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Prof Norm Coombs <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 4 Apr 2012 22:23:49 -0700
text/plain (96 lines)
EASI Webinars Take the Mountain to Muhammad

Are your department budgets being cut?

Is your travel being restricted?

If so, how do you keep up-to-date on the rapid transformations happening 
daily in the technologies that are crucial to your department’s 

Internet Webinars have the ability to bring the mountains of new 
information to you rather than your having to go to conferences and attend 
presentations. Of course, there have always been books and journals. These 
now abound in electronic formats at Web sites around the world.  Webinars 
can do more. You are in a virtual conference room with a presenter, with 
slides being pushed, with other peers in the virtual room and with the 
ability to interact with the presenters and with other participants just as 
at in a face-to-face conference.

EASI has an Annual Webinar Membership for individuals and another for 
institutions to provide a comprehensive package of up-to-date information 
technology to help compensate for the budget crunch.

EASI's mission is to serve as a resource by providing information and 
guidance in the area of access-to-information technologies by individuals 
with disabilities. We stay informed about developments and advancements 
within the adaptive computer technology field and spread that information 
to colleges, universities, K-12 schools, libraries and into the workplace.

What some of our friends and supporters have to say:

·        I have taken six of the EASI courses ... I have learned so much 
about adaptive/assistive technology, which has given me the confidence 
to... pass on accessibility information in any venue I can-for example I 
belong to a Web Enthusiasts Association and have given them numerous links 
for ways in which they can make their websites accessible.

·        Since first subscribing to the EASI list almost three years ago, I 
have sought and received some very helpful and worthwhile support, 
suggestions and resources which, in my capacity as an education adviser in 
assistive technology, have been of benefit not only to me but to many 
teachers and students whom I support.

·        I was one of the first people in [Israel] to be concerned about 
accessibility, and definitely the first English teacher to be using 
assistive technology in classes with blind, visually impaired, and learning 
disabled students. EASI was one of the organizations that I turned to for 
answers, colleagues, support and advice.

·        As an "early retiree" in Australia, I am very involved with 
seniors computing,. In 2003, I undertook five courses with EASI, earning 
the Certificate in Accessible Information Technology. Accessible web design 
is critical for older people, since many have low vision or find it 
difficult to use a mouse. I recently put my newly gained skills and 
knowledge to good effect in developing a website for my local Computer Pals 
for Seniors.

The first URL is a link to the currently planned Webinars for the next few 
months illustrating the typical Webinars available to EASI Annual Webinar 


The next link is to a long list of previous Webinars available to EASI 
Annual Webinar Members:


Finally, the last link will take you  to a page giving a more detailed 
explanation of the EASI Annual Membership Program including a link for 
online registration:


  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
It's never too late to become what you might have been. George Eliot
Once you choose hope, anything's possible.  Christopher Reeve
Norman Coombs [log in to unmask]

Making Online Teaching Accessible: Inclusive Course Design for Students 
with Disabilities by Norman Coombs published by Jossey-Bass Oct 10,2010

Check out EASI New Synchronous Clinics:
EASI Home Page
Online courses  and Clinics
Check the EASI Library Web

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