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Ron Canazzi <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 7 Feb 2012 20:16:38 -0500
text/plain (136 lines)
Hi List,

I thought I would chime in and really stir the pot. I have always had a 
problem with contests.  Let me explain my position.

[I can't quote the exact portions of part 97 for these items, but they are 
quite evident.  I have never heard them disputed at all.]
1.  The FCC rules plainly state that you should not ever make communications 
where you knowingly interfere with other stations.
2.  The rules also state that you should always use the minimum amount of 
power necessary for clear communications.
3.  Yet, week after week, year after year, thousand (maybe tens of 
thousands) of hams violate these rules during contests.
A.  Many of them run near the maximum amount of power necessary for any type 
of communication: large amplifiers with high ERP antennas.
B.  Although some may argue that the operators are not deliberately 
interfering with other contesters, this is at best a naive argument.  Anyone 
who has listened to contests even a few times will hear the pile-ups that 
occur with distant or important DX/point stations.  Simply saying that you 
don't intend to interfere is in my mind like the drunk saying he didn't mean 
to kill your 2 year old child when he ran over the curb smashed on booze; 
it's the same rationale.  Using large amplifiers, high ERP antennas and so 
on is absolute proof that the people are trying to 'cover up/drown out' 
others and score as many points as they can regardless of who they 'step 
C.  Why this tradition has become so well excepted in the light of the 
obvious and is supported by the 'ham radio establishment' never ceases to 
amaze me--since people like myself, while operating low power, simplex on 2 
meters, are often castigated for joking and satirical humor by 'the old 
guard' who say it's in violation of the 'spirit' of ham radio.

As I see it contesting in and of itself promotes some of the worst practices 
of ham radio so when new comers join the hobby, if they want to be 'cool' 
they receive the message from 'the ham radio establishment' that at least 
when it comes to contesting: bigger is always better; the more power the 
better; outscore the other guy/club at any and all costs; and devil take the 
hind most if it comes to it.  But all in all, the tradition of contesting 
will probably not die any time soon--despite its obvious plethora of 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Michael Thurman" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2012 1:58 PM
Subject: Re: My response to the new ham creed post

I hope that they do not make amps illegal. I do believe that they ar =
enot as necessary as peple believe, but they are necessary sometimes, =
alot of the time actually.  I would have no problem at all with a 250w =
limit on all contests though.  there are alot of hams who are using =
magnetic loops or other low antennas that need mor epower to even e =
heard at all, and I know of some hams who have amplifiers so they can be =
heard while mobile. These are not exactly the jerks you are complaining =
about. I think that amps are fine and when someone is an as with one =
then they shoul dbe nailed for being the ass, not for running power =
we do not need more rules, we jus tneed the ones that are there to =
actually be enforced like they used to be. this  new girl at the fcc is =
oviously not capable of doing the job

On Feb 5, 2012, at 2:57 AM, Harry Brown wrote:

> Hi all,
> I just read the "new ham creed" thread, very interesting.
> I've responded to some of the comments.
> "if you heard someone splattering up and down the band on sideband, =
you =3D
> politely broke in, told him about it, and generally the man thanked =
you =3D
> for letting him know and made adjustments to fix the problem."
> I have mixed emotions about this topic.
> A few years ago, I criticized a ham about his signal on the air.
> He said to me, "Trippy, you gonna come over here and fix it for me?"
> That shut me up, real quick.
> I've painfully learned ever since that day, if I was gonna criticize =3D=

> another ham for his/her stations performance, I better match my =3D
> criticism with either telling him/her how to fix it, or, going over =3D
> there and fixing it myself.
> "these boys were loud, in other words, and often such stations are =3D
> running pretty big amplifiers which put out a lot more than the legal =
> limit, if you get my meaning,"
> I get the meaning, but you don't know that, meaning, how much power =
was =3D
> being used, so why did you even say it?
> Unless you can prove that kind of statement, don't say it.
> "I've seen them literally move off frequency, tell the station too =
close =3D
> to their quiet channel to move, and if he does?  They all move down on =
> top of him and talk as if he isn't there."
> I completely agree with this part of the post!
> What I would do in those situations, and have done it myself, is when =
I =3D
> hear a station doing that, I record the event happening, and send it =
to =3D
> the FCC.
> I've gotten stations licenses taken away and I will continue to do it, =
> when they deliberately get on a frequency that's being used, and start =
> talking, without even seeing if the frequency is in use.  We need =3D
> another Riley Hollingsworth in our hobby, really, really bad.
> "Anyhow, they got to ragging on him because he wouldn't turn on his =3D
> amp,"
> Pretty soon, there will be a change in amateur radio.
> Many hams are talking with the FCC about this very issue now, the =
issue =3D
> of amps.
> In ham radio, there should be no amps used on HF, everybody should =
have =3D
> the 250 watt limit.
> This will result in fair, and more civil, hf operation.
> "100 to 180 foot towers,"
> If I had my way, and could do it financially, I would love to buy a =
180 =3D
> foot tower for every ham, with antennas to go along with it, at least =
I =3D
> can dream, right?
> "I thought it was sort of funny he was pissing off the big boys with =
his =3D
> weaker signal.  I believe he was doing it on purpose,"
> I hope he was, and I don't blame him for it.  Like you all, I've been =
> that weaker station, and hams with big amps hate those of us who don't =
> have them.
> "There used to be a group on 3.999 called
> the 99ers who pretty much insisted you join them with an amp."
> Well, the 99ers days are numbered, I can tell you that.
> 73,
> Trippy, ac8s