There are a variety of ways to go here but I would be
inclined..unless you have an immense amount of room in your present
machine...to purchase another P200 (I have the chip and am quite
pleased with it)with Motherboard and Network the Two computers.
Considering the amount of equipment that you have on hand your
upgrade path could fall in the range of 500.00 or less for MB/chip
(both can be had for under 150.00 if you use the cyrix) another 32
Megs of memory (@50-80.00)...whatever flavor of video/sound/card you
desire (here the price difference is vast!)...share the various
peripherals between the two computers and you won't run into the
IRQ/I/O conflicts that will be likely with the amount of equipment
that you mention.
BTW...is your network card 10 or 100 mbps or a 10/100...given the
graphics apps I would go with the 100mbps....a crossover cable
between the two network cards is all that is required.
Solution #2. Get yourself another 64 megs of RAM if the machine can
accept it. 32 megs is likely too little for the number of apps you
are suggesting..
Hope some of this helps...and that it doesn' disagree significantly
with what others suggest...that can get confusing.
Bob Chapel