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Cerebral Palsy List <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 30 Jan 2011 15:30:00 -0500
Cerebral Palsy List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Kathleen Salkin <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (370 lines)
I'd say somewhere in South America, on the west coast.


On Sun, Jan 30, 2011 at 3:11 PM, Tamar Raine <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> I don't know, maybe the phillipines?  This shit about the schools is awful!
> Thanks,
> Tamar
> ~~~~~~~~
> When the power of love overcomes the love of power,
> the world will come to know [log in to unmask]
> http://www.zazzle.com/TamarMag*Yes, please include the * so I get paid a
> little
> higher royalty.
> ________________________________
> From: "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Sent: Sun, January 30, 2011 7:45:31 AM
> Subject: Re: Brown's Destructive Plan for Regional Centers, Medi-Cal, SSI,
> READ then the good news LONG
> Ok I still read you guys but don't often respond. My daughter is in
> education and is completely distraught. She runs a charter school and can't
> believe the regulations they are being charged with preparing. Thanks to
> Obama teachers are now officially technocrats, no teaching required just
> fill out the form correctly. They have placed or rather are trying to place
> every child's entire history and record on line so if your kid is called
> into the principals office rightly or wrongly it will be in his permanent
> record on line. His whole health history everything about him and my
> daughter cannot believe this went by without a whimper from anyone. Oh and
> California has hired a military contractor to evaluate these records to see
> who might join a gang. So they are not private. And every time my daughter
> tries to upload her schools information the system crashes. All the records
> have to match from every school or your funding will be cut off. So if you
> move your kid from a school and enroll him in another and there is a date
> discrepancy in the record you won't pass muster. It's sheer insanity.
> Here is an example of California failure, just one of many others more
> horrific, but one I witnessed. Last year my grandson contacted whooping
> cough and we knew it because there was an outbreak in Big Sur. My daughter
> has TWO good health insurances. We took him to the doctor and said he has
> whooping cough. Answer: No he doesn't, no throat swab, $150, and
> penicillin, he can go to school in 3 days according to the doctor. Went
> back ten days later "He has whooping cough. The penicillin did nothing.
> Please swab his throat."
> No. We'll try a different one."
> Wrong diagnosis again. Of course this is highly communicable, kn own as
> the 100 day cough and we have diligently been trying to get it diagnosed
> for over a month to keep him out of school. Third visit same result.
> Emergency room visit - we did our best to avoid this but the kid was sick -
> finally a throat swab and yes he had whooping cough, and after a 5 hour
> wait a bill for around $5000, no bed, no overnight, nothing.
> Then a call from the state health department acting like we were the
> irresponsible ones.
> THEN called into the school for truancy because he had missed so much. The
> DA was there along with his counselor, the VP, me, his mother and father
> and this is a 6th grader. The DA tells him he is the type of kid she sees
> in court. This is a really good kid who hangs out with me after school
> partly because of the peer pressure to do the wrong thing. He comes home
> and tells me kids are selling drugs at school. Every day he is with me and
> that's why I am there so my daughter and her husband can work full time and
> go to school. We give the whooping cough excuse and they don't even back
> off. Of course we must present all the office visits and evidence. But then
> the VP finally got a call from the State Health Dept. You would think my
> daughter as an educator and someone who runs her own school might be given
> the benefit of the doubt. Oh no, not in this climate. Commopn sense and
> humanity are out the window. What I still can't believe is that we were
> quiet and polite during this instead of fighting back but then that is how
> bad it has gotten, afraid to speak out, for fear my grandson will
> experience the retaliation.
> It is fascism in America. I had high hopes for Obama but now the good news
> I have left the country....voted with my feet this time
> I now live in a peaceful country, tranquil, socialist where all the
> cultural events are free and you can get your teeth cleaned for $5. Doctor
> visits are between $3 and $25 and the follow up is free. I have had two
> experiences with the hospital, both very humane with better care than I
> could get in the states. I should write about them to contrast third world
> medicine with our so called first world service.  My rent is $200 for 3
> bedrooms and two baths, I have a terrace for plants and I could live out of
> the city center for half that. The food is organic, wholesome and
> delicious. If you are over 65 the bus fare is 12.5 cents, under 65 it is a
> quarter. The people are friendly. I sleep better knowing I am not promoting
> war by simply having money in the bank.
> The Vice President is in a wheelchair. The President told the US he could
> not renew their bases unless they gave him one in Miami. I am on the
> Pacific. There is more biodiversity in this country than almost anywhere on
> the planet. More percentage of land is protected than any other country in
> the world. Where am I?
> I often think how great it would be for some people with disabilities to
> come here have full time help, live in a building and support one another.
> You could live so much better than you live now. Your skills would be
> welcome.
> My mother has been diagnosed with Alzheimers and I could not afford to
> take care of her in the states but I could here and I would still have a
> life.
