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Tom Behler <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 26 Nov 2011 20:58:48 -0500
text/plain (40 lines)

I'm really envious now!

I am traveling back to Michigan from visiting my son and his family in 
Missouri, and am missing the big contest!

May be able to do a little of the contest if I get back early enough 
tomorrow, but probably not that much.

So, go snag those DX stations, and I'll enjoy your and others' success 
vicariously from here.

Of course, there are other contests to look forward to such as the 160 meter 
CW contest next week-end, and the ARRL 10-meter contest the second week-end 
in December, so all is certainly not lost here.

73 and gud dx from Tom  Behler: KB8TYJ

-----Original Message----- 
From: Phil Scovell
Sent: Saturday, November 26, 2011 5:26 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: CW is Dead. Really!

Tell me again how dead the CW mode is and then tune 10 through 160 =
meters during CQ Worldwide CW.  Some stations art transmitting at 45 and =
50 words per minute and it is wall to wall stations.  I put my Icom 7000 =
on the lowest setting for filtering last night, and slow tuned the 40 =
meter band.  I put the tuning knob in the click mode and started at =
7.00001 and 02 and 03 and right up the band.  With my G5RV at 35 feet, I =
copied European and Russian and Africa and South America and stuff =
coming out of the Pacific on almost every second or third click or Hz as =
their signals fell into my narrowband CW filter.  DX was stacked right =
on up the whole CW band and some with big signals, too.
