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Dorene Cornwell <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Fri, 10 Sep 2010 18:33:29 -0400
text/plain (71 lines)
Hi Ana

A tip and a few disclaimers:

When I get the application mode on message, I tab until I get a message 
that says address bar. Then I hit F6 until I get a message telling me 
the name of one of the edit fields. JAWS seems to tell me it's the 
title but the text is sometimes the body of the message.

I have gotten out of application mode a few other ways but I am on a 
different machine from my own and cannot at this second retest. The way 
out usually involved the tab key and F6 in some combination.

The disclaimers:
--My machine is acting like the hard drive needs to be replaced again 
which among other things means lots of cursors jumping around in JAWS.

--I run Zoomtext as well as JAWS and that sometimes also affects how 
cursors behave.

No idea whether this is helpful but it's what I've got today.

Seattle WA

-----Original Message-----
From: Ana G <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Tue, Aug 31, 2010 11:27 am
Subject: [VICUG-L] Editing Posts on Blogger

Hi All,
How do you edit posts on Blogger?
I just started a blog on Android phones at
I've got a handful of posts that will be ready to go up in a couple of 
days. I'd like to link some of them to one another and to the posts 
I've already put up.
My problem is that I'm having a really hard time editing existing posts 
with Jaws. the field where the body of the post goes is a frame. I can 
get into it by pressing enter on the compose link and by moving to the 
frame and hitting the escape key. I even hear the sound that indicates 
I'm in forms mode. But when I start typing, Jaws usually behaves like 
when I'm out of forms mode. On the odd occasion when it echos text, I 
have no way of reviewing what I've written, and I don't always find it 
in the revised post when I publish on the assumption that all will work 
any suggestions?

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