The tip about inserting pauses into a dialing sequence by adding commas
to a phone number works on Android as well. You can do it when you enter
the phone number into contacts. If the regular typing keyboard comes up,
the comma is in the lower left-hand corner of the screen, near the shift
and symbols keys. If the number pad comes up, the comma is one of the
keys that is beside the key pad; I think it's down the right side, but I
don't remember off hand.
I have voice mail set up this way. I can't access my phone while I'm
working so as soon as I'm done with a class or an interpreting
assignment, I turn it on or turn it up, and I check voice mail for
cancellations or new work. Since I don't want to mess around with
dialing my password while I'm in a noisy environment or in a hurry to
walk out to the parking lot, I went into the phone app and where the
voice mail number appears (Phone > More Options > Settings > Voice Mail
> Setup), I added two commas followed by my password to the voice mail
number (*86 for Verizon users).
It's a very handy thing.
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