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John Miller <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 3 Apr 2011 22:47:46 -0400
text/plain (57 lines)
If there's no antenna on the mount, the center pin shouldn't measure to the 
shell as a short. Also, if that's one of those mounts where one unit sticks 
on the inside of the window and the other part to the outside, you'll likely 
be very very disappointed in the performance of it. Also, if the window's 
tinted the mount I mention above won't work. That PL/259 sounds strange too, 
a shorter center pin? I saw one once with a longer outer shell, I have no 
clue why that is but I couldn't get it on anything so ended up connecting it 
to a barrel connector with another short jumper so I could use it. That was 
way back when I was on CB radio, I think I still have that coax around here 
somewhere but with a different connector in a junk box in the cellar.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "tom behler" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Sunday, April 03, 2011 10:09 PM
Subject: Questions on Comet WS-1 car window antenna mount

> Hi, all.
> Yesterday, a ham friend gave me a Comet WS-1 car window antenna mount, 
> that
> can be used for a mobile VHF/UHF antenna.  I am thinking that this might 
> be
> worth trying in place of my ailing Magmount.  Keep in mind that the 
> vehicle
> that the XYL and I are currently using is leased, which prevents us from
> drilling holes, etc..
> I have a few questions:
> 1.  Has anyone heard of this type of mount, and what kind of luck have you
> had with it?
> 2.  The Diamond 770 dual-band
> mobile antenna that I currently use has an NMO connection, and this
> particular window mount has a SO239 connection to accommodate a PL259
> connector.  Are there adapters available to go from an NMO to a coax-type
> connection?  If so, does anyone have any info on cost and availability?
> 3.  The PL259 connector on the other end of the mount that screws into the
> radio is somewhat strange.  It definitely is a PL259 connector, but the
> center pin is considerably shorter than that which you typically find on
> normal PL259's.  In addition, when I do a continuity check on the 
> connector
> as it currently is installed, I seem to get a short circuit.  In other
> words, I get continuity when touching both meter leads to the center pin
> connection, but no continuity when one lead touches the center pin while 
> the
> other touches the outer shell of the connector.  This doesn't seem normal 
> to
> me, but perhaps I'm missing something.
> I'd really like to try this window mount if I can do it safely, but I
> obbiously need more info before I can proceed.
> Thanks, and 73 from Tom Behler: KB8TYJ