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Fri, 18 Mar 2011 20:16:41 +0100
The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List <[log in to unmask]>
The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List <[log in to unmask]>
"M. Gassama" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (700 lines)
It's a pleasure Haruna. Thanks. Have a good evening.

----Original Message----
From: [log in to unmask]
Date: 2011-03-18 3:57 
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Subj: Re: [&gt;-&lt;] RE: President Jammeh meets with the Independent 
Press - A great move

 Thanx Buharry for sharing.

I have just listened to the first part and like I suspected, Yahya was 
telling the "Free Press" how to do press. Then he said his grandfather 
told him "if you don't want a child to talk, you close his mouth". The 
rest of his crap is exactly what it is. CRAP.

Thanx again Buharry for the entertainment.


-----Original Message-----
From: M. Gassama <[log in to unmask]>
To: GAMBIA-L <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Thu, Mar 17, 2011 4:05 pm
Subject: Re: [>-<] RE: President Jammeh meets with the Independent 
Press - A great move


President Jammeh's meeting with the press can be watched on Raaki. It 

is very long and has been divided into 4 segments. They are:

1. Jammeh's opening statement :

2. Statements from members of the press :

3. Statements from government officials :

4. Jammeh's closing statement :

Have a good evening.


----Original Message----

From: [log in to unmask]

Date: 2011-03-17 19:10 

To: <[log in to unmask]>, "GAMBIA-L LISTSERV.ORG"<gambia-

[log in to unmask]>

Subj: RE: [&gt;-&lt;] RE: President Jammeh meets with the Independent 

Press - A great move

Thank you Baba.

The dude president should understand that this struggle is not about 

his ugly face, but rather the bad and untenable political 

he has been enforcing on us for over fifteen years, contrary to his 

promises of a ten year term limit for the office of president. After 

has failed with regard all his promises to Gambians, the best thing he 

can do for himself and our motherland, is to show remorse and opt not 

to contest the next presidential race. But I dont think he has the 

requisite level of political sagacity to effect such a feat for 

personal political redemption, considering the intensity of 

he manifests.

Just watchout, if there happens to be a meeting at all, it will 

around efforts already designed to subjugate The People's media 

(private), after it has been brutalized by the forces of backwardness 

he presides over. We now know Yaya Jammeh very well, but we cannot 

anticipate anything progressive from him.


Omar Joof.


From: [log in to unmask]

To: [log in to unmask]; [log in to unmask]

Subject: [>-<] RE: President Jammeh meets with the Independent Press - 

A great move

Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2011 16:33:02 +0000

Bro Fankung, 


Problem is, President Jammeh has long overstayed his mandate, his 

legitimacy, and his welcome. He had promised to step down after two 

years; he didn't. Then  he promised to put a term limit so that we 

would have a change of leadership after ten years; he didn't. The 

problem is not all the BS he is telling us about the interest of the 

country, peace, stability etc. He does not love the country better 

anyone in the private press. The problem is that he should not be in 

office for sixteen years because he DOES NOT own The Gambia or love 

Gambia better than anyone. If he is answerable only to the All Mighty 

Allah, he should do what the All Mighty Allah wants: he should fulfil 

his promises to the Gambian people because according to the Word of 

All Mighty Allah, the distinctive mark of al munafiqun - a hypocrite - 

is that he fails to keep the promise he makes. He should observe the 

tenets of truth, justice, and fairplay, as the All Mighty Allah 

decrees. So let him spare us the threatening, self-righteous crap.


Thanks for sharing.



Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2011 09:45:55 -0400

From: [log in to unmask]

Subject: President Jammeh meets with the Independent Press - A great 


To: [log in to unmask]

President Jammeh meets with the Independent Press  

africa » gambia

Thursday, March 17, 2011

In an unprecedented move and for the first time in the history of the 

Gambian media, President Yahya Jammeh yesterday held a meeting with 

members of the press, in particular those from the independent press, 

as part of efforts to build good and better relations between 

Government and the independent press.

The meeting, held at State House in Banjul, brought together media 

chiefs and their editors with cabinet members with the sole objective 

of trashing out any misunderstanding between the state and the 

independent press.

