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The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 19 Sep 2010 21:36:15 +0200
The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List <[log in to unmask]>
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Bubacarr Sankanu <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (1369 lines)
My Dear Cousin Haruna Darboe,

Emails from you go into my priority folder so I can read them while clearing my in-box.

1. Injustice against our Mandinkos, Fulas, the Jahankes, the Djollof, Serer, Manjako, Aku, Jolas, Toucouleur cousins and other groups mean injustice against the Sarahules. You can count on my solidarity in the fight to end the common suffering.

With Kaabu as I said the Islamization was a side effect. The Fula/Manda Sarahule solidarity was not meant to force Islam on the Kaabunkas. It was meant to end the tyranny of those Kaabunkas who were asking for heavy tributes that the Fulas found unjust. It was not a war for Islam even though it had Islamic undertones.

2. We are willing to fight and die alongside suppressed peoples who want to command their own destinies. Region and ethnic extractions are irrelevant. You can start counting the number of bloody jihadists in Black Africa from Uthman Dan Fodio to the last person who was stopped by colonialism, you will not find many prominent Sarahules among them.

We tried not to use Islam (religion) as political tool of causing havoc. During the days our Ancient Ghana Empire (older than the successive  Mandinko Mali/Manding Empire and some of the various Fula Imamates and kingdoms in Western Africa), we welcomed Muslim traders from the Maghreb and the East to our Capital Koumbi Saleh without initially embracing Islam. We later studied Islam, filtered it and then carried on with our peaceful activities. This philosophy of keeping religion out of politics is timeless.

I am not saying the Sarahules are special. Like all ethnic nationalities of the world we have our own good and bad sides.

So whether Muslims or non-Muslims, I am willing to fight alongside victims of injustices. On the contemporary religious front, non-Muslim minority followers of Native Religions are being threatened by the new wave of radical Islamic Daawa (propagation) and Christian Evangelicalism. By returning to my Pre-Islamic Roots, I have automatically cemented by solidarity with the non-Abrahamic minorities and I am ready to fight on their side up till the last drop of my blood.

3. Edward Francis Small was  not a tribalist. He was more interested in social justice for Gambians of all faiths and ethnicities than tribal politics. EF Small was a selfless nationalist who was not afraid of accepting his Aku group's decline from power in name of national cohesion.

My Dear Uncle Suntou, you can place millions of baits for me, I will not bite. No matter how much you try, you will only be smoking tobacco on the beach.

Look, I have been in this writing trade for at least 17 (seventeen years) now. When I hold a pen or the keyboard, words and ideas keep flowing like water. My biggest constraint now as I grow older with commitments is TIME. If at all I had the quality time I needed, I would have published at least 20 (twenty) high class books within the last decade. I have to suspend the defence of my own doctoral thesis because I do not have the quality time needed for it. Besides it is not a priority for me as I am not interested in jet-setting around as Dr. Sankanu or lobbying for colourful global jobs (palasolu). Whenever I have the time, I will defend my PhD thesis just for fun and for the maintenance of my family tradition of seeking scholastic excellence alongside commerce.

Due to the limited time, I try to squeeze things in my articles. An article of mine is, on the average, five pages long at the draft stage. By the time I am through with the proof-reading and contextual adjustments, it can go up to ten or fifteen pages. If a one-page article is too long for you, a five-page article is nothing for me.

In case you do not understand my time constraints, my last article on Jammeh's 16 years was actually intended for Jammeh's FIFTEEN (15) years in power (2009). But throughout 2009, I could not have the time to fine-tune it. Sometime in April of 2010 (this year), I got the time for it. So instead of 15 years, the final version was on Jammeh's SIXTEEN (16) years in power.

I have another draft article on homosexuality that I started after Jammeh's threats to same-sex people. But it is still on the standby modus. There are similar draft ones on our opposition politicians, the West, Islam, the informal sector and so on. My last Mandinkos article was a draft that I started during the previous online newspaper debates on tribalism in Gambia (remember the noise over the articles of Captain Samsudeen Sarr and Mawdo Mathew K. Jallow). It was during this Ramadan of 2010 that I fine-tuned and sent it to the Editor. Fortunately, I had ample time widow that weekend, otherwise, the essay could have waited again.

I am not under any pressure to complete and send articles to the various Editors. I am also not looking for attention and fame from any quarter. This applies to all the areas of my professional life:

Some of my film associates wanted me to carry roles in their Nigerian and Ghanaian movies but until 2015, it will very difficult for me to be on the set of any other movie that is not being produced by me personally. I am limiting myself to the behind-the-scene work as executive producer, distributor, talent coach, adviser, festival organizer and the like (see just one or two of my many project websites below).

I also got offers to host some African TV shows in Nigeria and South Africa but I have to turn them down due to my tight schedule. From now against 2015, every week my life is fully planned with commitments and I have little room for manoeuvres. I just hope to live longer to be able to do some of the useful things I am striking off my priority lists.

Do not therefore think that I am a bluff idler and master of excuses who is afraid of and avoiding bloody punches. People are free to call me names. The person who calls me a liar has the right to do so. The one who labels be a lunatic is free to add more. The one who feels I am genius has the right to his/her judgement. The one who calls me a bluff or lousy guy has the birth to do so.

The bottom-line is that they will never change my DNA and persona: I (Prince B.A. Sankanu) am  OPEN-MINDED and I mean what I say/write and say/write what I mean.

If I can challenge the Dogma of Islam by openly expressing my return to my African Roots, what else under the sun can make me lead the life of falsehood just to appease the Establishment? My boldness and confidence might shock people but as we say in Sierra Leone “na so ifo bi! (this is how it should be). At least I am humbled by the fact that I am an opinion leader and agenda setter of the Thinking Class. For example, I spanked the Supreme Islamic Council and now it is facing wider scrutiny from other smarter commentators. Others are writing about the histories of the various ethnic groups. The Daily Observer rushed to interview Jaliba Kuyateh after reading my points on the Mandiko culture. There are other examples.

