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Christopher Chaltain <[log in to unmask]>
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Christopher Chaltain <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 21 Oct 2012 12:21:20 -0500
text/plain (33 lines)
Mobile devices, like smart phones and tablets, are definitely taking
sales away from laptops when it comes to content consumption. You only
need to look at how MS and traditional PC makers are doing with respect
to revenue, to know that there's a change going on right now. The plans
MS and the PC makers have to branch out into other markets, such as
tablets and phones on one end or servers and services on the other end,
also indicates that the traditional desktop PC and laptop are losing
some ground to the mobile devices. Note that PC's and laptops won't be
going away any time soon. For content creation, they still have some
significant advantages over your mobile devices.

On 21/10/12 12:10, Ana G wrote:
> Having a smart phone is definitely stylish, but I notice it's also
> replacing the traditional desktop or laptop computer. Many of my
> students say they're in no great hurry to have a computer because they
> can do most things on their smart phones or tablets. I mostly teach
> entry level college classes, and smart phones are much more common than
> netbooks or laptops in those classes. I do teach one upper division
> class, and what I notice is that the students who are thinking about
> going to graduate school are more likely to own netbooks or laptops than
> the ones who are planning to stop with the bacheler's degree.

Christopher (CJ)
chaltain at Gmail

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