It, among others, availed Gambian media chiefs, as well as the 

Executive, the opportunity to raise and address pressing issues, and 

bring about wider understanding between the two sides. 

Speaking at the meeting, President Yahya Jammeh emphasized the 

importance of the press, stressing that the press has a positive role 

to play in national development, the peace and stability of any 


However, he stated that he will not compromise or sacrifice the peace, 

security, stability, dignity and the well-being of Gambians for the 

sake of freedom of expression. 

?I want that to be very clear. You can say whatever you want to say. 

Yes, there is freedom of expression, but there is also freedom to 

defend the interest of this country. Each of us has a role to play 

as long as you play your role correctly and does not endanger the 

livelihood of Gambians, we will be friends".

?But I will not allow anybody who wants to endanger the peace and 

stability of this country because, in doing so, you are asking for 

trouble,? he added.

According to him, stories have been going round that the Gambia 

Government does not normally talk to the independent press; that 

information is not available and that, sometimes, the impression given 

is that public servants are not obliged to talk to the press. 

?And when comments like that are made, the fingers are pointed higher 

up. Let me make my position very clear. I am here for the interest of 

the country; the interest of every Gambian. I am here for the peace 

stability of this country, so that all of us will enjoy life; all of 

will realize our dreams, and all of us will have the chance to pray to 

the Almighty Allah".

?My government?s role is to make this country better, making the 

of this country live better, peaceful and rewarding lives. My heart is 

a very small heart, and it does not have enough space to accommodate 

hatred. My heart is full with love for humanity, and the love for this 


?Yes, I am the President; I am answerable to the Gambian people for my 

actions, but more importantly than that, I am answerable to the 

Almighty Allah, who is the supreme authority. I am not answerable to 

the West. I am not answerable to the East; I?m not accountable to the 

West. I am accountable to the Gambian people, and to the Almighty 

Allah,? he added.

President Jammeh emphasized that he will never sacrifice the peace, 

security and stability of this country on the altar of freedom of 


?I am making this very clear. You can write what you want, and I do 

what I want for the interest of the Gambian people. I?m not hostile to 

anyone of you. When you cross the line, and offend me, I resort to the 

law by taking you to court.

?I have no hatred for anyone of you, but I will not compromise 

security. The peace and stability of this country, I will never 

compromise. So, what will I gain by harassing the press? I always make 

it very clear, from 1994 to date, that whatever I do, write it, but if 

you write what I didn?t do, I will deal with you, and I will deal with 

you whether the West or the East likes it or not, even if the sky is 

going to explode.

?Because am the President doesn?t mean that I can trample on anybody?s 

rights or go about beating up people. No, but also because you are a 

journalist does not mean that you can write whatever you want to 

knowing that it is not true,? he stated.

The Gambian leader further stated that the only power that he knew, 

is afraid of, is the Almighty Allah. That the only person he is afraid 

of is the person he offended, because Allah does not want people who 


?Most people believe that the press, when you talk to them, then they 

say public officials are not allowed to talk to them. Let me make it 

very clear that my government has no law that says that public 

officials cannot talk to the press. There is no law in place that 

prevents public officials from talking to the press. I want that to be 

very clear. When they tell you that they have not been allowed to talk 

to them, tell them to put it in writing, and ask them who tells them 

that they should not talk to you. 

?If I think that the whole government is APRC, I?m making a great 

mistake. And if I also expect all of you to like me, then I?m sick. 

individual, and even dead bodies, have enemies because some will say 

good things about dead bodies, and some will say bad things about 

Who am I, Yahya Jammeh, to expect that everybody should love me and 

ever doesn?t love me I should lock him up or kill him?

?From 1994 to date, we have people that have been sentenced to death 

for killing soldiers in Farafenni and Kartong and are still in death 

row. There is no power or authority in this world that I am afraid of 

that prevented me from implementing the sentence against them. But the 

image portrayed that Yahya Jammeh is a monster, is a dictator, is a 

killer, and that The Gambia is not a place for journalists; how many 

people have been killed in this country? If I was a monster, I would 

have been killing a lot of people when we just came in, but that?s not 

what I believe in,? he remarked.

