I am working on a old ST-3391A Medalist 340xe ........a 350 meg AT hard
drive .
The drive had a corrupt boot sector and a number of bad sectors but after I
performed a couple of low level formats with a Seagate utility and then
FDISK creating a Primary Active partition followed by a high format the
drive recovered and is functioning well. Norton Disk Doctor finds no bad
sectors or any other problems.
However I can not label the drive. When I formatted I did not create a
label and yet there is one .....Ai......I suppose I could have
inadvertently created this but I don't think so. I can not remove it or
change it and any attempt to do so with the label command results in a
error message from Dos < cannot make directory entry > . I am running Dos
6.22 . Does anyone have any idea why I can not label the drive.....does
the label Ai have any significance.?