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Ben Liberman <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 4 Aug 2011 20:00:20 -0500
text/plain (49 lines)
At 1:58 PM -0500 8/4/11, Kristina Carlton wrote:
>Hi again,
>I have been reading more about Lyme disease and co-infections. I read
>through the links that Paleophil posted and briefly exchanged emails with
>Ben's girlfriend. So far, from what I have read and without any further
>results yet, I feel that fasting would be the best option. However, I am
>unable to do a fast until end of September or more likely end of October.
>However, if Borrelia burgdorferi loves glucose than I would think it would
>be best to even reduce protein intake (which is what Ben was eluding to if I
>understood correctly). A fat fast sounds good as well, but I can't do that
>until end of October. So what I am wondering, and would like input on, would
>it make sense to reduce protein intake to the bare minimum and otherwise eat
>nothing but fat? I was thinking about eating twice a day - midday nothing
>but fat, and evening some protein and lots of fat (or just one meal a day of
>protein and fat).
>I am 45, female, 5'8", around 138 lbs - unfortunately not as lean as I would
>like to be right now due to all the health issues - so I am guessing
>anywhere from 20 to 24 % body fat. I was thinking that 65 grams of protein
>should be sufficient??

The value from the World Health Organization is .83 gm per kg of body weight for protein maintenance which works out to aprox. 50 gm per day.

"The value accepted for the safe level of intake
is 0.83 g/kg per day, for proteins with a protein digestibility-corrected amino
acid score value of 1.0. No safe upper limit has been identified, and it is
unlikely that intakes of twice the safe level are associated with any risk.
However, caution is advised to those contemplating the very high intakes of
3-4 times the safe intake, since such intakes approach the tolerable upper
limit and cannot be assumed to be risk-free."

World Health Organization
Report of a Joint WHO/FAO/UNU Expert Consultation
WHO Technical Report Series 935

Protein will be converted to glucose for fuel IF there is not enough fat available to burn. If your convertible carb intake (does not include the fiber) is at 20gm/day or less, then your glucose levels will be low, your insulin levels will be low, and  your body will freely burn your stored fats.

A calorie restricted ketogenic diet will do all of that and, from reports from other people, once your body switches over to burning fat as a primary fuel, you should stay in ketosis, burn body fat, and not get ravenous.  The switch over from glucose to ketone metabolism, if you have not done this before, may take 2-3 days during which you may feel like you have the flu.

 [log in to unmask]      Ben Liberman