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ted chittenden <[log in to unmask]>
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ted chittenden <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 11 Dec 2011 16:16:47 -0700
text/plain (45 lines)
One correction to my last post. The link I click on to view attachments that may not show up when I open individual email messages reads "Message/viewdetail" when I have set the graphics source url to read "View Anchors Ref". Clicking on the link will open up a new window.

Hope this helps.
Ted Chittenden

Every story has at least two sides if not more.
---- ted chittenden <[log in to unmask]> wrote: 
You didn't say it, but I'm going to assume that you are reading your Cox emails from the Web, as opposed to, say Outlook (this is how I read my emails, by the way). If this is the case and you are using JAWS (it could be the same with WindowEyes but I don't know that for sure), then use the tab and shift+tab keys to check the second link that preceedes the list of folders combo box where you can choose to store your message. I have set my JFW graphics to read a link's anchors reference instead of its source url, and this link says something like "View full message". I would suggest you click there and see if your attachment is inside that link--sometimes the attachment doesn't always show up when you initially open the message, and I'm not sure why. If it isn't there, then you may wish to contact Cox about the situation.
Ted Chittenden

Every story has at least two sides if not more.
---- Leslie Fairall <[log in to unmask]> wrote: 

I am trying to send a message with an attachment from my Shellworld to my 
Cox email address. Unfortunately, I am not able to receive it. I sent a 
message without an attachment and it worked fine. I tried disabling email 
protection in AVG, but that didn't do any good either. I need to send the 
email over since the message contains my NLS key for the BookPort Plus. 
Any suggestions? Thanks.

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