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"T. Joseph Carter" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 15 Aug 2011 17:42:08 -0700
text/plain (107 lines)
I dunno if my suggestion for a wide-band SWR meter made it to this 
list or not.  Every ham should probably have one, and though the one 
I linked is not suited to high power usage, it’ll work on most any 
wavelength longer than the microwave band with the right board 
design.  It could even be designed to have little or no soldering 

Besides, I’ve never heard of any such thing that was accessible to 
the blind.  There are lots of accessible transceivers out there, but 
for some reason we find ourselves needing sighted assistance for 
basic tools.

Joseph - KF7QZC

On Mon, Aug 15, 2011 at 06:14:33PM -0400, Michael Thurman wrote:
>I'd love to be a builder, can't design my way out of a box though, but =
>building yeah  I used to have my hands in electronics back when i could =
>see and I miss it. I would LOVE to see a ssb transceiver  not just cw  =
>maybe even with plug in coils to change bands?
>sounds like fun to me
>On Aug 11, 2011, at 7:26 PM, Buddy Brannan wrote:
>> OK guys, we really need some action on drafting this. Anyone =
>interested =3D
>> in helping? :) Pat, in case you've missed the original idea, it's =
>> --
>> Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
>> Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY
>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> From: "ken evans" <[log in to unmask]>
>>> Subject: RE: [Nfb-hams] Fwd: Idea for 2012 FDIM building contest
>>> Date: August 11, 2011 6:13:45 PM EDT
>>> To: "'Wayne Burdick'" <[log in to unmask]>, "'Buddy Brannan'" =3D
>> <[log in to unmask]>
>>> Cc: "'Eric Swartz'" <[log in to unmask]>, <[log in to unmask]>
>>> Reply-To: <[log in to unmask]>
>>> =3D20
>>> All,
>>> =3D20
>>> As Wayne said, I am very excited about this challenge.  We would =
>still =3D
>> have
>>> the "standard" categories at FDIM 2012 for the homebrew side.  This =3D=
>> would be
>>> a special category for 2012 - similar to the 2N2222 and 1 volt =3D
>> challenge
>>> from years back.
>>> =3D20
>>> The plan is to announce this challenge in the fall 2011 QQ (deadline =
>> for
>>> articles is Sept 15, 2011). The following will be needed for the =3D
>> article and
>>> in part may be considered rules:
>>> =3D20
>>> 1. Name of the challenge
>>> =3D20
>>> 2. A statement of the goals for the kit:
>>> 	- Include as many amateurs as possible in building.
>>> 	-Can be built by visually impaired/blind hams, but would be fun =
>> for
>>> sighted amateurs as well.
>>> 	- Will be a functional addition to the station.  Obviously a =3D
>> xcvr
>>> would be great, but station accessories are good targets as well.
>>> =3D20
>>> 3. A statement on how and who will judge the entries
>>> =3D20
>>> 4. Perhaps a guarantee from one of the QRP kit companies to provide =3D=
>> kits for
>>> the first place winner.
>>> =3D20
>>> I suggest we involve a limited number of experts - perhaps 7 - =3D
>> (experts
>>> being designers and blind hams) to flesh this out and provide input =
>to =3D
>> Wayne
>>> for his article.=3D20
>>> =3D20
>>> Rules should be held to a minimum as they tend to limit creativity.  =
>I =3D
>> know
>>> there are safety concerns, but I defer to our blind experts for =3D
>> guidance in
>>> that area.
>>> =3D20
>>> I welcome your feedback on all of the above.  BTW - I have very thick =
>> skin,
>>> so fire away.
>>> =3D20
>>> Ken Evans, W4DU
>>> President - QRP ARCI
>>> =3D20
>>> =3D20
>>> =3D09