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Cerebral Palsy List <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 31 Aug 2008 22:39:02 -0400
Cerebral Palsy List <[log in to unmask]>
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While I'm loathe to give the Republicans any credit, I have to admit I 
side with you on this one, Kyle.  FEMA, et al, have been prepping for 
the Next Big Storm since Katrina, and it's not their fault Gustav 
happened the same time as their convention and you're absolutely right 
-- the NOLA officials dropped the ball big time with Katrina.  It takes 
time and money to rebuild and what with all the fraud and panc three 
years ago, I can see why it's taking time to verify things and make sure 
things (such as the levees) work. The locals seem to be stepping up to 
the plate this time as they damn should.

What people don't remember is that New Orleans has had floods ever since 
it was established by the French in 1718 - it survived them all and will 
survive as long as there are people who are willing to live there.  
Personally you couldn't pay me to live there or anywhere near the 
Mississippi, but it's a great place to visit any time of the year 
(except September of course).


Cleveland, Kyle E. wrote:
> You're kidding, right?  You're saying that the logistics involved in dealing with this hurricane aren't taxing government transportation infrastructure?  Ergo, that the fact that public officials may not be able to go to Minneapolis because resources are being staged to deal with Gustav--AS THEY WERE WITH KATRINA THREE YEARS AGO???? (Yes, I'm shouting!).  Let me 'splain this again:  Federal resources CANNOT be used, according to the National Response Plan (in effect before Katrina), until local and then state resources have been exhausted).  Local and State officials need to request a Declaration of Disaster before federal resources can be used.  The blame for Katrina's effects on NOLA lies squarely at the doorsteps of Ray Nagin and Kathleen Blanco.
> Please, Google the "National Response Plan" (NRP).  The DHS/FEMA website will give you a basic understanding of how this business works.  It doesn't have a *&^%^!-ing thing to do with the "sensitivity to folks in Louisiana".
> Lawton Chiles (Florida governor during Andrew) failed to follow the existing requirement that the state executive MUST declare a disaster and make the request for federal aid--especially military aid--before Federal resources can be dispatched.  US Marines from Mayport NAS had Water Buffalos (mobile potable water tanks) staged at the fence at Homestead AFB to fill Homestead's resident's water containers.  They could not fill the containers because Chiles had not followed the simple procedures that would have allowed federal troops to provide assistance.  At the time, the Coast Guard was not "technically" part of the US Armed Forces and their units could be self-dispatched to provide aid.  Federal troops, such as the Marines, must follow narrow guidelines to use military equipment and personnel in non-Federal operations (ref. U.S. Code Title 32).
> My God, man, do you think that there is a political agenda behind everything that "the Republicans" do?  Sometimes, just sometimes, Republican politicians actually do their jobs according to the laws set down before them.  Democrats work the same way.  Granted, both work the system, but there are some parts of Federal law that are so black and white that the system overides any political machinations.
> I invite you to study the chonology of Katrina's effect on Mississippi and how Gov. Haley Barbour handled his crisis.  I suppose, though, since Barbour is a Republican, it was the power of the "vast right-wing conspiracy" that forced him to follow the guidelines of the NRP, thus minimizing the response and recovery efforts in his state.
> Kyle
> "The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official position of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed"
> ________________________________
> From: Cerebral Palsy List on behalf of Anthony Arnold
> Sent: Sun 8/31/2008 7:02 PM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Republicans altering convention
> I'm liking how the Republicans are altering their convention to show
> sensitivity to the folks in Louisiana and offering assistance. Do they think
> by responding quicker, we are going to forget about 3 years ago? I don't
> know about any of you, but I am going to vote for Obama based on the past 8
> years not the past 2 months. I feel for the folks in Louisiana, but the
> Republicans are a different story.
> Thanks,
> Anthony Arnold
> Remote Troubleshooter for PRC
> 1-800-262-1984 ext. 494
> www.anthonyarnold.net <http://www.anthonyarnold.net/>
> Proud Member of Speak Share <http://www.speakshare.com/>
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