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PETER W VAKUNTA <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
African Association of Madison <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 11 Apr 2012 17:02:01 -0700
text/plain (151 lines)
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From: Mishe Fon <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2012 09:11:18 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [cameroon_politics] Fw:  Nigerians Oppose a Nigerian from
becoming World Bank President///// WHY IS NGOZI REPULSIVE TO ME?
To: "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>,
"[log in to unmask]"
<[log in to unmask]>

Sample Opposition by Dr. Ozodi Osuji


       This morning I woke up with the thought: why am I totally
opposed to Ngozi in my mind. I am prone to analyze every behavior that
I have ever engaged in; thus, I have been asking myself why I am
viscerally opposed to Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala getting the job she is
seeking. I know that I am vehemently opposed to her getting that job.
I know that I cannot stand her face, it looks disgusting to me. In my
opinion she is an ugly bitch and I do not even want to see her face
anywhere. If, perchance, I open a thread with her face staring at me I
quickly turn it off and move on. There is something about her
undisciplined face that gets my goat.
        He face reminds me of Africans who do not think, for there are
no wisdom lines on her face indicating that she is thoughtful; her
face conveys the image of a mindless cow that lives to eat, have sex
but is unbothered by anything beyond her carcass.
        I particularly do not like her tendency to promote herself, to
make it seem like she is a superstar in what she does when, in fact,
she is mediocre. She has made no contribution to economic science or
international finance, yet she managed to hoodwink Nigerians into
seeing her as God’s gift to mankind on finance matters! (I would like
to engage her in a discussion on economics and finance to see if she
even understands the basics of that field.)
       Anyway, since I respond to her in the oppositional manner I do
I have been thinking about why I do so?
        So, why do I want this woman out of my face?  What exactly
makes her disgusting to me?  With regard to the job she is seeking, I
know that it makes no difference who gets it for the president does
not decide who gets World Bank loans; a committee does (thus, she is
not likely to waste American tax payers money, as she has been wasting
Nigerians money).
       Her weak influence in Nigeria (she has not been able to reduce
corruption in Nigeria; apparently, she just hands out checks to the
governors and does not bother to ask them to account how they spent
them, audit them and make sure that every penny is spent
appropriately) notwithstanding she could do the job. What the heck, it
is a glorified clerical job!
       To me the only worthwhile job is a job in which a person
actually comes up with new ideas on an aspect of phenomena, and
administrative jobs are not it. Years ago I used to do administrative
jobs and was good at them; folks (including one who was a member of
Obama’s cabinet) used to seek me out and offer me top positions
including heading state departments (in the Pacific Northwest) and I
turned them down. I know enough about administration to realize that
they are not my type of jobs; they do not challenge me at all.
       The point is that this woman could actually do a reasonably
good job as the president of the World Bank and all things considered
I should not oppose her. Some would say that I should even support her
on patriotic grounds since she comes from my neck of the woods (is my
fellow Igbo).  Why should I support an Asian, Dr. Kim of Dartmouth
College? I know enough to realize that Asians often discriminate
against black folks; in fact, one, a president of a university
interviewed me for a position and offered the job to a white person;
they tend to have more regard for whites and do not always respect
black folks? Reason, therefore would urge me to support a black person
rather than an Asian or Latino (the other candidate for the job). Yet
I support Dr. Kim for the job!
       So, why do I have visceral opposition to her?  I really do not
know. It is one of those things that just happen. If I may take a stab
at it, however, I would guess that it is because she is part of what I
call the thieving crowd at Abuja that I hate her.
         I would like to line up all the criminals of Abuja and shoot
them to death. I would be the one to spread the bullets and kill the
useless bastards. I have a simple view of life: it is either you
dedicate your life to serving the people or you should not be in
political office. Therefore, Ngozi being part of Abuja criminal empire
makes her unacceptable to me.  She appears to not have conscience;
apparently, she is not bothered whether what she is doing is right or
wrong; if she had moral qualms she would not associate with the
thieves of Abuja!
        In 1999 I was in Washington DC talking to my then friend,
Professor Langley (PhD Edinburgh). He used to be the economic planning
minister of Gambia and later became a professor at Howard University.
He gave me papers that he had written on the sustainability of certain
patterns of economic development in Africa. I critiqued the paper for
him. Apparently, impressed by my feedback, he said: Professor Osuji,
you have a town’s woman at the World Bank that I want you to meet. He
picked up his phone and dialed her office to set up an appointment for
us to meet.  She was not in and later we learned that she was in
        At that point in time in my life I was preoccupied with
management matters, thinking and writing on African leadership and
economic development in general.  At the end of the summer I returned
to Anchorage and forgot about the Nigerian woman at the World Bank. I
only heard about her again when Obasanjo made her the finance
minister.  Then I took the trouble to find out a bit about her.
       What I found out was that she is always scheming for jobs above
whatever job she is currently doing and does not do any particular job
        This is the picture of bureaucratic politicians; so, what
difference does it make? I simply tuned her out.
       The salient point is that in the present situation I could have
just ignored her rather than come out to the public square to oppose
her self promotion to become the president of the World Bank. What
else is new? Mediocre folk work in bureaucracies and campaign for
higher positions in the bureaucracy; gifted folks do research and
write about aspects of phenomena that interest them. Leave the broad
to do her time, who cares?
         So, why do I detest this woman? Honestly, I do not know. I
have to call some of my psychoanalytic friends and have them give me
feedback on why I loathe this little woman; all I can say is that I
find her disgusting, totally nauseating, really!
         Is it because she is a black woman?  I generally avoid black
women for they are too wild for my gentle nature to cope with.  So, do
I find her not to my liking because of an unconscious perception of
black women as wild animals to be tamed rather than tolerated?  I do
not know.
         I will look into this matter some more and find out what is
going on in my unconscious mind. I should not detest the sister that
much; I should just let her be. Why should I care about her, anyway?
       In the meantime, I must desist from making any other public
comment on her.

Ozodi Osuji
April 11, 2012

Peter Wuteh Vakunta, Ph.D.
Asst Professor of Modern Languages
Department of Defense Language Institute
Presidio of Monterey
190 Patton Avenue, Monterey
United  States of  America


"Race is the least reliable information you can have about someone. It's
real information, but it tells you next to nothing."~Toni Morrison

"There is no agony like bearing an un told story inside you."~ Zora
Neale Hurston

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