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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 27 Jun 2008 09:16:09 -0700
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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Clarification.  What I meant to say is that there's no need to use
quotes around "true" and "false."

Jim Swayze

> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Was: Lifestyle Changes Affect Cancer Genes, Now: Taubes
> From: [log in to unmask]
> Date: Fri, June 27, 2008 11:14 am
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Ron > Taubes' book is a wonderful read. It squares with the perspective
> of most people on this list. However, it is viewed with disdain in other
> venues. I have seen it called "junk science" and have seen Taubes
> labelled "not a real scientist" among other put-downs. The fact remains
> that I agree with what he has to say, and I like his ability to present
> his perspective as a competing theory. From my bias, it is "true" while
> the low fat paradigm is "false".
> Ron, I don't believe there's any need to use quotation marks around
> those words.  A thorough examination of the evidence, which is exactly
> what Taubes gives us in this book, very seriously calls in question the
> conclusions of the last few decades of nutritional "science" (a more
> appropriate use of quotation marks).  The enterprise has been an abject
> failure supported by shoddy method. 
> The reaction to Taubes is hardly a surprise.  I am not suggesting evil
> on the part of those who criticise him.  It's very, very difficult to
> change paradigms, especially those we've invested so heavily in.  We are
> all subject to this law.  Let's hope, though, that there are sufficient
> numbers who take him seriously to cause a long overdue revolution in how
> we think about nutrition.  A revolution with Cordain's "paleo template"
> at its central and first principle.
> One more thing and I'm done.  We all need to keep in mind that, as
> complex and powerful as Taubes' argument is, he's only telling half the
> nutritional story.  Low carb is man's dietary past and a tremendous step
> towards health.  But we also need to pay attention, even in low carb
> foods, to the effects of foreign proteins and other non-paleo foods on
> our health.   Celiac and gluten intolerance spring immediately to mind. 
> But all other autoimmune diseases are caused by this evolutionary
> dietary divergence.  And there's good evidence for a host of others
> (heart disease, cancer, etc.)
> Jim Swayze