In fact why am I saying all these things when I owe no one explanations on why I am or not doing something?

Your are my Uncle Suntou and no matter how much we and all the other debaters disagree and call each other names, we will remain part of the same big family. We will never break each others' heads. We will also not be myopic by killing each other in the name of foreign religions.  No hard feelings as they say on the streets of The Gambia.

In the meantime, you can start finding answers to the question: how can the Mandinko humiliation under Jammeh be stopped? This is the simple fundamental question of my controversial Mandinko essay that is being avoided. So far all those who have been trying to silence me, beat about the bush instead of floating ORIGINAL ideas for the end to the humiliation. Some have just been copying and pasting other people's research work on Mandinkos and other ethnic groups.

Anyway, look at what I have been saying about the African Cultural Renaissance and the rediscovery of our native languages and good heritages: the Wolofs have just launched their localized (wolofnized) Google edition. My congratulations to the Wolofs. What are the Mandinkos doing about the digitization of the Mandinko language and culture? Instead of following my good advice on the advancement of the Mandinko heritage, some want me to disappear.

My time permitting, I will write something. Mr. Koroma has to wait for the piece on the Sarahule community and Jammeh until such a time I get the appropriate widow. Since I am not a member of  The Gambia Post, kindly inform Koroma about it.

Brothers Yorro Jallow and Demba Baldeh of, kindly accept my belated anniversary greetings. I am with you all in spirit. I started a short message full of hilarious anecdotes on my village life with the Gainakos (cattle boys) from our neighbouring Fula villages in The Gambia. Hopefully, I will not be too late in sending it to you. Otherwise, you can or not publish it as a reader's letter to the Editors.

May OSUN, our Yoruba River Goddess of Love and Fertility, fertilizes us with Wisdom!

Prince B.A. Sankanu
Afromedia Film & TV/ Sankanura Principality Studios
For Samples of completed movies:

Social engagement:
Sotuma Film and TV Academy, Haiti
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Sun, 12 Sep 2010 16:11:21 -0400
> Von: Haruna Darbo <[log in to unmask]>
> An: [log in to unmask]
> Betreff: Re: Laye and JDAM, Please subscribe my knucklehead cousin Sankanu to Ellen.