He went on to note that there is law in this country. ?If I want to 

that, I am the President, and I will take the law into my own hands, 

then I am subverting the rule of law, I?m bringing about the law of 

jungle, which I will not do. I want to make it very clear that anybody 

who is killed in this country or is sentenced to death, if I have to 

sign the death warrant, I will. 

?Am I afraid of any Western power? No, am not, because no Western 

is feeding me. I see no reason why I should be afraid of executing 

people that have killed soldiers or have been sentenced to death by a 

court of law, and then go and kill a journalist.

?Interestingly enough, those people that are tutors of freedom of 

expression are the same people in whose countries you can insult the 

Prophet (PBUH), and get away with it because that is freedom of 

expression; and you go to jail for denying the holocaust,? he asserted.

Swaebou Conateh, publisher of the Gambia News and Report Magazine, 

stated that relations between the Government and press could not have 

been worst than now. However, he noted, it is not too late to adjust 

readjust the position, so that the Gambia can, among its many 

achievements under the Jammeh administration, boast of having the most 

free press in Africa, if not in the whole world.

He, among others, highlighted the detentions, prosecutions that have 

taken place and the mysterious killings and disappearance of 

journalists in the country.

He expressed the need for government to look into the issue of 

decriminalizing speech and consider repealing draconian medial laws, 

which, according to him, are out of step with the information age. 

Conateh further expressed gratitude for the enabling environment 

created by government that led to the proliferation of radio stations 

in the country. He also called on government to create the platform 

regular press briefings.

Pap Saine, Managing Director and co-publisher of The Point newspaper 

underscored the importance of having a good and cordial relationship 

between the government and the press.

According to him, it is paramount that the independent press has 

to government news, ?so that we can effectively contribute our quota 

the dissemination of information about what the government is doing 

saying, etc. for the benefit of the general public, and our readers, 

home and abroad.

?We want to make our position very clear that we are not an enemy to 

the state, as many people perceive us in certain quarters. The 

journalist does not see himself or herself in that role. We are 

backers of, nor the opposition. Our job requires us to report on both 

the pleasant and the sordid aspects of society,? he further stated.

In his view, ?we live in a society that has people with divergent 

and dissenting opinions and, quite naturally, the media is expected to 

be pluralistic. 

?We do not want to be seen as enemies, but as partners in development. 

We are simply contributing our quota to nation-building,? Saine 


Sam Sarr, Editor of Foroyaa newspaper, welcomed the move and expressed 

hope that this marks the beginning of fruitful discussions between the 

media and the Executive. 

According to him, the Executive has a role and function, but the media 

also has its role and its functions, and the role of the media is 

clearly defined in the constitution. 

?I am interested in knowing the position of the Executive on this 

issue. The President has spoken his mind, but I am interested in 

knowing the position of the government regarding this constitutional 

provision, which states that the press and other information media 

shall at all times be free to uphold the principal provisions and 

objectives of this constitution, and the responsibility and 

accountability of the Gambia government to the people of The Gambia,? 

he said, adding that as far as Foroyaa is concerned, this serves as 

their guiding principle.

He noted that governments have to be kept on their toes in order to 

assist them to become more effective, and also to avoid certain wrong 

doings and errors that may be created in the process of governance.

Also speaking at the meeting was the Vice President and minister for 

Women?s Affairs, Aja Dr Isatou Njie-Saidy, who underscored the need 

capacity building and institutional strengthening, as well as 

responsible reporting by journalists.

She called on journalists to verify their facts before reporting, 

noting journalists should also talk about developments that have taken 

place in this country since 1994 to date, and say the positive 

developments about good governance, democracy and human rights. 

?A lot of progress has been registered in this country, and that 

be commended,? she added.

According to her, journalists should admit the fact that the country 

has seen the proliferation of so many radio stations in this country, 

adding that when this is done, government will be convinced that there 

is a balance in reporting. 

?Say what we have done bad, but also say what we have done good,? she 


Read our tomorrow?s issue for more details about the meeting of the 

President with the press.

Author: Baboucarr Senghore








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