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Sun, 2 Mar 2014 00:32:25 -0500
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Doris and Chris <[log in to unmask]>
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (176 lines)
Dear Mr. Phil,

at the moment, your hunches or whatever the Lord imprints in your 
mind are certainly touching my life and speaking to my middle. I know 
that as a saved and committed Christian, I should not be afraid of 
death but sometimes I am. and have not been able to shun away that 
fear. so praying with you or one of my prayer buddies like old Brad 
here would be most welcome.

I had someof the most direct spiritual experiences during my recent 
hospital stay. Chris thinks it is in part due to too much oxygen and 
if I did oxygen on the highest of 3 level, i had indeed some very 
vivid dreams. One of those was that the lord repeated over and over 
in my mind that service is just about that, serving gds people and 
not about some certain ministry or church building. I felt I needed 
to imprint this on chris;s  mind also.he has given up so much for me 
and has been admonished for not attending church, especially by his family.

there is more stuff but these are the most vivid memories, too much 
oxygen or not. *g* looking forward to praying with you, maria, brad, 
papito. please pray i can persuade papito to return to this list. i 
know he would really love it.


At 06:21 PM 2014/03/01 -0700, you wrote:
>I don't recall ever telling this story on echurch but perhaps I 
>have.  If so, it was a very long time ago.  I don't believe I've 
>written about it until now either.
>This happened many years ago in my mid to late thirties when I began 
>pastoring a church not far from our home called Word and Praise 
>Fellowship.  It had about 75 people to 100 people that attended but 
>a great deal of damage had occurred before I was given the position 
>of pastor, which I won't detail now because it isn't worth 
>telling.  Needless to say, however, once the pastor turned his 
>church over to me, he bailed out, and so did a lot of members who 
>had been mad at him for various reasons.  We ended up with about 40 
>faithful people.  Within 6 months, we caught up all past due bills, 
>relocated a few blocks away, and were debt free to the tune of about 
>7000 dollars and started operating in the black.  They even began 
>paying me a weekly salary.  I cannot describe to what it feels like 
>to have 40 people coming to church every Sunday, with their 
>children, and putting money in the offering and sitting to listen to 
>your preaching and teaching but it is a feeling I've never gotten 
>over and hope I never do.
>One day, my mom called me.  She was working as a receptionist for a 
>doctor for many years so she got to know a lot of people.  My mom 
>didn't high her relationship with the Lord and within moments of 
>meeting just about anybody, my mom was talking about the Lord or 
>saying Christian things without even knowing it.  My mom could talk 
>to literally anybody at the drop of a hat, too.  Mom asked if I 
>would go visit a lady and her husband that came to the office as 
>patience.  These days, the HIPA laws would prohibit such a thing yet 
>the government wants all our medical records now on a chip under the 
>skin of the right hand but that topic I'll save for another 
>time.  Besides, there's a ton of information about such HIPA chips 
>discussed, and confirmed, all over the internet so I won't reinvent the wheel.
>The story my mom told me was about a lady and her husband.  He had 
>just gone through open heart surgery but he was now, of course, at 
>home and it had been many weeks of recovery and he was now doing 
>well physically.  They were now senior citizens; shoot, I am a 
>senior citizen now, but back then, as I said, I was about 36 or 37 
>years of age.  I asked mom if she knew what was wrong.  She said she 
>didn't know but after talking to this lady, the man's wife that is, 
>she volunteered me to go and talk and pray with them.  Her husband 
>also agreed and stated he would like me to come.  I took Sandy with 
>me, and a friend in the church who had been miraculously healed from 
>an inoperative situations years ago.  He was a great man of faith 
>back then but that, too, is another long story I won't detail at 
>this time.  Needless to say, the Enemy is out to get any and 
>everybody; even men and women of great faith.
>We all went over to this lady's home after church and following 
>their invitation to come into their home, we visited and chatted for 
>awhile until the subject finally came to the surface of our 
>conversation.  The man was no longer sleeping in his bed but in his 
>recliner in the living room since coming home from his surgery.
>After an hour or so of discussing various things related to how he 
>felt, the Holy Spirit told me, in my thoughts, what was 
>wrong.  Furthermore, the Lord said, "Ask him about it."  I did.  I 
>said, "Sir, are you concerned, even fearful, if you sleep in your 
>bed, you might never awaken from sleep due to your heart 
>surgery."  He smiled, I was told, and said, "How did you know 
>that?"  I told him the Lord revealed it to me and told me to lay it 