> Your Royal Highness Prince my cousin Sankanu, thank you for your sobriety.
> I am pleased that you will refuse uncle Suntou's bait. And thank you for
> the regard you accord me. my reputation is riding on it. I have bigger fish
> to fry in Laye and Kukeh than worry about Yahya's self-correcting idiocies.
> But the idiot doesn't know that.
> I have sought guidance from our mutual cousin JDAM. At the risk of being
> ignored, he proposes to me:
> 1. Haruna, I understand our mutual cousin Sankanu informs us that the
> Sarahule joined with our cousin Fulas to dispossess mandingos of Kaabu....the
> enclave of Mandinkos, Fulas, Djollof, Sarahules, Diolas, Toucouleurs,
> Dogons, Serers, and the Twe. And that the Manding clan spans these constituent
> language groupings. Should they require an invitation from the Mandinkos to
> dispossess Yahya of his chuckhold on the Gambia Empire, I hereby invite my
> Sarahule cousins to join with the Mandinkos, their traditional Fula allies,
> the Jahankes, the Djollof, Serer, Manjako, Aku, Toucouleur cousins, and the
> oft Arab, and end our common suffering.
> 2. It is apparent that the dispossession of Kaabu has religious undertones
> (read islamization). If such islamization is averse to majority infidels,
> and now that the Fula and Sarahule form the Islamic majority, would were
> Prince Sankanu to join with the non-islamic minority to fight his global war
> against islamic Taliban, why did he join the Fulas to die with them in a
> war for Islam he now so abhors? Is there a certain conflict of treasures or
> latent disdain for other ethnicities that was the cause for yonder
> Fula/Sarahule alliance? Or has Islam transmogrified so in the intervening years?
> 3. Prince Sankanu shares that even though EF Smalls accrued Gambia her
> independence to a significant measure, our cousin Akus lost out in the spoils
> of independence. Does his royal Highness imply therefore that Hon. EF
> Smalls' engagement was on purely ethnic grounds and not selfless national
> enterprise pursuits?
> I said this JDAM has to be ignored sometimes, but other times, he must not
> be ignored. He makes salient points here and he seeks the company of our
> cousin Sarahules and their Fula allies, also our cousins, in more national
> Cousin Prince Sankanu, I encourage you to accept JDAM's invitation to
> prosecute this national war. You did say Mandinko are family to you and the
> Sarahules. We will make the family even more formidable to be equal to the
> enormous task ahead. I thank you in advance for your favourable
> considerations. I understand you are a very busy man. We will wait patiently for your
> regard.
> Your subject and cousin
> Haruna.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bubacarr Sankanu <[log in to unmask]>
> To: GAMBIA-L <[log in to unmask]>
> Sent: Sun, Sep 12, 2010 6:43 am
> Subject: Re: Laye and JDAM, Please subscribe my knucklehead cousin Sankanu
> to Ellen.
> Oh Dear,
> Thanks Y Jallow for the solidarity message over the death threat. Those
> people
> re idle minds.
> My Ddear Uncle Suntou, you must understand that I am not an internet
> addict. I
> o not stay on the internet rough the clock and I have prioritized my email
> ccount in such a way that I do not always read most of my mails. I have a
> ilter. Some emails I just ignore until I get serious reminders before
> opening
> hem and others are just deleted unread. I do not want to be a slave of the
> nformation and Communications Technologies (ICT) and I have trained myself
> in
> ny way that I can survive without them.
> I have more pressing commitments that idling online.
> With the Gambia-L, you have to understand that I am a NEW COMER. I have to
> djust to the system here. I am grateful for the baptism of fire but I have
> to
> e careful not to violate the terms and conditions.
> Beside, my kind cousin Haruna Darboe sponsored me to the G-L and I would
> not
> ike to misuse his trust.
> Furthermore, my status binds me to responsibility and no one should expect
> me to
> emean myself by responding to every sneeze.
> My Dear Uncle Suntou, it is just unfortunate that you are linking
> o a “safe cabin.”  You will agree with me that is an OPEN
> hat, unlike the CLOSED Gambia-L, gives internet users across the globe the
> asier chance to challenge and scrutinize me more aggressively.
> The qualities are different and if at all I wanted to avoid greater
> razor-sharp
> crutiny I would have limited myself to the closed list-serves. So your
> nsinuations do not work here.
> Gracing the Gambia-L is not a do or die matter for me. I can respectfully
> equest my un-subscription within seconds and it will not affect me.
> I am mot going to abuse the patience of Editor by responding
> to
> very jerk. The debate on Mandinko humiliation under President Jammeh has
> just
> tarted and it makes sense for me to give other people ample time and space
> to
> xpress their opinions before I come up with a decent final rejoinder. No
> one
> xpects me to answer every question and I will only limit myself to the
> ones
> hat makes sense to most people.
> Tell your warrior Koroma of Gambia Post (as I am not a member of Gambia
> Post)
> hat I am not dogging the questions of Magistrate LJ Darboe and Mr. Joe
> Sambou.
> Edward Francis Small, the non-Muslim Aku man who set the ball of Gambian
> ndependence rolling was not a Mandinko. But it was the Mandinkos who were
> among
> he other larger groups to enjoy the benefits of post-independent Gambia.
> EF
> mall's Aku group lost out.
> THE MANDINKOS HAVE THE NUMBERS, STUPID! Even though Yahya Jammeh's is
> umiliating the Mandinkos, it is a fact that the Mandinkos by virtue of
> their
> umbers are still occupying important positions in Jammeh's Government or
> the
> ivil Service.
> Even if another non-Mandinko person frees the Gambia from Yahya Jammeh,
> the
> andinkos will benefit from a post-Jammeh Gambia. It is the size of the
> andinkos that is giving Yahya Jammeh sleepless nights.
> I am a bit disappointed that some of the Mandinkos elites are yet to see
> that
> heir size gives them a unique position in our multi-ethnic Gambia and this
> osition means responsibility. It is not their fault that they became the
> ajority but reminding them of this fact should not be seen as blasphemy.
> Joe Sambou, your claim that Sarahulehs could be gassing diamond when the
> andinkos would  be fighting is a result of ignorance. When the Fulas
> wanted to
> nd the Kaabu tyranny, they invited us Sarahulehs and we joined them. If we
> can
> ie together with the Fulas what will stop us from dying together with the
> andinkos and other ethnic groups? The Mandinkos, Bambaras, Sarahulehs and