> A
> On Sat, 29 Jan 2011 17:52:26 -0800, Tamar Raine <[log in to unmask]>
> wrote:
> > UPDATE:  STOP THE PRESSES! =0A=0A=0A=0APlease read, and then write to
> the
> > G=
> > overnor, as well as your legislators! Join =0Aus on the front lines in
> > Berk=
> > eley and Sacramento.=0A=0AGovernor Brown is poised to destroy the
> > Lanterman=
> >  Act. I don't know if he truly =0Arealizes that axing the Lanterman Act
> >  wil=
> > l severely impact those of us with =0Acerebral palsy, Autism, Down
> > Syndrome=
> > , Asperger Syndrome, and other =0Adevelopmental disabilities. Is this
> the
> > s=
> > ame guy who appointed ED Roberts, a =0Aquadriplegic, to head several
> > office=
> > s such as the Dept. of Vocational =0ARehabilitation in 1977???=0A=0AHe
> has
> > =
> > ALSO proposed that those on Medi-cal, be allowed only TEN doctor or
> > =0Aoutp=
> > atient visits per year! =0A=0ARead on to see who will DIE as a
> result!=0A=
> > =0AGovernor Brown, this is a reckless proposal! We need to tailor each
> > indi=
> > vidual's =0Aabilities to services that they need. Each  person is an
> > indivi=
> > dual, and the =0Awhole idea is that we live in the community of our
> > choice,=
> >  and not in =0Ainstitutions where we are locked away, abandoned and
> >  forgott=
> > en by society and =0Apoliticians. Your sweeping budget strikes a FEAR in
> > m=
> > y heart so deep it's all I =0Acan do to not weep and feel defeated. I am
> > 55=
> >  years old, and was a beneficiary  =0Aof California's "golden age" of
> >  educa=
> > tion for children with disabilities back =0Awhen an education in
> > California=
> >  actually meant something. =0A=0A=0AMy parents did whatever they could
> to
> >  h=
> > elp me be as independent as I could be. =0AFor most of my life I was
> very
> > i=
> > ndependent, but growing older with Cerebral =0APalsy has meant
> arthritis,
> > l=
> > oss of function in my right hand, fibromyalgia, leg =0Apain. My spine
> > x-ray=
> > s look like that of a much older person of 85. I have =0Aadapted to life
> > in=
> >  a wheelchair, and I'm still striving to keep as independent =0Aas
> >  possible=
> > . Without my Regional Center service providers, I would not have much
> > =0Aof=
> >  a life. I do not have 18 hour care, I do not need it, or want it, as I
> >  hav=
> > e =0Athings that keep me busy, but many others do! They actually need
> > someb=
> > ody there =0A24 hours a day, due to epilepsy, autism, and other
> > disabilitie=
> > s.  Don't turn the =0Aclock back. These are people who are living proof
> > tha=
> > t community-based care DOES =0Awork!=0A=0AGovernor, I know you want to
> > keep=
> >  the old taxes going. But I think you ALSO NEED =0Amore taxes of the
> rich,
> >  =
> > and big corporations. They are NOT HURTING! How about =0Asuing the banks
> > th=
> > at caused the housing  industry to land slide? How about =0Ahalting the
> > leg=
> > islature's gas cards which they very coolly voted for =0Athemselves!?!
> My
> > I=
> > HSS workers who make meager wages in comparison to a =0Alegislator's
> > salary=
> > , would love gas cards too! I  support taking away Cell =0Aphones for
> all
> > G=
> > overnment  employees except first responders, and also taking =0Aaway
> > those=
> >  Government issued cars. I am sure you can find much more waste to cut
> >  =0At=
> > han taking away people with disabilities' civil rights. I am referring
> to =
> > =0AOlmstead, in which the Supreme Court ruled that forcing people with
> > disa=
> > bilities =0Ato live in institutions that CAN live in a community of our
> > cho=
> > ice, with =0Asupports, is unconstitutional. Institutions cost billions
> > more=
> >  than =0Acommunity-based care. You must KNOW THAT THE NURSING HOME
> These
> >  =
> > proposals are =0Ainhumane! =0A=0A=0A =0AI find it unconscionable and
> > unacce=
> > ptable that you are proposing all these cuts =0Ato social welfare --
> while
> > =
> > NOT requiring increases in corporate taxes by the =0Asame proportion. I
> am
> > =
> > referring to the cuts to IHSS. We have already been cut =0A3.5 percent.
