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Doug Payne <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 8 Dec 2011 21:38:29 -0800
text/plain (177 lines)
HI Steve,

I know what you mean. I'm generally very impressed by the thoughtful design
and implementation of the speech output, but I find myself wishing it were
configurable, too. My biggest wishes are:
-- Combine voice option 201 and 202 (or is it 200 and 201?), so that, by
default, PFB reads the S-meter on receive, and the lower meter (ALC, SWR) on
-- Add an option so that VGS-1 could reade the XIT offset instead of the
transmit frequency when XIT is enabled. 
-- Modify speech output so that increasing the speech rate does not increase
the foice pitch.

Just in case you haven't tried it...even if the VGS-1 is off, pressing PFA
after pressing the TX Power button will tell you your power output setting.
And, of course, if you are using a Kenwood microphone, you can program the
PF keys there, too.


-----Original Message-----
From: For blind ham radio operators [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
On Behalf Of Steve Dresser
Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2011 9:46 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: some question on TS590 carrier settings and meter function


Much as I hate to hear the constant frequency announcements, there are other
things I like to hear, such as power announcement when I press that button. 
I wish there were a way to customize which items are announced, but alas,
nothing is perfect.  I also wish there were more than two PF keys because
I'd like to use some of the other functions without having to change menus. 
A partial solution for this is to use the A and B menus with the PF keys
defined differently in each.  In my A menu, the keys are set to their
defaults.  In the B menu, I set PF1 to Tune so that it keys the transmitter
with a low power (15 watts).  PF2 is set to Voice3, which reads the lower
half of the meter display when the transmitter is keyed.  In a perfect
world, I'd like to have a C, D, and maybe even an E setting for other menu
configurations, which is what I thought the Quick Menu would do until I
tried it.  I guess that's the trouble: the more options you have, the more
you want.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Doug Payne" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2011 12:28
Subject: Re: some question on TS590 carrier settings and meter function

> Yup, it's a little scary when that happens. Fortunately, it's fairly 
> easy to rescue yourself, assuming the PFA key is set to the default 
> setting. As you probably already know, even if the BGS-1 is turned 
> off, pressing PFA will still red the frequency when pressed. Well, it 
> will also read the current menu number and value if you press it while 
> in the menu system. So, to fix this, press the menu key, press PFA, 
> and note where you are. Then rotate the multi-function key the correct 
> number of clicks, using the PFA key to verify your location. You are 
> looking for menu 09. Once you are there, press the up arrow key. VGS-1 
> will say "on". Then press the menu key to save and exit.
> Now that I am familiar with the rig, I leave the VGS-1 turned off most 
> of the time. I get tired of having the frequency automatically 
> announced whenever I change bands or enable split.
> I haven't tried it, but you could probably place menu 09 in the quick 
> menu for easier access, should you ever end up with no speech by mistake.
> --Doug,AC7t
> -----Original Message-----
> From: For blind ham radio operators 
> [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
> On Behalf Of Tom Behler
> Sent: Saturday, December 03, 2011 7:42 AM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: some question on TS590 carrier settings and meter 
> function switch
>    Ed:
> A similar thing happened to me once right after I got my TS590.
> I too was doing something in the menus, and managed to shut the VGS1 
> off, so had no speech.
> Thank the lord for the XYL!!!!
> They usually get us out of trouble, don't they!  (grin)
> 73 from Tom Behler: KB8TYJ
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Ed Malmgren" <[log in to unmask]>
> To: <[log in to unmask]>
> Sent: Friday, December 02, 2011 10:41 PM
> Subject: Fw: some question on TS590 carrier settings and meter 
> function switch
>>    Curtis, I have pulled that stunt also.
>> One dandy boo boo I did the   other day was in the menus where I got the
>> setting on Speaking Japanese and pushed a wrong button and then I 
>> could not understand what the hell was going , I tried a quick lesson 
>> on that language but failed so had to have my X Y L read the window 
>> which thank goodness was
>> in English.  I'm applying for my novice ticket again hi.73  Ed   K7UC
>> --------------------------------------------------
>> From: "Curtis Delzer" <[log in to unmask]>
>> Sent: Friday, December 02, 2011 7:41 PM
>> To: <[log in to unmask]>
>> Subject: Re: some question on TS590 carrier settings and meter 
>> function switch
>>> be sure you don't attempt to use the rig after you have cycled that 
>>> "meter" switch, that is for running your rig at a few milliwatts for 
>>> powering a UHF/VHS transverter or linear which requires only a 
>>> little bit of drive.  I found that out, when I didn't realize my rig 
>>> was in that mode and was not enough to run the antenna tuner, and 
>>> rig was thereby, useless as a transmitter. :)
>>> Curtis Delzer
>>> W B 6 H E F
>>> Fessenden, North Dakota; 58438-7300
>>> At 04:28 PM 11/27/2011, you wrote:
>>>>Hi, everyone.
>>>>Today, I was late for the cross-country blind ops net, but did have 
>>>>a nice chat afterwords on 14.258 with Steve (KW3A) and Bob (WA0KZB).
>>>>Hope I got your call right, Bob.  (grin)
>>>>Anyway, Steve indicated that I sounded a bit light, so I did some 
>>>>re-adjusting of carrier and mic gain settings so that now, for SSB, 
>>>>my carrier setting is 50, and my mic gain setting is 68.  These are 
>>>>close to, if not identical to, the settings Steve uses for his Heil 
>>>>mic, and since I too have a Heil GM5 mic, I thought I'd replicate 
>>>>those settings.
>>>>When I did some testing, my ALC meter said "over" several times, but 
>>>>when I backed off from the mic a bit, the readings ran between 12 
>>>>and 14.
>>>>So, I think I'm clost to being in the ball park here.
>>>>Do these settings sound reasonable?
>>>>My next questions are these:  1.  can you vary the carrier settings 
>>>>by mode?;  and 2.  What's a reasonable carrier setting for CW mode?
> ?
>>>>Finally, I made one other interesting discovery here:  If I press 
>>>>the meter function button longer than usual, I seem to go into a 
>>>>mode where the carrier function does not read out any longer.  In 
>>>>other words, I get "a0"
>>>>no matter what I do.  Does anyone know what this extra function of 
>>>>the meter function button is?
>>>>I thought I'd ask these questions here, rather than posting them to 
>>>>TS590 list, where folks might not totally understand what we have to 
>>>>go through to make things work correctly sometimes.
>>>>73 from Tom Behler:  KB8TYJ