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Thu, 8 Jul 2010 17:22:17 -0400
Tina Turbin <[log in to unmask]>
Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Tina Turbin <[log in to unmask]>
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Original Question I posted: Can anyone please share ay success with using this as a celiac, while traveling. Details supplied please. ( all replies below)

Thank you everyone for your time in replying to this. This was not only helpful information to me, but for others as well. So thank you even more-so! Tina Turbin

  1.. Occasionally I have intestinal flu and imodium works just fine!
  2.. It works fine for an un-foreseen or occasional reaction.  Try to fine the 
  Immodium produced by McNeil pharmaceuticals.  It is gluten free, by Clan 
  3.. I suggest that you used probiotics and enzymes to stop diarrhea. The theory is that our gut is ruined, the villi produce the enzymes for the most part, and the body expels food quickly since it can't digest it. I used Kirkman Labs I purchase from the company on the internet for the enzymes. Actually I seldom use probiotics any more since I am so much better.
  4.. I have used Imodium as a celiac and have had no challenges because of  
  its use.
  5.. Imodium is my "in-case-of-accidental-ingestion" drug of choice.  Whenever I suspect a gluten problem or contamination I take one immediately, even before symptoms arise.  Usually that is enough to ward off any unpleasantness.  Then I take it again only if loose bowels occur. 
  6.. I always have some with me.  Always.
  7.. There have been times when the water I try in another state disagrees with 
  me so I take Imodium. If I still have problems an hour later, I take another 
  one until I feel that I can leave the hotel room safely. And it helps to 
  drink gatorade too.
  8.. I use Metamucile capsules - I can take up to 5 a day (I have colitis) and it also lowers your cholesterol. 
  9..  Tina,  I have used generic Loperamide Hydrochloride tablets, 2mg when traveling.  Long ago I called to verify gf status.  And if diarrhea occurs I would take one to slow cramping.  Usually one does the trick.  Some people do experience constipation after dosing with Loperamide so be careful. Rarely use now since I have entered old lady time and use Konsyl daily for fiber.  I must use this even when traveling or diarrhea happens.
  10.. I buy the generic pill, loperamide, and always travel with it, because no
  matter how careful I am, invariably I get an attack sometime during the
  11.. works like a dream for me
  12.. Hi Tina, Imodium is good at stopping the bowel movements but you have to use
  it before the diarrhea starts or else the bowel will continue to evacuate. I
  use one tablet and have tried two and found they block me up for two days. I
  find the feeling of stopped bowel is uncomfortable and think it's more the
  idea of it stopped and dwelling on the feeling. My father uses them as soon
  as he can tell his bowel is upset usually by rumbling and such and takes
  them before any bowel motion. They take about ten to fifteen minutes to
  work. They are very good for the situation you describe so long as they are
  taken early enough. Make sure you carry a couple with you everywhere so that
  you can surreptitiously pop one if your bowel starts to act up. For me I get
  terrible cramps as well if I try to hold on and the tablets alleviate that
  somewhat as well by mostly stopping any movement. I've found some foods even
  though OK for me to eat will exasperate the situation and stress is a
  killer. The tablets tend to make you worry less about any problems but as a
  celiac you will know the issue is always at the back of your mind.
  Hope that helps. Cheers
  13.. I've used the Immodium that you swallow since 1996 with no problems whatsoever.  I always take half a caplet first because usually that will provide relief.  I've taken as much as two caplets; however it doesn't work if I eat gluten and I'm trying to stop the diarrhea unless it's a minor ingestion like using a styrofoam cup that was dusted with flour or eating raisins that were processed on a line with flour and I've only eaten a minimal amount.  I accidently ate an oreo one day while packing my kids lunches, you know, talking, and not paying attention. And the immodium didn't work at all.  Good luck, De
  14.. I just conferred with my wife, she is the one with CD.She finds that the caplets work best for her.When travelling, as a precaution, she takes one caplet three times a day (morning, midday, evening) and starts taking them the day before we travel as well as during the travel.When she does have a problem she takes two caplets three times a day.She says they always work.Before she was diagnosed with CD, she took them regularly as this was the only way she could leave the house. Like in so many cases, she was diagnosed as having IBS and had to live with it for about five years until by chance we found out about CD. You'll find some more information about Imodium Caplets on:http://www.mydr.com.au/medicines/cmis/imodium-caplets-tabletsor go to:http://www.mydr.com.au/search/cmiand do a search for Imodium and you get information about all four variants of this medicine. You can actually search this site for most drugs if  you know their generic name and whilst a specific brand name may not be available in your country, you can glean valuable information about the actions of the various medicines.
  15.. TIna, I suggest you use one regular imodium/day as needed (Max of 6) since I have had problems with the stronger version.  It takes several hours to work.  Slight cramps for  a day or so after. Dale
  16.. I have used it and I guess it helps, a little, when I have accidentally eaten gluten or something that disagrees.  It seems to settle down my guts faster.
  17.. You don't want any gluten hanging out in your body doing damage any longer than necessary.  I wouldn't take anything to stop the diarrhea untill I was sure the gluten was already through me. Taking a water soluble fiber like Metamucil makes more sense to me...It would help dilute/disguise the gluten and get it move along quicker. It also helps regular the water--either absorbing or adding water, depending on one's individual reaction. Bev 
  18.. I used it on a cruise ship.  For some reason the first day I had diareah, even though I was extremely careful about what I ate.  Took Imodium and was fine the rest of the trip.
  19.. Dear Tina, Since Lactaid tablets have never helped me, I use Imodium tablets to get relief, when needed.   Having Celiac Disease as well as Lactose Intolerance, I certainly do not make a habit of ingesting dairy foods on a regular basis, but, when needed, I use the Imodium.  Occasionally I may have a yen to "treat" myself to an ice cream or something special that I know contains a milk product, or if, unknowingly, I have eaten something containing dairy. Recently, I have had some questions about Imodium products, and especially with the new EZ Chew tablets that are very convenient to carry with.  The response from the pharmacist that runs the glutenfreedrugs.com list  has been very helpful. Here are notes listed from a conversataion: "Although they don't officially test the product, there are no starches or starch derivatives in the product.  The specialist also told me that when they use a starch in any of their products they only use corn." "I spoke with the makers of Imodium AD Ez Chew tablets to discuss the gluten status.  Although they have not officially tested the product, they don't use any starch or gluten derived excipients in the product.  They also told me that the company uses corn starch when a starch is included in the product. "

  Nominee for Best Children's Picture Book 2009
  International Book Awards Finalist -Children's Novelty & Gift Book 2010
  National Indie Excellence Awards Finalist -Children's Picture Book 2010
  www.GlutenFreeHelp.info "My Other Undeniable Cause"

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