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Sun, 27 Feb 2011 18:25:51 +0100
The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List <[log in to unmask]>
The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List <[log in to unmask]>
"M. Gassama" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (102 lines)
Hi Ansu!
Senegalese foreign policy is carried out in a planned and strategic 
manner. The most important thing Senegal wants from Gambia is to build 
the highway that would cut through Gambia making it easier to access 
Casamance and other parts of the south. All the overtures and 
overlooking of stuff is just meant to further the aim of getting the 
highway built as a joint project. While the highway might be of immense 
benefit to Senegal, Gambia doesn't gain as much. Jointly building the 
highway would be a grave stategic error on the part of Gambia because 
it would mean giving up the only card the country has in its relations 
with Senegal. Senegal has never been shy about using its strategic 
cards whenever there is a problem between the two counties with 
devastating implications for the Gambian economy etc. The latest 
example was the closure of its borders a few years ago leading to 
shortages of essential commodities such as cooking gas, nearly bringing 
sectors such as the restaurant business to a halt. Should the two 
countries jointly finance the building of the highway and there arises 
a crisis between them and Senegal decides to use the various leverages 
against Gambia, Gambia would not be able to unilaterally close its side 
of the highway without incurring the risk of an invasion or some other 
serious action. I hope the Gambia Government is aware of this fact and 
should the highway be built, it should unilaterally finance it to keep 
the independence and integrity of the country intact. Thanks and have a 
good evening.

----Original Message----
From: [log in to unmask]
Date: 2011-02-26 22:27 
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Subj: Re: Senegal and Gambia engage in tactical regimes salvation.

What is deal with Wade and the Senegalese gov't?  Why do they seem to 
not have a clue how to deal with Jammeh.  This guy does not know 
"muslaha".  They seem to be always falling for his lies and promises.  
This is the most unreliable guy they can ever deal with.  As the saying 
goes how can you ask the fox to guard the hen house?  Jammeh has being 
supporting the MFDC rebels and everyone knows this.  Senegal seems to 
be more upset with Iran than with Jammeh about this arms trafficking 
affair...duh.  I wonder how Senegal thinks the weapons get to the MFDC 
rebels -- direct from Iran?

Do you all think that Senegal is laying a trap for Jammeh?  As far as I 
am concerned, this whole affair between Jammeh and Wade does not make 


Haruna Darbo said>>

Mixed-patrols to temporarily assure mutual survival of Yahya and Wade. 
They explained away the arms and munitions supply to the MFDC via 
Kanilai Farms as consignment for the internal security of Gambia.

Haruna. There is no need for the mixed patrols now because the MFDC is 
now totally (temporarily) installed in Gambia. Duh!!!


Le Sénégal et la Gambie renforcent ensemble la sécurité à la frontière 
Le Sénégal et la Gambie ont décidé de raffermir leurs liens en 
organisant des patrouilles mixtes à la frontière casamançaise. Un geste 
symbolique annoncé le 24 février 2011, au lendemain de la rupture des 
relations diplomatique entre le Sénégal et l?Iran." Nous nous sommes 
engagés à faire des patrouilles communes le long de nos frontières. Ces 
patrouilles vont veiller à ce que la Gambie ne puisse être le refuge 
pour les gens du MFDC mais pour qu?aussi d?autres personnes qui sont 
engagées dans une déstabilisation de la Gambie ne puissent trouver 
refuge au Sénégal.(...)" a déclaré le ministre sénégalais des Affaires 
étrangères, Madické Niang. Cette mesure est prise alors même que Banjul 
a avoué, selon Madické Niang, s?être approvisionné en armes auprès de 
la République islamique d?Iran en 2005. «  Ces armes, affirme le 
ministre, n?étaient destinées qu?à assurer la sécurité de la Gambie ». 
Or pendant longtemps, les observateurs ont soupçonné la Gambie de 
soutenir les rebelles indépendantistes de Casamance. Mais aujourd?hui 
les deux pays voisins affirment vouloir aller de l?avant dans leurs 

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