> their
> ub-groups as part of what linguists called the MANDING FAMILY OF
> So Mandinkos are my family. I am disturbed by President Jammeh's
> humiliation of
> andinkos for the simple reason that I see them (Mandinkos) as part of my
> family
> hat is being humiliated.
> Anyway I will elaborate on it on once my time permits. From
> now
> ill the first week of October and ever after that I will be EXTREMLY busy.
> The
> nly thing I might do is to proof-read the daft articles I have on polygamy
> and
> olof-Mandinkos sexualities and send them in between to the
> Editor.
> This week, I will be serving as a resource person for the official opening
> of an
> xhibition on the forgotten African World War Two Veterans (runs through
> eptember 16, 2010 to January 16, 2011).
> The week after I will be on a TV round on the perceptions of Africans in
> the
> est organized by the WDR (West German Broadcasting) corporation (on
> September
> 0,2010).
> Parallel to that I will be coordinating our bi-annual African Film
> Festival in
> ermany (September 19 to October 4, 2010).
> After that there are still other commitments till the end of the year that
> will
> ulp my attention.
> I might come back to the Mandinko debate in between or even after the
> Gambian
> lection in 2011 or whenever my schedule permits it. If people do not have
> atience to wait, it is not my business. People are free to keep throwing
> arrows
> t me in between and I will not disgrace my status by responding to every
> idle
> alk.
> On a final note, my Dear Uncle OSAMA BIN SUNTOU, THE BOLONBA OF
> ust have to agree to disagree in peace. You are a fundamentalist and I am
> nti-Taliban liberal. Even if the sky is painted red, we might not change
> our
> ositions.
> You are free to worship Allah and I am free to worship my African Deities.
> I
> ind our African polytheism democratic in that one has the freedom to
> choose and
> eplace his/her Gods. Monotheism is like dictatorship and one has spend
> his/her
> ife begging only one jealous God.
> As a liberal, I am allergic to dictatorship be is worldly (political) or
> elestial (theological).
> On a lighter note, kindly extend my Koriteh greetings to my beautiful
> cousins. I
> ight send cola nuts and one of my other Uncles from Spain to ask for the
> hand
> f one of them in marriage. Don't tell me you will not in-law a nephew who
> roudly follows his progressive pre- Islamic African roots? You laugh!
> May the African Ancestors continues to guide and protect us!
> Prince B.A. Sankanu
> ****************
> ------- Original-Nachricht --------
>  Datum: Sat, 11 Sep 2010 20:30:38 -0400
>  Von: Haruna Darbo <[log in to unmask]>
>  An: [log in to unmask]
>  Betreff: Re: Laye and JDAM, Please subscribe my knucklehead cousin
> Sankanu to
> llen.
> >
>  Sometimes you have to ignore this JDAM. He comes outta left field when
> you
>  least expect it. I encourage my royal cousin Sankanu to ignore this JDAM.
>  Remmember Suntou, No salt and pepper.
>  Haruna.
>  -----Original Message-----
>  From: suntou touray <[log in to unmask]>
>  To: GAMBIA-L <[log in to unmask]>
>  Sent: Sat, Sep 11, 2010 7:59 pm
>  Subject: Re: Laye and JDAM, Please subscribe my knucklehead cousin
> Sankanu
>  to Ellen.
>  Ya Cousin need to answer LJ properly. We need him here. I don't know of
>  any royalty gracing the good old Gambia L. This is why, Sankanu needs a
>  reality check right here. His fertile mind will grow to be stronger not
> barren
>  like many folks who after graduating, pack all the books, the thinking
> and
>  start relaxing till death.
>  Here, for the good or worst is a real world. There is no bobble, no
>  protection like the papers, no hiding place. This is why, the other
> Prince
> ant
>  the new prince to hide and throw jabs.
>  I will be terribly disappointed if Prince Sankanu avoids LJ's responses.
>  Sankanu's uncle is a brave one, 'hail Harunasilo'. Will the genius please
>  stand!
>  Suntou
>  On Sat, Sep 11, 2010 at 8:57 PM, Haruna Darbo <[log in to unmask]>
>  wrote:
>  Y'all need to lay off my royal cousin Sankanu. Let him speak where and
>  when he wants to. Meanwhile attend to life's significant matters.
>  Haruna.
>  -----Original Message-----
>  From: suntou touray <[log in to unmask]>
>  To: GAMBIA-L <[log in to unmask]>
>  Sent: Sat, Sep 11, 2010 4:06 am
>  Subject: Re: Laye and JDAM, Please subscribe my knucklehead cousin
> Sankanu
>  to Ellen.
>  The prince is advise to stay from Gambia-L, I wonder why? Is it because
>  the of the fear of real time, face to face exchanges? I await Sankanu's
>  response to LJ, Koroma(G-Post) and others right here. If Sankanu is
> sincere
> ith
>  his views, he should deal with them not in a comfortable cabin alone but
>  where his views will be thoroughly scrutinised. For the better or worst
> you
>  will get your mind's worth
>  Halake speaks:
>  Sankanu A Genius Indeed
>  London Letter: Re – Troublesome Genius Prince Sankanu!
>  Editor,
>  It gives me great pleasure to, for once, agree with my fellow Fulaman MK
>  Jallow’s statement that Sankanu is “a genius”.
>  Thoroughly disagreeable to many I am sure, and sometimes deliberately
>  mischievious, but undoubtedly “a genius”. One
>  rarely comes across an intellect to equal Sankanu, and I can, without
>  exaggeration say that I notice traces of Steve Biko
>  (I Write What I think), Ngugi wa Thingo’o (Homecoming) The Black
>  Panthers (Revolutionary Suicide, Soul on Ice).
>  I will not equate him to the great German thinker Nietzsche (because
>  Nietzsche ultimately went mad).
>  Weightier matters take precedent, but I hope to respond fully to
>  Sankanu’s brilliant Fanonist Tour d’Force later.
>  In the meantime, keep up the enlightenment, Great Prince, but beware of
>  the Gambia-L  --- in responding there, you
>  may blunt your brilliant quill. Please keep your thoughts for a proper
>  forum like Maafanta where you can give your
>  undoubted genius full flight.
>  Kind regards and “thank you”
>  Dida Jallow-Halake,
>  (aka Haile Hail Halake, Fula Prince of Southern Ethiopia).
>  You wonder why this confused old boy is always inconsistent, now he too
> is
>  a dreamer, a Prince as well. Life is good.
>  The Prince's flawed concoction has gotten the support of the the
>  immaculate Watchman himself. He says, ultra-Mandingos are flipping going
> onkers, by
>  going into Mma Bah and other historical lesson in defense of Sankanu.
>  Watchman, the great shadow enlightenment secular foot soldier hails
> Sankanu.
>  Who would have thought, the writer whose mask made him a bit of a mystery
>  would generalise and avoid real issues like the fantasist Sankanu,
> however,
