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Karen Carter <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 21 Feb 2013 12:57:50 -0500
text/plain (69 lines)
Father in heaven we thank you that Chris and Doris are settling in.  thank
you for getting them through and we thank for the blessing to come in their
new home.  In Jesus Christ precious name we pray.  Amen

L.I.F.E.  Living Intentually For Excellence
Take the Mental Fitness Challenge at: 
For information write me at: [log in to unmask] 

I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there
isn't.  Than live my life as if there isn't a God, and die to find out there

ABC's of Salvation:
Admit you are a sinner.  Rom 3:23
Believe in Christ.  Acts 16:31
Confess your faith.  Rom 10:9-10

If you believe there is not a God.  Than just die.  For without a God you
can do this.

The national anthem in Hell is:  "I Did It My Way"

-----Original Message-----
From: The Electronic Church [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On
Behalf Of Doris and Chris
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2013 2:32 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Praise Report: Landed!

It has been just about a year since Chris first saw this apartment. 
First, the former tenants were late moving out and then we were late moving
in. *g*

It was a long way here but God made a way where there was none and saw us
thru always. He is so good and so merciful! Praise him!

This was a long way here and sometimes an Odyssey where we did not see the
next step and would not have made it without the Lord's guiding hand. I know
I have a hard time trusting sometimes but we have a good teacher in Jesus
who knows us inside out and who lives on the inside.

A friend wished us an emotionally calmer time settling in our new place than
we had getting here. We were off to a good start to that! 
When we arrived here, our phone and Internet were not working! ;-p Anyone
who knows Netsita knows Sita is not happy without her net *g* and having at
least the phone operational is essential when I am home alone in a new

We eventually did get things to work. Apparently at least some of the
problem was connected to the phone outlet being covered almost entirely in
paint. After Chris got that cleaned up, things started working better. There
are some technical oddities involved here also that make no sense really
like phone and internet not working without plugging in an old not connected
analogue modem into one of the phone jack.

We need to order some groceries today while Chris unpacks boxes and makes
the place livable.

I  may be quieter than usual and a bit scarcer but I am sure you'll hear
from me and see me on eventually. Thanks for everyone's prayer and
encouragement along the long haul. I hope you are thankful for the good news
of our safe landing just as we are.

Thanks bunches and God Bless

Doris and Chris in Germany