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The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 8 Jul 2011 14:06:58 +0200
The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List <[log in to unmask]>
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Prince Bubacarr Sankanu <[log in to unmask]>
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Oh Cousin Haruna,

Majurma Touray (courtesy Maafanta), onces again confirms the sexy allures of SANKANUISM and MUSUCOLOGY.

My Brother Cherno Fankung's Babili Mansa would not like me to join the APRC as he knows all the classy female party stalwarts, Yayi Compins, Jaeks and foot-girls will follow the seductive charms of Sankanuism and Musucology.

Majurma read the reference to Mandela on my VP Njie Saidy piece and then wrote on "So for me and a whole lot of young people, Professor Dr Amadou Scattred Janneh is NELSON MANDELA OF THE GAMBIA."

You now understand why I said 99% of the ideas being gossiped here and there are useless? How many Majurmas or Jainaba Houstons have so far wrote to endorse those ideas? LOL.

Okay Cousin Haruna, as a Magnanimous Prince and candidate for the title of “Hugh Hefner of The Gambia” (hope President Jammeh will not snatch it), I leave Majurma Touray in your hands but on one condition: you and the other handsome Dukes of MaCarthy square should attend my Master Class on Musucology. Agreed?

On the issue of Journalists, I am out of the push and pull since none of the people trying to preach what Journalists should or not do have ZERO idea about Journalism in real life. They are neither Professors of Journalism nor bonafide Media Practitioners with reliable track records of responsible writing. They do not have the moral authority or credibility to teach me media work. Of course they are free to enjoy their freedom of speech and say whatever they want as long as it provokes no destructive mess.

When the blogosphere started we heard people shouting “the end of journalism” and that bloggers or citizen journalists (as if Journalists are no citizens) were the new masters.

Now the chaff has been separated from the bread. Journalism is still alive and kicking and no responsible Journalist or Editor will blindly copy the rubbish of a blogger.

Even Master Hacker Julian Assagne had to cooperate with seasoned Journalists to filter and make sense of his WikiLeaks. Though certain media houses (especially print in Europe) are struggling due to the online competition and global meltdown, some traditional print publications are doing fabulously well. The list is long but The Economist (UK), New African (UK), The Financial Times, (UK), Der Spiegel (Germany) and Die Zeit (Germany) are examples of vibrant and relevant traditional journalism. These media houses are noted for their adherence to responsible communication.

For me the push and bull here on Gambia L Bantaba is not about BIAS.  For me it is about RESPONSIBILITY. The people trying to preach to journalists just want to divert attention from their exposed gross incompetence and irresponsibility with their “mess” communication.

Some people are howling that they have the right to asks questions but they DO NOT want to have the right to be held accountable or responsible for the impacts of their ill-thought questions and writings on the society.  This is first class cowardice, hypocrisy and double standards.

Those charlatans who misused the media to provoke the Rwandan genocide were bluffing that they had the right to ask questions and to practice freedom of speech but that did no convince the judges at the customary GACACA Courts or the formal UNICTR in Arusha, Tanzania. They were punished for their rudeness and irresponsibility.

The good thing is that the rubbish these people are purging out are being ARCHIVED and they cannot escape responsibility for what they wrote, write and will write.

So if anyone thinks he/she is blogger or Editor and can practise “mess” communications until it endangers lives and property without being nailed for it, is dreaming. You can run but you cannot hide!!

I do not have the credibility to tell an accountant, farmer, surgeon, architect, mechanic or street cleaner what the ethics of his/her job are.

My own areas are Film, TV, Intellectual Property Law,  Arts, Culture, Fashion, Lifestyle, Business, Journalism and by extension, Politics. I do not need to be told what the Ethics of these professions are. No one can also stop me from being bias. I confessed by bias towards Jabiyong Ndey and other classy ladies. I confessed my blanket bias towards victimes of hypocrisy regardless of background, faith, ethnicity and worldview. I will fight on the side say the “Gambian sex workers association” should the religious police and moral hypocrites try to disturb them. The list goes on.

With Journalism, I celebrated my 20th professional anniversary. I have been writing long before some of the lousy bloggers and online Editors dreamt of starting blogs and online "papers." So even if they are drunk, they will not be mad to tell me what journalism or responsible communication means.

