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John Miller <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 3 Aug 2011 22:24:48 -0400
text/plain (93 lines)
I don't have as big a problem with IRLP, even have thought about putting it 
on my own repeater to link it to the other 900 MHz repeaters in the area, 
that's all it would be used for pretty much, but I'm looking for a place 
with internet to set that up so effectively it would be nothing but a way to 
link the repeaters but at least people can't get on there never having owned 
a radio so as long as it's used right, I don't have much problem with IRLP, 
I wouldn't go playing with it but as nothing more than a tool to link my 
repeater I'll take it if I can find a spot to set that up.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Butch Bussen" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2011 11:48 AM
Subject: Re: back on the list again

>I have no problem with folks using echo link, I just personally don't
> consider it ham radio, no more than ventrillo or anything else is.  I
> love and have built several i r l p  systems.  That stands for internet
> radio linking project.  At least you have to have a radio on each end.
> If you like echo link, by all means go for it, but I won't be there!!
> 73
> Butch
> Node 3148
> Wallace, ks.
> On
> Wed, 3 Aug 2011, John Miller wrote:
>> Intolerant of those who sit there claiming they're working the world on 
>> ham
>> radio when it's actually on the computer with no work at all involved,and
>> will never upgrade or never have to worry about band conditions, which is
>> part of ham radio, yes, we should be intolerant of laziness and 
>> ignorance. I
>> wouldn't have quite as big a problem if they were like irlp and you had 
>> to
>> use a radio of some sort to get in the system. I'd still not like it but
>> wouldn't be as against it. a little security wouldn't hurt either, it's 
>> so
>> easy to get in now it's not even funny if someone wants to try it.  If 
>> you
>> want to talk all over the world on the computer, get on skype or any of 
>> the
>> numerous online license free chat programs and don't call yourself a ham.
>> I'm sick and tired of the people who say they'll never upgrade or put up 
>> a
>> station because of lowlifelink, that's why I woke up, saw how bad a thing 
>> it
>> really is, pulled all my system down for that, uninstalled it and told 
>> them
>> to take my call sign out of the system permanently and ban it so no one 
>> can
>> try to register as me which is very easy to do.  and also I've been 
>> fighting
>> to have it discounted as a supposed ham radio mode ever since. I should 
>> try
>> the new ham radio enforcement at the fcc, the last one was all for it but
>> afraid they'd lose people, of course that's the kind we want to lose I
>> pointed out but he announced his retirement a couple days later and never
>> did anything about it.
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Howard Kaufman" <[log in to unmask]>
>> To: <[log in to unmask]>
>> Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2011 4:23 AM
>> Subject: Re: back on the list again
>>> Hi bill, this is Howard.  nice to hear you again.
>>> Their are some intolerant people here who don't respect other people's
>>> choice of using echolink.
>>> Ignore bigots of thought where ever you find them.
>>> Echo link works fine.  for communication with radio amateurs.
>>> It's available from
>>> When you set it up, you have to set all of the station views to explorer
>>> view.
>>> This is done by unchecking index view for everything under tools
>>> preferences.
>>> The audio doesn't compare with skype.  Their used to be and maybe still 
>>> is
>>> a
>>> noon handyhams net that meets on one of the repeaters from Minneapolis, 
>>> as
>>> well as on echolink.
>>> It's kind of cool to talk to mobiles driving around Jerusalem.  Now try
>>> that
>>> on HF!
>>> Have fun and a number of people on here have echolink nodes.