>  this kinds of discussion are hilarious for revealing deep seated cancers.
>  If the Watchman wish to call Sankanu a fighter for secular cause, then i
>  hope he can educate us with the reasoning of Secularism. Is superstition
> one
>  among the secular talk talk? I wonder. The Watchman comes across a
>  harbinger of American and European history, let him go deep into those
> and
> gain
>  inject the Secular doze in this talk. I know he will enjoy it all. A
>  challenge may be but old course work text might be handy here.
>  The Gambia L awaits the Prince's response. For him to be man enough, he
>  has to conquer the L not throwing trash at the media and sitting back. I
> know
>  to be a Prince, one has to be fearless.
>  Come Prince, we're waiting.
>  I hope you have observe the month of Fasting, spoken to the extended
>  family in Kanifing and Sotuma and now you're good to go.
>  Thanks to Ansu Koroma for being fair and honest. He never blow his top,
>  neither respond to Peter Pan the erstwhile editor for again joining in on
>  anything anti-Mandingo. I like his anti-Mandinkarism fo much, I want him
> to do
>  it everyday. This is how useless those who knows his background well will
>  always wish for.
>   Sankanu, your uncle awaits. The Watchman's moronic baby piece will not
>  absolve you. Your are braver than this. Open the cans of worm, the
> Mandinkas
>  are really bad, they are hated. It will be good fostering that narratives
>  hey, come on. Your fans will like more scorn thrown at them, please....
>  Suntou
>  On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 3:52 AM, Joe Sambou <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>  This is very interesting exchange indeed.
>  "Our national dilemma mirrors the classic scenario of "who would bell the
>  cat". No individual, and no ethnicity in The Gambia has any illusion
> about
>  the oppressive character of the Professor's government, but human nature
>  being what it is, there is simultaneous covert and overt competition
> between
>  ethnicities to outmanoeuvre each other for the benefit of the common
>  oppressor. I need not remind you that in a tribal society like The
> Gambia,
> thnic
>  affinity has a more compelling claim to cohesion than even religion."
>  The above really shows the flaw in Sankanu's Global Contention.  Why
>  should the Mandingo be expected to carry the burden to liberate Gambia
> from
> ur
>  killer?  What would the Sarahule be doing while the "Mandingo is fighting
>  Yaya"?  Gass Diamond?  I do not know you, but your supposition here is
> very
>  prejudicial.  With my limited knowledge of the relationship between
>  Mandingoes and Sarahules, I was of the opinion that of all the ethnic
> groups
> n
>  the Gambia, Sarahules and Mandingoes are close cousins, no? They
> certainly
>  have more in common than say a Ndjago and Mandingo for instance.
>  "Again, why do you want the Mandinkos, without the support of others, to
>  take on a role and a responsibility that is of clear national dimensions,
>  not to mention potentially tragic?"
>  Liberating Gambia is the responsibility of all her peoples and across all
>  ethnicities.
>  On the issue of Mandingoes and Islam, how are they more so than the
>  Wolofs, Fulas, Serer, jola, etc.?  If you intend to discuss the trauma of
> all
> he
>  other ethnic groups in future installments, sorry for jumping too soon.
>  However, it does not appear that was in the works.  Again, you sound very
>  prejudicial with your global pronouncements.  Yaya is getting away with
>  murder not because Mandingoes allow him to, but because Gambians, you and
> I,
>  allow him to.    I hope you really revisit your global statements and how
>  prejudicial they are against the Mandingo.
>  It is unfortunate that you were issued death threats.  Why death threats
>  when they can simply dissect your global statements without blood
> letting?
>  I will not worry if I were you, for if that was in us, Yaya would have
> been
>  staked a long time ago.  If Yaya can kill more than fifty people and
>  victimize the whole population and he is still standing, you think any
> bluff
>  will kill you?  Dange La Buga Bose Rek.  Just do not continue to make
> these
>  ridiculous statements under the name of free speech.
>  Joe
>  Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2010 00:27:10 +0000
>  From: [log in to unmask]
>  Subject: Re: Laye and JDAM, Please subscribe my knucklehead cousin
> Sankanu
>  to Ellen.
>  To: [log in to unmask]
>  Prince B.A. Sankanu
>  Your "global" contention is a general point, and in so far as economic
> and
>  political stagnation across the continent is of general application, it
>  appears that you allowed a characteristic urge to generate needless
>  controversy overwhelm your better faculties.
>  As a cohesive glue, religion is of far less significance than ethnicity,
>  and you make no sense in suggesting that a group equal with others under
> law
>  must assume the responsibility of 'liberating' everyone regardless of
>  clear and palpable risks to it.
>  I accept that His Excellency SHEPAD Yahya A J J Jammeh (the Professor)
>  continues to utilise a policy of "divide and rule" in The Gambia. If, as
> you
>  suggested, the Professor targets the Mandinkos, does it not follow that
> the
>  overall strategy is to divide others from the Mandinko, instead of
> dividing
>  the Mandinko from others? Going by the internal logic of your own
>  contention, it appears that the Mandinko cannot, at the same time, be
> ascribed
> he
>  status of the victim, as well as the responsibility of the culprit. Think
>  it through and the inherent contradiction of your contention may become
> all
>  too clear.
>  Moving on, you may wish to reexamine your contention that "Yahya Jammeh
>  was able to misbehave in the last 16 years partly because the Mandikos
>  allowed it. ...  If at all Mandinkos acted the moment Jammeh started
> insulting
>  them, he would not have continued. But he would insult the Mandinkos and
> the
>  only reaction I saw from the Mandikos was virtually non".
>  You appear to be a student both of history and contemporary affairs, and
>  you cannot therefore fail to appreciate that your own adopted country
>  provides a preeminent demonstration of the malign reach of totalitarian
> power.
> n
>  light of the Professor's "divide and rule" along tribal lines, and
>  considering that the police power in a dictatorship such as obtains in
> The
> ambia
>  is concentrated in the presidency, why would the Mandinko allowed itself
> to
>  be targeted for destruction?  What special status does the Mandinko have
>  to wear the mantle of national liberator in a jurisdiction of multiple
>  ethnicities?
