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Doris and Chris <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 11 Mar 2014 18:12:42 +0100
text/plain (6 kB) , KGoldSA.jls (86 kB) , KGoldSA.jsf (5 kB)
oh, no! AMs. Angel is not cynical or sarcastic! She and I do not 
agree on each and every christian teaching or standpoint but we both 
love God and have a committed relationship to him. being cynical 
would be divisive and hurtful. Ms. angel doesn't have a hurtful bone 
in her body.

I think it is very important that we as christians do not live as the 
world lives. we can agree to disagree on some details but need to 
stand firm on the fundamentals of the christian faith. in the end, we 
just need to trust god for all the answers and can rest in that. I 
think phils  insight here is important even though I might differ on 
some of the details how god reveals himself.

In his grip of grace!


in his grip of grace!

DAt 12:59 PM 3/11/2014 -0400, you wrote:
>I wasn't being cynical nor sarcastic.  I have never been sarcastic 
>in my life.  As I believe sarcasm is hateful and springs from a 
>heart filled with hate.  I said that because if the government has 
>its way, more of those who failed to make their opinions against a 
>Godless government known wherever there is a chance for them to be 
>known, there will be a lot more things for which prayer might be 
>required.  It is harder for Christians to be contented in a 
>situation wherein their Christian way of life  is  threatened.  I 
>think if we don't discuss politics wherever Christians are gathered, 
>or who write on Christian lists because such touches every 
>Christian, there will be fewer and fewer places where such 
>discussions will be allowed to take place.  Did you know the 
>government is already reading our E-mails and tweets?  If one can't 
>discuss politics on a Christian supportive list as is this one, how 
>is one suppose to ask for prayer, as I did a while back on this 
>list, that priests contracted by the government to serve the 
>military be allowed to continue serving when the government was 
>closed.  They were forbidden to serve then, and those who needed to 
>worship were forced to find outside priests off military bases to 
>perform weddings and baptisms, ETC.  These independent contracted 
>military priests weren't even allowed by the government to volunteer 
>to serve without pay during the time the government was 
>closed.  Isn't this political?  Should I not have asked for prayer, 
>and should I not have expressed on a list such as this my wonder at 
>how a government could be persecuting us so?   I suppose if I 
>shouldn't have asked this, nor wondered at the callousness of a 
>government who wouldn't even allow volunteers to officiate at a 
>sacramental event, then there might not be a place on a list as this 
>for me either?
>----- Original Message ----- From: "Jackie Shepherd" 
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: <[log in to unmask]>
>Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2014 11:30 AM
>Subject: Re: I wish Christians could stay away from politics for once!
>>Do you really wish those of us whom you may see as apathetic the 
>>best, or is there a touch of cynicism and are you being sarcastic?
>>Regarding where to discuss these issues, you could discuss them 
>>with friends or neighbors, at church or a number of places, and 
>>there are, I am sure, several Christian political lists that one 
