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Ghost Child <[log in to unmask]>
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Ghost Child <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 6 May 2012 16:07:03 -0700
text/plain (68 lines)
Hi All,

     This may sound like a personal question, or series of questions, but I
just can't find the answers around here, (south of Tucson, Arizona.)  On the
several lists I belong to for blind people, an astonishing number of folks
have braille notetakers and/or displays, Braille embossers, and other very
high-priced aids for the blind, often owning many of these at once.  I had
read that the unemployment rate among the blind was over 70%, and I am
physically disabled as well as being totally blind and had to fight to be
accepted for even a volunteer position.

     Because of my physical issues, I can't use a standard brailler or slate
and stylus and can't carry large and heavy equipment.  I also don't retain
information auditorily very well, so I've been searching for devices, like
the BrailleNote Apex, which could help me be able to use Braille again.

     I've asked blind friends and local agencies for the blind if they knew
how blind people could get help in affording these devices, as I can't even
afford a Victor Stream at regular price, (fortunately, as an alumnus of
Guide Dogs for the Blind and having just happened to read an article in one
of their newsletters, I was able to get one for $150 a couple of years ago,
but I'll be one sad girl when it finally dies.)  

     All I could learn was that, unless one was in vocational rehab and
about to become employed, in which case voc rehab would pay for certain
things according to how much you'd be making, no one had any idea how the
rest of the blind population could afford the products they need in order to
even manage the basics.  

     The devices I have now were either bought for me by the school system
over 25 years ago or bought for me by family, but they can't afford
refreshable Braille devices or other multi-thousand-dollar aids, and
unfortunately, due to my physical limitations, some of the less-pricey
alternatives won't work for me.

     I've certainly learned to make do with what I have and not expect
things to be easy; my parents never made allowances for my disabilities or
let me off doing what everyone else had to do, and I'm very grateful, having
seen the results when any child with limitations is catered to and given
everything they need to make life easy.

     I do find it hard to believe, however, that with so many blind and
disabled people being low or no-income, that there is no way to apply for
assistance in getting some of these very expensive, but for some of us
really very necessary tools.  Does anyone know of organizations which might
be able to help or where I might go to find out?  The Tucson Association for
the Blind told me about the whole Voc Rehab business, the Lions Club said
they couldn't help, and no one had any ideas as to who else I could contact.
I'm hoping my blind, tech-savvy cohorts here are smarter and better-educated
about such matters.  Who would/did you ask when/if you needed adaptive
equipment, and could you send along any contact information you may have
that might help in my case?  I'm 42, live alone on SSI, and am totally blind
and disabled from severe rheumatoid arthritis in all my joints.  I'd be
happy to provide any other info which might help clarify what and why I need
what I do.  Thanks so much for any ideas you may have.  I truly don't know
where to turn.

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