>  Our national dilemma mirrors the classic scenario of "who would bell the
>  cat". No individual, and no ethnicity in The Gambia has any illusion
> about
>  the oppressive character of the Professor's government, but human nature
>  being what it is, there is simultaneous covert and overt competition
> between
>  ethnicities to outmanoeuvre each other for the benefit of the common
>  oppressor. I need not remind you that in a tribal society like The
> Gambia,
> thnic
>  affinity has a more compelling claim to cohesion than even religion.
>  Again, why do you want the Mandinkos, without the support of others, to
>  take on a role and a responsibility that is of clear national dimensions,
> not
>  to mention potentially tragic?
>  On "extreme Islamic doctrines", please enlighten on how the Madinko
>  differs from "the Fula Allah Jabi Jabani, the Wolofs and their Mouride
>  Brotherhood, the Tuculuer and Tijaniyaa, the Serere's respect for their
> re-Islamic
>  values". As the foregoing are mere statements and not arguments, your
> case
>  is not made. A princely prejudice? There is a persuasive case for that
>  supposition!
>  I take no issue with the rest of your response in the sense they are of
> no
>  specific, and, or, unique application to the Mandinko.
>  As I take no offence, I require no apology from you. My sole interest is
>  to ventilate the issues as understood by you, and I proceed on the hope
> that
>  you are able to frame the debate more objectively in future.
>  LJDarbo
>  --- On Tue, 7/9/10, Bubacarr Sankanu <[log in to unmask]>
>  wrote:
>  From: Bubacarr Sankanu <[log in to unmask]>
>  Subject: Re: Laye and JDAM, Please subscribe my knucklehead cousin
> Sankanu
>  to Ellen.
>  To: [log in to unmask]
>  Date: Tuesday, 7 September, 2010, 23:40
>  Dear Mr. Darboe,
>  I am grateful for the warm reception.
>  I am not above criticism and I made this very clear in my piece: people
>  are free to challenge or correct me in a mature manner.
>  Abdul Karim Sanneh, calling me a liar is just unfortunate and thanks for
>  that compliment.
>  You are Sannneh and possibly a Nyancho and I understand your anger when I
>  said that the Nyancho warriors ignored the advice of the African Gods.
> You
>  can call me a liar but this historical fact is indelible and thinking
> about
>  it makes you angry.
>  To continue with Mr. Darboe, for sure the Mandinkos are not the only ones
>  addicted to Islam. The problem is I studied Yahya Jammeh's "divide and
> rule
>  policy" and it affected the Mandinkos the most.
>  I also mentioned Jammeh's misuse of his own Jola people and the Jola
>  justice awaiting him.
>  Yahya Jammeh was able to misbehave in the last 16 years partly because
> the
>  Mandikos allowed it. This is my observation. If at all Mandinkos acted
> the
>  moment Jammeh started insulting them, he would not have continued. But he
>  would insult the Mandinkos and the only reaction I saw from the Mandikos
>  was virtually non.
>  Ethnic trauma is not an exclusive Mandikno thing. I made reference to the
>  African-American trauma and to our own Sarahule trauma.
>  Many Africans were forced to accept Islam and Christianity against their
>  will. Only a few had the change to resist the jihads (e.g. the Dogons of
>  Mali, the Hausa Magunzawa of Northern Nigeria and others).
>  I made reference to other Gambian ethnic groups who filtered/localized
>  Islam by dropping the extreme doctrines: the Fula Allah Jabi Jabani, the
>  Wolofs and their Mouride Brotherhood, the Tuculuer and Tijaniyaa, the
> Serere's
>  respect for their pre-Islamic values.
>  My global point is that Africa after 50 years of independence, it is time
>  to intensively review all foreign ideologies that are arresting Africa'
>  development. Africans love jumping into any novelty that comes from
> abroad
>  without filtering it to suit their values. They easily follow false
> prophets.
>  The biggest victims of the African Jihadists like Outhman Dan Fodio and
>  others were Africans who were forced to denounce their faiths. The
> present
>  day Northern Nigerian home region of Dan Fodio's origin is the least
>  developed part of Nigeria even in African standards. Even though they
> jumped
> nto
>  the Sharia bandwagons in 1990/2000, their situation is still miserable as
>  most of them believe Allah will come down to literarily take them out of
>  poverty. The kill industry, enterprise and spend their time forcing
> people to
>  just pray and wait for God.
>  I am not against organized religion. I am just against the misuse of
>  religion to suppress and arrest human creativity.
>  President Obama said the future of Africa lies in the hands of Africans.
>  The solutions to Africa' problems cannot be found in Saudi Arabia, Iran,
> UK,
>  USA and so on. No matter how much China, USA, UK & Co. love Africa, they
>  would not like Africa to compete them on the global stage. They would
> like
>  Africa to develop not according to African but according to their own
>  geo-strategic interests.
>  FILTERING and RE-DISCOVERING the best practices of our pre-Islamic and
>  pre-Christian values are inevitable.
>  Chairman Mao of China wanted to make China a Communist country but the
>  project was a disaster as Communism is not part of the Chinese Culture.
> The
>  Chinese are capitalists and they were key players of the old
> globalization
>  through the ancient SILK ROUTES that connected Eurasia.
>  Mo's successor DEN XIAOPING filtered Communism and integrated the ancient
>  Chinese values of entrepreneurship and global trade into his development
>  plan. The result we are seeing to day.
>  This is basically what I am trying to highlight.  Madinkos built empires
>  just like us Sarahules and all other ethnic groups of The Gambia: we can
> all
>  combine our rich heritages to build a successful Gambian Secular
> Republic.
>  But first we need to do internal self-criticism before we can come up
> with
>  a common agenda.
>  If the Mandinkos can build great Empires of Mali and Kaabu, they can help
>  make the Gambia a Great Nation when they integrate their good old but
>  progressive nation building skills into our national development plan.
>  There is no International Law that says all countries must develop
>  according to the Westminster style of governance. Each country must find
> its
> wn
>  system that respect local progressive values, the RULE OF LAW and CIVL
>  Anyway, I apologize to all those who were disturbed by my unconventional
>  but unavoidable though-provoking piece.
>  Warmest,
>  Prince B.A. Sankanu
>  *********************
>  -------- Original-Nachricht --------
>  > Datum: Tue, 7 Sep 2010 20:40:06 +0000
