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For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 29 Dec 2011 14:20:26 -0500
text/plain (61 lines)

I doubt that the half volt difference is the problem.

Have you made certain that you have the power level still set at maximum?

Also, you are probably stressing over something that, although it might be 
interesting to know for certain was different, may not be since you didn't 
know what your reading was before you updated the firmware.  Also, no body 
will know the difference in terms of signal level.

By the way, I should have my 590 here next week.  I'll be unloading my Icom 
IC-751A with voice synthesizer, external keypad, and 250Hz CW filter.

Steve, K8SP
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tom Behler" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2011 7:15 AM
Subject: Reduced power output for TS590

> Hi, all.
> Last night, I was working with my TS590, and I found that it only
> seems to put out a maximum of about 65 or 70 watts when I connect it to a
> dummy
> load, or when I key the rig on a resonant frequency for one of my
> antennas.  These power readings were taken with my TW1.
> I have checked the integrity of all of my internal coax jumpers, so that
> shouldn't be a contributing factor.
> I took DC voltage readings from my Astron RS35 power supply with my Omega
> talking multi-meter, and  found that
> the supply voltage is 13.350.  This voltage is lower than the 13.8 volts I
> would expect, which is causing me to wonder whether the supply is starting
> to fail.  Low voltage is what could cause the rig to fold
> back, so I'm wondering if that is what is happening.
> Another thought I had was whether the problem might somehow be related to
> the firmware upgrade I
> just did?Specifically, I upgraded from firmware version 1.04 to 1.06 this
> past Monday.  I can't absolutely swear to higher output power readings
> before the firmware update, but I do believe they were higher--i.e. closer
> to 90 watts or so before the update.
> Is there a service menu adjustment for power output that I might check?  I
> could probably get sighted assistance  to help me with that if I had some
> detailed
> instructions as to how to get there.
> Just for the record, I took all power readings with the auto tuner off, 
> and
> the tentech
> manual tuner in the bypass position.   I took the readings  in both RTTY
> mode and by pressing the "send" button on the rig's front panel.
> 73 from Tom Behler: KB8TYJ