For blind ham radio operators


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Sat, 9 Apr 2011 11:31:33 -0400
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Junior Lolley <[log in to unmask]>
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I hope this is okay for the list.

Junior Lolley KG4itd
Liberty County Emergency Coordinator

This could be the beginning of us loosing not only 420 to 440 Mc, but right on up the radio spectrum. Remember the 220 band?

Please consider joining this fight to protect our natural resourse for the hobby.


The radio spectrum is a valuable resourse and the Government is looking to make billions in income and they are misrepresenting this fact to the general public.

Below is a response an amateur received from a Representative in NY. Read what the original bill has in it or what isn’t in it, that action is called for.

It clearly shows, when you read this misrepresentation from what this legislator telling you to throw one off the real goal of the bill.


I would encourage each and everyone of you to take some time, study the bill, go to the ARRL website and get information on how to respond to Washington and tell them NO to this bill.


Thank you for your time. Please consider assisting in this venture.



An amateur wrote to this Representative. 

Below is the response he received a couple of days ago from Congressman Mike Rogers, who is a co-sponsor of HR 607. 



Thank you for contacting me with regard to H.R. 607, the Broadband for First Responders Act of 2011. It is good to hear from you.  
As you may know, H.R. 607 would reallocate what is commonly referred to as the D Block for use as a dedicated first responder broadband network. The will allow law enforcement at all levels of government to leverage next generation streaming video and data technologies in the field. I strongly support this bill and am proud to join Representative Peter King (NY) as an original cosponsor of this important measure. Rest assured that my staff and I will continue to work with organizations like the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) to deal with issues resulting from the spectrum reallocation in H.R. 607.  
Again, thank you for contacting me about this issue. If you would like to receive further information on issues of importance to you, please log on to my website at <> . I hope to hear from you again soon. 

Now read the real meaning of the bill  !!!!


This is something you, as a PIO, and all amateurs need to be alert to....


The good news:  

We are getting a good amount of publicity about our opposition to HR-607 (the bill which would take away most of our 70cm band).


The bad news:

Reporters are not doing their homework.  While there’s nothing new in that, in this case we need to  start being very careful about anything we say.  Some of the bigger stories have it that 420-440 is being taken to be given to public service agencies.  That’s not true.


Why this is bad:

In publishing that 420-440 is to be given to police, fire and so on, these reports makes us appear like we’re acting in opposition to these agencies’ needs.  We cannot win popular support that way.  


What’s the truth:

Section 207 of HR-607 wants to take 420-440 and SELL IT AT AUCTION TO COMMERCIAL USERS.


What  do we need to do as PIOs:

(1)    Be very clear we are objecting to HR-607 as written with that section 207 in it.  We are not opposing the other parts of the bill - Just the part that wants to take our frequencies and sell them off commercially.

(2)    If you see a story that still has us opposing the public service agencies, call or write the reporter/editor and explain the difference and why it is important.  Push to get the story corrected.

(3)    Be ready to refer them to <>   for correct information


It’s very easy for proponents of the bill to wave the flag and boast of how they are helping the wonderful first responders who risk lives, yah-dah, yah-dah.  BUT....  this Section 207 has nothing to do with them.  It’s all about the money.  We must keep that point clear.





Allen Pitts, W1AGP

Media & PR Manager

ARRL - the national association for Amateur Radio

225 Main St.  Newington, CT 06111

(860) 594-0328