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Sat, 8 Jan 2011 11:47:57 -0500
Kim Turet <[log in to unmask]>
Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Kim Turet <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (14 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hello Group!  

My 14 year old celiac daughter will be traveling to DisneyWorld with her high school band in March.  Aside from this being her first time on a plane and traveling without her parents, I am a little nervous about the food issues, both at the airport as well as at Disney.  Over the years, so many of you have raved about Disney's ability to handle celiac....I was hoping maybe some of you might be willing to pass along any tips or things you wish you had known or favorite gluten free food items in the park, etc.

I did call Disney and they were great however most of what they shared was the importance of speaking with a chef in advance at each table service restaurant.  However, the package the school put together does not include ANY "table service" meals for the kids...they are all "quick service/counter" options which I am told do not have a chef to speak with per se.  I am hoping that I might be able to get a good handle on some details in advance so that I can perhaps give her a list of places in each park that offer gluten free meal items along with a list of safe foods they offer...then she will know where to go and what to order and feel more confident (and I will be much happier, too!) :)    Is it realistic to think that she can just walk up to a counter service location with her friends and order right along with them or does she need to plan on extra time, only go to specific places, etc?  All suggestions and experiences welcome!

As always, thanks so much!!!

Kim in PA
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