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Tom Behler <[log in to unmask]>
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For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 4 Sep 2011 17:36:12 -0400
text/plain (45 lines)
Hi, folks.

Well, Murphy has made another visit here this afternoon.

Actually, for reasons I do not understand, my problem might be my fault, but 
I'll blame it on Murphy for now.

Right before the cross-country net, I had installed the ARCP590 software on 
my new Windows 7 laptop with, I thought, no problems.

I then went to install the USB driver that is required for the USB interface 
between the rig and the computer, and suddenly, things got real interesting.

My receive on 20 meters suddenly became very attenuated, and although I seem 
to have good receive on 40 meters, I am not putting out any power when I 
transmit on either 20 or 40.

I did have the USB cable plugged into the rig and the computer at the time I 
was trying to install the USB driver, but perhaps that was not the correct 
thing to do.

I have thoroughly checked all of my antenna connections here, and everything 
seems ok.  In addition, I re-did the grounding cable that connects the 
ground of my rig to my MFJ window feed-through panel, since one of the 
terminals on the original cable seemed a bit flaky, but still no joy.

Therefore, I'm wondering if I may have to do a re-set on my 590.

I have found the instructions on how to do this in the manual, but want to 
do so only as a last resort.

If anyone has any suggestions as to what else I might try, let me know.

Otherwise, I'll proceed with the re-set.

I do have the memory data and other parameters that I created for the rig 
already saved into a file, but obviously, I'm going to have to get the rig 
up and running, and the usb interface going first before I do anything.

Sorry for not being on the net today.

By next week, hopefully, I'll be back on the air and back to normal.

73 from Tom Behler:  KB8TYJ