>  > Von: Lamin Darbo <[log in to unmask]>
>  > An: [log in to unmask]
>  > Betreff: Re: Laye and JDAM, Please subscribe my knucklehead cousin
>  Sankanu to Ellen.
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > Prince B.A. Sankanu
>  >
>  > Welcome to the L (Ellen to your Uncle). You appear to be the first
>  royalty
>  > to openly associate with our community, and for that, I am ecstatic,
>  > the regrettable "death threats" ostensibly directed at you
>  notwithstanding.
>  >
>  > On your "current topic", I suppose that is in reference to "Healing the
>  > Mandinkos from the brutal Islamization trauma; Rediscovering our
> African
>  > Native Religions"
>  >
>  >
>  > Leaving aside the substance of your thoughts, I would be grateful for
>  some
>  > insight to the driving considerations behind your topic itself.
>  >
>  > And here is why!
>  >
>  > Our native homeland is both multi-ethnic, and multi-religious. Are
>  > Madinkos the sole adherents of the Islamic faith in The Gambia?
>  >
>  > Assuming you are right in your unargued postulation that that adherency
>  > is of such "brutality" it traumatises the Mandinko to this day, do you
>  > think your suggested "healing" mechanism is of any practical efficacy
>  given
>  > the deep  interface of current Gambian society with the religions Your
>  > Royal Highness singled out for condemnation.
>  >
>  > Why is the Mandinko the only tribe that needs "healing" when Islam is
>  > accepted across ethnicities in The Gambia?
>  >
>  > Welcome to the interactive world of the L, and just in case you are not
>  > aware, we subject views of even Royals to intensive forensic scrutiny.
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > LJDarbo
>  >
>  >
>  > From: Bubacarr Sankanu <[log in to unmask]>
>  > Date: Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 8:08 PM
>  > Subject: Re: Laye and JDAM, Please subscribe my knucklehead cousin
>  Sankanu
>  > to Ellen.
>  > To: [log in to unmask]
>  >
>  >
>  > Dear G-List Mangers and Members,
>  >
>  > I thank you all for accepting me. I will do my best to respect the
> terms
>  > and conditions of your august List.
>  >
>  > As for my current topic, it us sad that some people prefer sending me
>  > death  threats than engaging me in mature discourse.
>  >
>  > However, I am not a coward.
>  >
>  > Thank once more for accepting me.
>  >
>  > Prince B.A. Sankanu
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > -------- Original-Nachricht --------
>  > > Datum: Tue, 7 Sep 2010 12:44:06 -0400
>  > > Von: Haruna Darbo <[log in to unmask]>
>  > > An: [log in to unmask]
>  > > Betreff: Re: Laye and JDAM, Please subscribe my knucklehead cousin
>  > Sankanu to Ellen.
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > >
>  > > Suntou my friend,
>  > >
>  > > I couldn't figure out if you were speaking to me or to Prince Sankanu
>  my
>  > > royal cousin or when you're speaking to either of us. However from my
>  > > vantage point, I share the following with you:
>  > >
>  > > 1. You are absolutely right that Kaabu is not the only place of
>  > Mandingos
>  > > neither is it a place solely of Mandingos. It will be interesting for
>  > > Sankanu and others to learn that Kaabu's demographics spans
> Sarahulay,
>  > Diola,
>  > > Dogon, Fulani, Bambara, Timne, Mende, Hausa, Jollof, and Toucouleur
> in
>  > the
>  > > main. Therefore Sankanu's inordinate view of Kaabu as the Mandinka
>  > kingdom is
>  > > flawed at the very least.
>  > >
>  > > 2. The bane of Sankanu's article is pride in oneself and one's own.
> If
>  > he
>  > > bears inordinately on the Mandingo ethnicity to get his point across,
>  I
>  > > advise temperance on his part. For the demarcation between ethnic
>  > intolerance
>  > > and conceit become ever-blurry should Sankanu not apologise to
>  Mandingos
>  > or
>  > > make ammends.
>  > >
>  > > 3. I am not particularly concerned with the religious undertones of
>  > > Sankanu's global views because those are accurate and inspiring.
> Islam
>  > is not my
>  > > religion and from what I was told by DaarManso, Islam or Christianity
>  is
>  > > not the religion of my community, prior or present. There are however
>  > lessons
>  > > and examples from both the Qur'An and the Bible that all mankind must
>  be
>  > > proud of and emulate.
>  > >
>  > > 4. Voodoo is not a religion. It is industry and there to be chosen by
>  > the
>  > > desiring entrepreneur.
>  > >
>  > > I therefore encourage my royal cousin Sankanu to make ammends for the
>  > > perceived sleight and dishonour of the Mandingos as an ethnic group.
>  > >
>  > > I also encourage you Suntou to temper your language and genuflections
>  in
>  > > matters of ethnicity and religion. Allah counsels temperance for the
>  > Eemaan.
>  > > Regardless of engagement.
>  > >
>  > > Take care my brother and uncle. You are also Sankanu's uncle
> therefor.
>  > Let
>  > > us welcome Sankanu to Ellen with open arms and his prospective value
>  to
>  > > our community. He will not be immune to improving or sharing his
>  > knowledge
>  > > with us here. We must not deny ourselves the privileges of communion.
>  > >
>  > > Haruna.
>  > >
>  > > -----Original Message-----
>  > > From: suntou touray <[log in to unmask]>
>  > > To: GAMBIA-L <[log in to unmask]>
>  > > Sent: Tue, Sep 7, 2010 11:30 am
>  > > Subject: Re: Laye and JDAM, Please subscribe my knucklehead cousin
>  > Sankanu
>  > > to Ellen.
>  > >
>  > >
>  > > Let him tell the truth to his Clan members first then he can turn his
>  > > attention else where. If Sankanu thinks he is wild, let him at least
>  be
>  > genuine
>  > > about it. Doing fulan kafo is not enough. Your Prince is a complete
>  > idiot
>  > > just like the purveyor of his bullshit.
>  > > He should have remain Emman. He was sending the same email address to
>  > the
>  > > online papers and now he is running miles away from Emman. Yeah
>  Emmanuel
>  > of
>  > > Soutuma more like. Are you saying Emmanuel was posting things for you
>  in
>  > > Bantaba, using the email as your contact in Maafanta? Get real. I
>  spoted
>  > > your duality a long time. So just let it go bro.
>  > > Let Sankanu try to learn his history first. Kaabu is not where all
>  > Gambian
>  > > Mandingos come from. Let him take back his bullshit generalisation.
>  > > Voodoo is good, yeah, it help Sankanu to get his resident papers in
>  > > German. I thought German is in Europe. Why not Ghana, the former
>  kingdom
>  > of the
>  > > Sarahuleh so Sankanu says.
>  > > Yahya Jammeh, Idi Amin, Mabuto, Bukasa, and countless of our guys are
>  > said
>  > > to use it regularly. And they are Lo and behold, not corrupt.