>right out in front of you in that manner."  He said, "Well, that's 
>my problem."  We all then shared with him some of our fears and 
>concerns and Bible verses which we used to bring encouragement and 
>courage to out lives.  Mom told me, he slept in his own bed from 
>that night forward and was never fearful again about sleeping next 
>to his wife.  That's what the wife called and said to my mom a 
>couple of weeks later.
>As many of you know, I crashed and burned for the third time June 
>the first of 202.  I mean, my train jump the tracks and the wheels 
>came off my mental vehicle, called the mind, and I had anxiety and 
>panic attacks, heard voices and audible sounds that kept me awake 
>most nights, to the point that I, for the second time in my life, 
>experienced brain fog.  For those who have never gotten that 
>emotionally whacked out, brain fog makes you feel like your mind, 
>and body, are walking literally in a cloud, or mist, which impairs 
>your thinking capability in every way imaginable.  I began to 
>approach my problem with some psychological techniques, which the 
>church has fallen for over the years and tried incorporating into 
>church theology and doctrine, which starts by repeating Bible 
>passages over and over until your tongue snaps off it's roller, and 
>building a support group whereby you can circle yourself with good 
>Christian friends whom you can always call, day or night, to help 
>you pray.  One of the people I picked to be in my circle back then, 
>this was when I was 50 years old, 12 years ago, is still on this 
>list and his name is Brad Dunce.  I also, due to the emotional 
>suffering she has experience, kept contact with Carol Pearson in 
>England.  I wrote these two people, as well as others, every night 
>and told them how my day went and told them about the fear and raw 
>terror I suffered through the day and night.  Most ministries today 
>teach, what little they know, through sharing with you Christian 
>books written by well known men, and women, of God for 
>starters.  One of my techniques was to listen to every Christian 
>program, and Christian stations, and Christian tape, I could get my 
>hands on.  Did it work, you ask?  Some, and I do mean, some, that 
>is, a little bit.
>This started, as I said, this third time in my adult life on June 1 
>of 2002.  On July 4 of that same summer, I was listening to a 
>program that had an 800 number.  It was one of these Christian 
>psychology programs that sprinkle a little of the Bible in with the 
>main approach, which is, psychological in nature.  I mentioned the 
>number to my wife, Sandy, so she called it.  Remember, this was the 
>4th of July; everybody was off work.  A lady answered and gave Sandy 
>a number for me to call on Monday and it was a local number.  That 
>lady, on Monday, contacted a colleague in my behalf and he called me 
>back and I made an appointment.  When I got to his office, I soon 
>discovered he didn't use psychology to minister to people, for which 
>he was trained, but a unique form of prayer.  I took to it like a 
>duck to water.  The Lord led me further into a life of prayer from 
>that point and then being called to be an intercessor some nearly 30 
>years ago, began to make sense.
>I correspond with people that often have things they are suffering 
>and who have found my website.  Generally, by the time I have heard 
>from them, they've been to a half a dozen pastors, a priest or two, 
>a couple of so called Christian counselors, some have been to 
>psychologists and psychiatrist, some have been hospitalize for 
>various lengths of time in mental health facilities, they've read 
>every book they can find, both Christians books and secular, they 
>are studying the Bible, quoting and memorizing loads of Bible 
>verses, and many have gone to deliverance ministries, some you might 
>know if I named them, to get free from their tormenting feelings, 
>thoughts, and emotions.  Then, when I explain what I do, which is to 
>talk and pray with them to discover where lies are hidden by the 
>Enemy, , they can't believe it's that simple.  Furthermore, they 
>can't believe it becomes fully automatic and instantaneous as the 
>healing process, through prayer, progresses.  For example, something 
>flashed into my mind just the other day.  I was puzzled by the 
>memory but it kept returning so I finally figured out the Lord 
>wanted to fix something in that memory itself.  In my mind, 
>therefore, I asked the Lord what He wanted me to see.  He instantly 
>showed me what was wrong and when I said, "So, what should I be 
>thinking about this memory?" He flashed the answer into my mind and 
>the whole procedure took no more than 3 seconds.  Now when that 
>memory occurs, I feel the revised version of the memory and smile 
>even though I wasn't smiling about the experience before, since it 
>had to do with my mother's first stroke when she was 73 years old.
>The bottom line is this.  When you come to that place in your life 
>when it seems as if even God's Word isn't working for you, you are 
>in the exact place God can show you how practical and healing his 
>Word really is and it's called prayer or the renewing of the mind: Romans 12:2.
>Living His Name