>>might join to discuss this very thing.  In fact, I believe Pat 
>>might know of one.  There are also many news outlets where one can 
>>get the news from a Christian prospective.  Therefore, I continue 
>>to maintain that politics has no place here if this is to be a list 
>>focused on Christ and to the edification of Christian believers.
>>Apathetic, never!!!  My husband believes as Bev does regarding the 
>>current administration; I do not!  However, I do believe in 
>>sensitivity to the discomfort of others as much as possible.
>>I personally think Bev is wrong, but I love her and would hate to 
>>see her leave the list simply because of a minority political view point.
>>At 06:56 PM 2014-03-10, you wrote:
>>>Then I wish you all the best when you suffer as a result of what 
>>>this current administration is doing.  As for me, and for my 
>>>house, we will stand against those who are trying to take away our 
>>>religious freedom to worship, and to pay for what we choose.  I 
>>>will encourage you in your apathetic reaction to the threat 
>>>Christians face.  When home schools are prohibited, and when all 
>>>reference to our most holy faiths is removed from schools.  As it 
>>>is being done, and has been since prayer was removed from public 
>>>schools. I dare say children today don't even know the second 
>>>verse of "my country t'is of thee"  Because the first line says 
>>>"Our father God to thee, author of liberty."  I use to sing that 
>>>song, both verses in public school.  Would you believe?  If we 
>>>don't discuss such things on a list such as this, where on earth 
>>>are we to discuss them?
>>>----- Original Message ----- From: "Jackie Shepherd" 
>>><[log in to unmask]>
>>>To: <[log in to unmask]>
>>>Sent: Monday, March 10, 2014 6:13 PM
>>>Subject: Re: I wish Christians could stay away from politics for once!
>>>>I am reluctantly compelled to agree with Bev, not about the 
>>>>politics, but that it should not be a topic of discussion on the 
>>>>list.  It is my opinion that the list could be used for 
>>>>encouragement, prayer, topics of a scriptural nature, and Christ 
>>>>centered discussions and devotional material. Messages I've seen, 
>>>>some on the list, but most off, are nothing but hate filled 
>>>>government/President bashing tyrades; and I wonder how many 
>>>>people did their homework to see if these were true!  It 
>>>>certainly isn't a very good example of loving Christians; and I 
>>>>wonder how much it shows that we trust and leave all things to 
>>>>the Lord.  Romans 8:28 says this much better than I ever could.
>>>>At 02:28 PM 2014-03-10, you wrote:
>>>>>Hi All!
>>>>>Well, I guess my subject line says what's on my mind.For several 
>>>>>years, now I've deliberately stayed away from most Christian 
>>>>>groups, due to the disappointment I always experience because 
>>>>>I'm so tired of politics always coming up as the topic. I so 
>>>>>wish Christians could get back to discussing scripture and 
>>>>>talking about the Lord and quit all the bashing, hatred, fear 
>>>>>and hostility for our president and our government. To be 
>>>>>honest, even though I am a professing Christian, this whole 
>>>>>politic thing has caused me to want to stay away from most 
>>>>>Christian circles for the past I don't know how many years, yet, 
>>>>>I hate doing that as well, because I miss sharing with other 
>>>>>Christians about our Lord Jesus .