>  > > Sankanu/Emman, if you are into Fulan Kafo, good on you. But you see
>  the
>  > West adopted
>  > > Christianity and they use it today to maintain their societal values
>  and
>  > > norms. Now did they say, let us not use the laws of the bible to
> model
>  > our
>  > > society as we know it today. Where did you ran after the GRTS debacle
>  > Sankanu?
>  > > No, not to the heart of traditional worship, but miles away from it.
>  > >
>  > > All the secular advocate spread across Europe borrow their ideas from
>  > the
>  > > thinking Christianity instituted. When you know, it is then you can
>  > depart.
>  > > Superstition is what the West has abandon to grow and the Mandingos
>  did
>  > > the same like all higher human beings.
>  > > If you want to deny the unity or existence of God, please go ahead.
>  The
>  > > near non-Existent paganism in the Gambia may open it's windows to
> you,
>  > that
>  > > is if you visit to sell the idea.
>  > > The Mandingos left Jalang Bato not under duress but because they
> knew,
>  > > bowing down to something they made with hand is the pick of
> ignorance.
>  A
>  > thing
>  > > that one makes, then you held that to be a Deity, does that make
> sense
>  > > Sankanu?
>  > > Voodoo is use in our society for evil. If you want to change that, go
>  > and
>  > > show them the good things about Voodoo. I am sure, in Soutuma, they
>  will
>  > > not only hang you, but you will lose your balls along the way.
>  > >
>  > > I have been to your village many times. I even remember around 1989
>  when
>  > > some people gather together to exploit some gullible villagers and
>  those
>  > of
>  > > the Surrounding. They said, A Hyena has made a well. This Well
>  suddenly
>  > is
>  > > said to heal people.
>  > > And suddenly, Vans started invading the village from Senegal and
>  > > Cassamance. People pay some money to get the water and bath.
>  > > But after a couple weeks, the scam was exposed. This happen near your
>  > > village. I wonder if you will do a bit of research on that.
>  > >
>  > > If you think promoting traditional religion is a meaningful thing to
>  do,
>  > > let us see you recant your faith, then learn Voodoo, may be after a
>  > couple
>  > > of years, you will become an expert just the propagator of the
> 'Silo'.
>  > Islam
>  > > on the other hand is free from actions of people that goes against it
>  > > teaching.
>  > > Your deceptive use of Arabic words like Harem to pretend that, Islam
>  > > allows for such behaviour is flabbergasting. I am sure, we can define
>  > Sarahulehs
>  > > by the actions of few Sarahuleh as a general norm.
>  > > Stop the childishness, your Mother is a woman. If You have no respect
>  > for
>  > > other women, at least do respect her. Don't let the European cold
>  breeze
>  > > make you crazy.
>  > > Suntou
>  > >
>  > >
>  > >
>  > > On Mon, Sep 6, 2010 at 7:16 PM, Haruna Darbo <[log in to unmask]>
>  > wrote:
>  > >
>  > > I had to tighten my screws to sponsor my second prince (the first
>  being
>  > > the waldo O'brien-Coker). This is the handle he afforded me to be
>  > subscribed:
>  > >
>  > > [log in to unmask]
>  > >
>  > > Can you believe the remarkable conceit and self-confidence?????? I
>  > thought
>  > > I was bad. I like Sankanu not only for his unorthodox and
> mind-jolting
>  > > rebellion against global idiocies, but for his kind heart and
> generous
>  > > temperament. For those who are insensed by Sankanu, I plead you take
> a
>  > second read
>  > > of his writings. I think you are being unreasonable in your disdain
> of
>  > > him. Sankanu tells the truth in the most forceful way he knows how
> and
>  > being a
>  > > Prince, he is inuring grave discounts to his pedigree. So enough with
>  > your
>  > > gratuitous disdains of my Prince and listen to the man. You might
>  learn
>  > > something gaddamit.
>  > >
>  > > Haruna.
>  > >
>  > >
>  > >
>  > >
>  >
> ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤
>  > > To unsubscribe/subscribe or view archives of postings, go to the
>  > Gambia-L
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>  > > To Search in the Gambia-L archives, go to:
>  > > To contact
>  > the List Management, please send an
>  > > e-mail to: [log in to unmask]
>  > >
>  >
> ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤
>  > >
>  > >
>  > >
>  > >
>  > > --
>  > > Surah- Ar-Rum 30-22
>  > > "And among His signs is the creation of heavens and the earth, and
> the
>  > > difference of your languages and colours. Verily, in that are indeed
>  > signs for
>  > > men of sound knowledge." Qu'ran
>  > >
>  > >
>  > >
>  >
> ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤
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>  > >
>  > >
>  > >
>  > >
>  >
> ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤
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>  >
>  > --
>  > GMX DSL SOMMER-SPECIAL: Surf & Phone Flat 16.000 für nur 19,99
>  > Euro/mtl.!*
>  >
>  >
>  >
> ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤
>  >
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>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > --
>  > Surah- Ar-Rum 30-22
>  > "And among His signs is the creation of heavens and the earth, and the
>  > difference of your languages and colours. Verily, in that are indeed
>  signs for
>  > men of sound knowledge." Qu'ran
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  >
> ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤
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>  --
>  GMX DSL SOMMER-SPECIAL: Surf & Phone Flat 16.000 für nur 19,99
>  Euro/mtl.!*
> ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤
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> ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤
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>  --
>  Surah- Ar-Rum 30-22
>  "And among His signs is the creation of heavens and the earth, and the
>  difference of your languages and colours. Verily, in that are indeed
> signs for
>  men of sound knowledge." Qu'ran
> ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤
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> ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤
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>  --
>  Surah- Ar-Rum 30-22
>  "And among His signs is the creation of heavens and the earth, and the
>  difference of your languages and colours. Verily, in that are indeed
> signs for
>  men of sound knowledge." Qu'ran
> ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤
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> -
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