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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 17 Nov 2012 17:25:55 -0600
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi All~~

I downloaded an ebook from my library (GF cookbook) and wanted opinions
from the amazing cooks on the list about the all-purpose flour mix used in
the cookbook. To give credit where credit is due, the author is Jeanne
Sauvage, "Gluten Free Baking for the Holidays."

Here's the mix she uses...

1 1/4 c. brown rice flour (or sorghum flour)
1 1/4 c white rice flour
1 c tapioca flour
1 c sweet rice flour
Scant 2 tsp xanthan gum

....keep in mind that the cookbook is mostly geared for baking
cookies,cakes, donuts, etc. Not the typical fare, so it's pretty

Would this mix work as an all-purpose for breads, too?

The cookbook also included substitutions for some things that are
problematic for us, such as cream. She suggests using  2/3 c non-dairy milk
mixed w/1/2 c non-dairy margarine, melted, which yields 1 c cream. Too,
instead of evaporated milk, use 4 c non-dairy milk, simmered on low for 2
hours (watch carefully), to yield 2 1/2 c evaporated milk.

I've been using Bette Hagman's Featherlight flour mix for bread, but think
it has too much tapioca flour in relation to the other flours.

I would appreciate any and all opinions on the above-noted mix and on Ms.
Sauvage's subs for cream and evaporated milk. Changing flour mixes is kinda
big, but trying a recipe w/ cream and/or evaporated milk is huge since it's
expensive if those things don't work.  Thanks!

Cheers~~Ayn in Kansas

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