Spank me awake in the middle of the night and I will write you at least 10 pages of my original ideas within 30 minutes. I might not have the time to proof-read but I can give you a blueprint to work on with ease.

Am aware of my responsibility this is why I still submit my articles to the Editors and I trust their editorial policies. I give them the right to drop my articles or modify them as they deem fit. Then not everything I write should be published.

I still have a lot of draft articles that I am not sending to the Editors. I have also been receiving a lot information materials that I can use to start a blog or newspaper but I am not doing it not just due to the lack of time but also for the consideration of the possible impacts on the ground.

As I said people who have correct information on President Jammeh are not talking. Only the gossipers are sharing half-truths and second hand “I heard, they said and I believe” gossip. Some of the people who were once in Jammeh's inner circle have been in touch with me behind-the-scenes. I encouraged them NOT to talk to any paper be it online or offline. I advised to keep their information with them until the right time.

Rubber Murdoch, the modern real life version of Citizen Kane has just closed down the “News of The World” tabloid for the simple reason that responsible writing is sacrosanct and non-negotiable.

The rights to know and ask questions do not immune one from the negative impacts of his or her writing/curiosity. If you write and cause trouble directly or indirectly through idiots who quote your rubbish, you will pay for it.

On the issue of organizations, no outsider has the right to tell people how they should run their groups. So people should stop the wicked hypocrisy. I might extend my solidarity, advice and expertise to say the “Mbindans Association of The Gambia” but I do not have the right to tell its executives how and when to do whatever they set out to do in public or private.

Refreshing weekend to you all.


HSH Prince Bubacarr A. Sankanu
Chairman and Chief Executive Producer
Deliverers of Highest Quality Programmes  from Africa

Postfach 800144
D-51001 Cologne, Germany
Tel.: 00491774842957 (Cell)
Fax: 004922146780440

Emails: [log in to unmask]
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Skype: princebasankanu

Tax/VAT ID: 218/5030/2061
Company No: HRA 25199
Amtsgericht Köln. Local Court of Cologne City, Germany

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Thu, 7 Jul 2011 00:01:15 -0400
Von: Haruna Darbo <[log in to unmask]>
An: [log in to unmask]
Betreff: [G_L] I give you Hon. Majurma Touray. Haruna. Courtesy - Maafanta.

 Cousin Prince, I have to fight you for Miss Touray if you get any funny ideas. We're sick and tired of you sidelining us handsome Dukes of McCarthy square.

Dr. Amadou Janneh is the Nelson Mandela of The Gambia

Something  happened. Something big happened that hadoutstanding effect on my life and the life of many young people
who are yearning for freedom. People who want to see change mostly lead and become the face of the movement,
probably the most striking illustrations i can give is MAHATMA GANDHI, MARTIN LUTHER KING AND NELSON
MANDELA. All these honorable men could have ignored the status quo at their time and they will live a comfortable life,
given their backgrounds but chose the contrast. So for me and a whole lot of young people, Professor Dr Amadou

He could have stayed in the United States with his teaching job and careless about what happened in the Gambia and
join the cyber warriors criticizing President Jammeh and his Government but he chose to be on the ground and be the
face of resistance. Therefore, if we can have ten intellectuals like him Jammeh will be out office within a month. What
Jammeh doesn't know is the more he continue to detain Dr. Janneh the more  resistance movement will be on a
momentum. It will be like opening a Pandora box, one thing leads to next.

In conclusion, for those intellectuals whose would like to contribute their  quota in the Gambia after Jammeh this is the
time we need you not when the freedom is won.

I shall continue in the future


HSH Prince Bubacarr A. Sankanu
Chairman and Chief Executive Producer
Deliverers of Highest Quality Programmes  from Africa

Postfach 800144
D-51001 Cologne, Germany
Tel.: 00491774842957 (Cell)
Fax: 004922146780440

Emails: [log in to unmask]
[log in to unmask]
Skype: princebasankanu

Tax/VAT ID: 218/5030/2061
Company No: HRA 25199
Amtsgericht Köln. Local Court of Cologne City, Germany
HSH Prince Bubacarr A. Sankanu

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