning, video description, & cultural
   Eligible Applicants: State & local educational agencies; IHEs;
other public agencies; nonprofit private organizations; outlying
areas; Freely Associated States; Indian tribes or tribal
organizations; & for-profit organizations.

>> 84.327H: Research on Educational Captioning
   Applications available: 07/21/03
   Application deadline date: 08/20/03
   Estimated aavailable funds: $360,000
   Maximum award (per year): $180,000
   Estimated number of awards: 2

==> Special Education: Training & Information for Parents of
Children With Disabilities [CFDA# 84.328]
Purpose of Program: The purpose of this program is to ensure that
parents of children with disabilities receive training &
information to help improve results for their children.
   Eligible Applicants: Parent organizations, as defined in
section 682(g) of IDEA.  In order to demonstrate its eligibility to
receive a grant, an entity must demonstrate that it is a parent
organization under this section.  A parent organization is a
private nonprofit organization (other than an institution of higher
education) that: (a) Has a board of directors, the parent &
professional members of which are broadly representative of the
population to be served & the majority of whom are parents of
children with disabilities, that includes individuals with
disabilities & individuals working in the fields of special
education, related services, & early intervention; or (b) Has a
membership that represents the interests of individuals with
disabilities & has established a special governing committee
meeting the requirements for a board of directors in paragraph (a)
& has a memorandum of understanding between this special governing
committee & the board of directors of the organization that clearly
outlines the relationship between the board & the committee & the
decisionmaking responsibilities & authority of each.

>> 84.328M: Parent Training & Information Center for Texas (Region
   Applications available: 07/21/03
   Application deadline date: 08/20/03
   Estimated aavailable funds: $432,085
   Maximum award (per year): $432,085
   Estimated number of awards: 1

Additional information is available online at:

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