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Sat, 17 May 2014 12:09:15 -0700
text/plain (36 lines)
Hi all,

What's a simple way for people to provide alternative text for pictures 
in pdf files? It would probably be preferable for this text to be 
visible to the screen reader, but not to the print user.

I'm taking a self-directed training course for work. Basically, it's a 
study guide, a pdf file with questions I need to answer and return to 
the trainer.

The pdf is very accessible. When I spoke to the trainer, he told me he 
made it up himself, so I suspect it's really a Word document saved as pdf.

anyway, the course consists of three sections. In the first, I need to 
match terms with definitions, and in the third, I need to watch a video. 
both are fine. The second section, however, involves matching pictures 
to some of the terms. I'm planning to do this with sighted help so I can 
get it taken care of, but I'd like to give the trainer specific 
information on making the pictures accessible.

What can I suggest? The material is no-frills, which tells me the 
trainer has good general computer skills, but isn't into desktop 
publishing or html, so I'd like to suggest something that is relatively 
easy to do.

Any thoughts?


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