; Configuration file for the 32-bit BrailleNote/Keynote Gold SA TTS driver for JAWS ; File name: KGoldSA.jsf ; ; This file is the control file for the 32-bit Keynote speech driver for JAWS. ; Comment lines begin with a semicolon. [Settings] ; LastCommPort: The last serial port to scan for when searching for a Keynote synthesizer. ; LastCommPort should be set to a number n where n is in the range 0-32. ; If n=0, the driver will connect to the synthesizer attached to the serial port specified in the jfw.ini file. If no ; synthesizer is attached, the driver cannot start and JAWS will revert to Eloquence. ; If n is in the range 1-32, the driver will search for a Keynote synthesizer attach to a serial port, starting with COM1 and ; ending with COMn. If there is no Keynote synthesizer attached to any serial port in this range, the driver cannot start ; and JAWS will revert to Eloquence. ; NOTE: the driver will default to 16 if LastCommPort is not present in the configuration file. LastCommPort=16 ; SilentCharFilter: Filter out sequences of consecutive space and punctuation ; characters, that is, characters that may result in Keynote producing unwanted pauses ;in speech, from the stream being sent to the TTS driver. ; SilentCharFilter should be set to a number n, where n >=0. ; n=0 turns off the filter. ; n>=1 causes the filter to strip punctuation or space characters appearing in the midst of ; n+2 consecutive punctuation/space characters. ; NOTE: The driver will assume n=1 if this parameter is not present in the configuration file. SilentCharFilter=1 ; The following lines allow the driver to control aspects of the ; Keynote synthesizer's operation. Specify 1 or 0 for each one. ; If a line is commented out or not present in the configuration file, the driver sets it to a default value. ; NOTE: JAWS may effectively override these settings by preprocessing the text stream being output to the TTS driver. ; ExpandAbbreviations: Expand abbreviations in the synthesizer's on-board dictionary ; when they are encountered in the TTS stream. ; 0 = on; 1 = off. Driver default = 1 (off). ExpandAbbreviations=1 ; ForceLowercase: Convert uppercase letters to lowercase. ; 0 = off; 1 = on. Driver default = on. ; If on, Keynote spells groups of uppercase letters out letter by letter. ; Otherwise, they are read as words. ForceLowercase=1 ; ReadFullNumbers: Read groups of digits as full numbers. ; 0 = off; 1 = on. Driver default = on. ; If off, Keynote will read groups of fewer than 4 digits in pairs. For example, 1920 would be rendered as nineteen twenty. ; If on, Keynote always reads groups of digits, regardless of how many there are, ; as full numbers. For example, 1920 would be read as 1 thousand nine hundred twenty. ReadFullNumbers=0 ; AAnalysisFilter: A filter for overriding the Keynote's pronunciation of the letter 'a' ; when it appears alone in the TTS stream. ; 0 = off; 1 = on. Driver default = 1 (on). ; When turned on, Keynote pronounces the letter 'a' correctly in more contexts. ; this setting only takes effect if the synthesizer language is set to English. AAnalysisFilter = 1 ; BritishZFilter: Determines if the letter z is spoken using American or British ; pronunciation. ; 0 = American pronunciation; 1 = British pronunciation. Default = 0 (American pronunciation). ; This setting only takes effect when the synthesizer language is set to English. BritishZFilter=0 ; LanguageSwitching: Determines how frequently the driver sends out JAWS-generated ; language-switching codes to the synthesizer. Useful for testing and debugging. ; 0 = never switch languages; 1 = switch languages only when necessary; 2 = always ; switch languages when instructed by JAWS. Default = 2 (always). ; When set to 0, this setting prevents the driver from sending out language ; switching codes to the synthesizer. A setting of one causes the driver to pass on ; language-switching requests to the synthesizer only when the new language difference from ; the one currently in use by the synthesizer. A value of 2 causes all language-switching ; codes to be passed through to the synthesizer without vetting. LanguageSwitching=1 ; StartLanguage: Determines the start language when language switching is ; disabled. ; 0 = English; 1 = spanish; 2 = French; 3 = German; 4 = Italian; 5 = Dutch; ; 6 = Japanese. Default = 0 (English). ; This setting only has an effect when language switching is disabled. StartLanguage=0 ; MaxReadRetries: Determines how many times a serial read operation is retried before the driver ; gives up and fails to receive data from the synthesizer. Default = 20. MaxReadRetries=20 ; MaxWriteRetries: Determines how many times a serial write operation is retried before the ; driver gives up and fails to send data to the synthesizer. Default = 12. MaxWriteRetries=12 ; MaxReadWaitTime: The number of milliseconds to wait for a read operation to complete before ; the driver decides it has failed an retries the operation. Default = 10. MaxReadWaitTime=10 [Driver Information] DriverVersion=1.20 DriverDate=11 September 2005 [Debugging Info] ; If the following value is set to 1, the driver will record some debugging information. RecordDebuggingData=1 ; If the following value is set to 1, the driver will log all tts data sent to ; the synthesizer to a file. ; WARNING: This parameter should only be used under advisement; it is not for general use. ; It can pose a security risk as any data written to the log file is available to ; anybody with appropriate permissions. LogTTSOutput=0 ; The following values are written out to the "Debugging Info" section of the driver's ; configuration file when RecordDebuggingData is set to 1. CommPortStatus=open ; NOTE: The following information is only valid When RecordDebuggingData is set to 1 ; and CommPortStatus contains the value "open". CommPort=COM1:9600,n,8,1,x KeynoteVersion=7 StopSpeechAcknowledgeCode=0x15 ReturnBaseValue=0x80 ResetAcknowledgeCode=0x17 IndexBaseValue=0x1c XOnChar=0x11 XOffChar=0x13 TextNormaliserResets=[n10,1][n7,1][n6,0] LanguageDetectionByte=0x1 NumberOfLanguages=1 DefaultLanguageByte=0x1 DefaultLanguage=English Language1=English