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Munirah Chronicle <[log in to unmask]>
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Wed, 14 Jan 2004 11:36:29 -0500
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*                Today in Black History - January 14                *

1868 - The South Carolina constitutional convention, the first official
        assembly in the western hemisphere with an African American
        majority, meets in the Charleston Clubhouse with seventy-six
        African American delegates and forty-eight white delegates.
        Two-thirds of the African American delegates are former slaves.
        A New York Herald reporter writes: "Here in Charleston is being
        enacted the most incredible, hopeful, and yet unbelievable
        experiment in all the history of mankind."

1868 - The North Carolina constitutional convention meets in Raleigh, with
        fifteen African American and one hundred eighteen whites in

1873 - P.B.S. Pinchback is elected to the U.S. Senate.  Since he had
        previously been elected to Congress, he went to Washington with
        the unique distinction of being both a senator-elect and a

1874 - I.D. Shadd is elected Speaker of the Lower House of the
        Mississippi legislature.

1916 - Author John Oliver Killens is born in Macon, Georgia.  Among his
        books will be the novels "Youngblood," and "And Then We Heard
        the Thunder," biographies of Denmark Vesey, John Henry, and
        Aleksandr Pushkin, and the script for "Odds Against Tomorrow,"
        a 1959 movie starring Harry Belafonte.

1930 - Biologist and pioneer of cell division, Ernest E Just, is named
        Vice-President of the American Zoological Society.

1940 - Horace Julian Bond is born in Nashville, Tennessee.  He will be
        one of several hundred students from across the South who will
        found the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC).  He
        will become SNCC's communications director.  He will spend over
        twenty years of service in the Georgia General Assembly, after
        having his first elective seats denied him in the mid-sixties.
        Bond will be known also for his narration of many civil rights
        oriented programs, most notably, the critically acclaimed 1987
        and 1990 PBS series, "Eyes on the Prize."  He will become
        Chairman of the NAACP in February, 1998.

1948 - Carl Weathers is born in New Orleans, Louisiana.  He will become
        an actor and is best known for his portrayal of fictional boxer
        Apollo Creed in the "Rocky" movies.

1970 - Diana Ross and the Supremes perform their last concert together,
        at the Frontier Hotel in Las Vegas.

1975 - William T. Coleman is named Secretary of Transportation by
        President Gerald R. Ford.  He is the second African American to
        hold a Cabinet-level position.

1979 - After much pressure from civil rights leaders and others,
        President Jimmy Carter proposes Martin Luther King Jr.'s
        birthday become a federal holiday.

1981 - James Frank, president of Lincoln University in Jefferson City,
        Missouri, is installed as the first African American president
        of the National Collegiate Athletic Association.

1987 - The National Urban League's report "State of Black America"
        blasts President Reagan's policies, stating, "Black Americans
        enter 1987 besieged by the resurgence of raw racism, persistent
        economic depression and the continue erosion of past gains."

           Munirah Chronicle is edited by Brother Mosi Hoj
              "The TRUTH shall make you free"

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