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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Mary Boucher <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 20 Nov 2011 14:19:39 -0500
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Mary Boucher <[log in to unmask]>
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

First, - I received 3 more criticisms for ranting about foreign mfrs.,
muslims, terrorists, and easterners who could not care less about the
products they ship us - & again *I apologize for being a bigot*  in the
matter, but I still am entitled to my viewpoint based on past

This will be my last summary on this topic.

8  more posters shared my viewpoint and sentiments.

3 people stated that the pharmacist could determine this. - which I had
previously posted -
--the pharmacist said *he could not determine the ingredients or excipients
in the drugs, because the mfr. is in Mumbai and the excipient ingredients
are constantly changing.  H*e also said that *SAMS Club does not allow him
the ability to search for gluten free drugs.*  I also was not allowed
to request he use a different brand.  That is the brand that SAMS Club
carried.  I am covered under a prescription drug plan that I pay for with
Humana Insurance.  The insurance company wants me to use Sams Club or
Walmart for my prescriptions so I get the lowest co-pay.

3 people stated that they had gotten drugs made by TEVA which were safely
made without gluten.

3 people suggested I use "*Gluten Free Drugs.com"   -    *  which I had
already done.

someone also shared the following useful information:
*I used to take one by Teva--It was manufactured in Israel and the filler
was cornstarch. It's definitely made for the US market since Europeans
markets avoid corn because of it's stance on GMO products.*
 * *
*If you want to buy American-made drugs, expect to pay more since you will
be have to buy the brand name product & which have a higher insurance
co-pay if covere at all. After the exclusive licence expires, older
formulas become generics and can be produced where labor is less (&
environmental/employee safety are less regulated).  Whatever the origins,
companies that sell products in the US must follow US labeling regs.  (And
shame on the FDA & Congress for not including RX meds in Allergen Labeling
* *
*While it's faster to find a phone number for a US made product, tracking
down the source of the ingredients is no easier. In fact, it can actually
be harder. When a company is feeding a huge advertising budget, it's often
necessary to change suppliers for the filler frequently to keep product
costs low. A product Lot Numbers--available only from a pharmacist, may be
required to determine what ingredients were used on a specific day. With no
advertising budget, generic companies can afford to spend more to secure a
long term supplier which would also limit cross contamination concerns. *
* *
*This is one of the more helpful sites out there since it give ingredients
by manufacturers, even generics.  http://dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailymed/ *
* *
*And as a GF consumer, it's your responsibilit to know the terms that
can hide gluten in Rx meds. The pharmacist won't get sick if he/she misses
something, you will!  *
* *
*There is a list of fillers/excipients at
* and the pharmacist who manages that since has a great article-- *
*January 2007, The Celiac Diet, Series #5 - Medications and Celiac Disease
- Tips From a Pharmacist, Plogsted, S., Practical Gastroenterology
2007:XXXI(1):58 **
* *

(This is the index for all the articles in this series---

Mary in MIC H* *

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