For blind ham radio operators


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Tom Behler <[log in to unmask]>
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For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 1 Oct 2011 22:45:07 -0400
text/plain (31 lines)
Hi, all.

For some strange reason, I wound up with a few minutes of extra time 
tonight, and was just listening around on the bands.

Actually, I started on 7.185, and was intrigued by the O M I SS 40-meter 
single-side-band net.  I gather that O M I S S stands for something like Old 
Men's International Sideband Society--not the most flattering title, but 
that's ok, I guess  (grin).

I listened to people wracking up contacts for a while, and became intrigued 
by the awards system that they had.

It sounds like you can get all kinds of awards for different numbers and 
combinations of contacts.

One of our former club membrers who has since moved to Nebraska talked to me 
a little about it when he was visiting us on his way through Michigan this 
past summer.

I really don't think I'd ever have the time to get serious about pursuing 
all of the O M I S S awards, but was wondering if anyone on the list ever 
got into the group and pursued any of their awards.  How did you as a blind 
ham get started, keep a log of your contacts, document those contacts for 
those who give out the awards, etc.?

As our friend Steve (KW3A) would say:  "A curious mind needs to know.". 

73 from Tom Behler:  KB8TYJ