> To
> > =
> > cut us again, to the tune of 8.4 percent is going to really =0Aaffect
> some
> > =
> > of us in a terrible way! Let's see you increase corporate taxes by =0A12
> > pe=
> > rcent. Either that or tell the Corporations to HIRE more People with
> > =0Adis=
> > abilities! How is that for an idea? There is a new generation of college
> =
> > =0Aeducated people with disabilities graduating soon. =0A=0A=0AI have
> not
> > h=
> > eard about one single corporate executive GOING TO JAIL OR losing
> =0Atheir
> > =
> > multi-million-dollar benefits! I haven't heard of any upper management
> > =0Aw=
> > hite collar workers having to decide whether they need groceries, or a
> > batt=
> > ery =0Afor their power wheelchair more. Please THINK about this!  It's
> > real=
> > ly a day =0Athat exposes the huge gap between those who have a lot of
> > money=
> > , and those who =0Adon't. Power VS Non-power. Which side are you on,
> > Jerry?=
> > =0A=0A=0AThe corporations (which the Supreme Court have deemed to be a
> > pers=
> > on!?!) have =0Athe opportunity in our country, to make as  much money as
> > th=
> > ey like, BUT there =0Ais nothing promising them that they can just TAKE
> &
> > T=
> > AKE without giving some =0Areasonable fee back. How many millions and
> > billi=
> > ons do the rich need for heavens =0Asake?! How many cars and homes, and
> > vac=
> > ations does anybody need? When are they =0Agoing to feel the pinch? The
> > cou=
> > ntry IS IN this downturn BECAUSE of GREED! =0A=0A=0AREALLY? You are
> going
> > t=
> > o charge those on SSI and other  low-income people to pay =0A$50.00 for
> > Eme=
> > rgency Room visits??? And up to $200 a day for hospital stays? =0AThese
> > are=
> >  human beings whose incomes range from $600 to $830. Uhh Jerry, I don't
> >  =0A=
> > know, aren't emergency room visits by their very nature, emergencies,
> and
> > n=
> > ot =0Asomething we can plan for? Especially if rents are so high they
> take
> > =
> > most of our =0Aincome? If you cut medicaid payments to health providers,
> > th=
> > en you will indeed =0Asee a rise in emergency room visits! I read today
> > tha=
> > t 25 years ago, ER visits =0AWERE the CAUSE of Homelessness!  I can
> > foresee=
> >  THOUSANDS living and DYING in the =0Astreets if your proposals are put
> >  int=
> > o effect!=0A=0AThose who are thinking, "Who needs ten visits to the
> > doctor?=
> > " have no idea what =0Athe effects of this will be.  Let us paint a
> > picture=
> > : If your mother or sister =0Ahas to have kidney dialysis 3 times a
> week,
> > w=
> > ell, that's two weeks and then they =0Abegin dying within 30 days after
> > the=
> > se draconian limits take effect.  Go here =0Afor the best picture;
> > (thanks,=
> >  Beth!)=0Ahttp://www.ethiopianreview.com/health/201001/?p=3D150306
> >  =0A=0APe=
> > ople  with cancer will be cut off after ten treatments. Standard
> > treatments=
> >  =0Afor breast cancer; chemotherapy is done every two to three weeks for
> >  th=
> > ree to =0Asix months. In the words  of the Cancer Society, =E2=80=9CTen
> > doc=
> > tor=E2=80=99s visits would not =0Aallow a woman to  complete any one of
> > the=
> > se courses of treatment. Furthermore, =0Athese  numbers do not take into
> > ac=
> > count the visits required to diagnose the  =0Acancer." =0A=0A=0AThe
> > medicai=
> > d issue which Brown has put before the Supreme Court is a terrible
> > =0Aidea!=
> >  If medicaid gets cut, we can expect many more deaths as a result.  I
> >  =0Afo=
> > ught Arnold's cuts, and I and thousands more, will fight these draconian
> > cu=
> > ts =0Ato vital programs. Cutting Medicaid is not the way to solve the
> > budge=
> > t crises.=0A=0AWe should have seen the baby  boomer issue coming a
> > a=
> > go! We should have =0Aprepared for all the elders now entering the
> In-Home
> > =
> > Services rolls. I keep =0Athinking of the words to an old song;
> =0A=0A"If
> > l=
> > iving were a thing that money  could buy, =0A the rich  would live and
> the
> > =
> > poor would die." =0A=0AThe blood will be on your hands, Governor Brown,
> > you=
> >  and all those who keep =0Achopping the programs. =0A=0AI am so weary of
> >  ha=
> > ving to fight for the rights of the poor, the elderly, the =0Adisabled,
> in
> > =
> > other words; the disenfranchised!  =0A=0ABut as long as I can still type
> > an=
> > d still get up in the morning, I shall carry =0Aon. =0A=0A=0AFormerly,
> > (app=
> > ointed by Jerry Brown) on the Oakland Mayor's Commission on =0APersons
> > with=
> >  Disabilities, I am a citizen with multiple disabilities. =0A=0A=0ATamar
> >  Ra=
> > ine=0A510-893-0565=0A325 Vernon St.=0AOakland, CA 94610
> >
> > -----------------------
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