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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 22 May 2010 00:33:58 -0500
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi All ~~

Thanks to everyone who sent their suggestions for a high protein, high
calorie, low fat drink or shake. High calorie and low fat is the problem
since the greatest concentration of calories is in fat, but I appreciate all
responses. I'm not able to consume much fat - even the healthy kinds due to
pancreatic issues. Regardless, I plan to come up with something that will
fit the bill... Following are the replies I received several weeks ago and
an account of my attempt to put one plan into action. Thanks, again!! ~~Ayn
in Kansas
My father thinks those Boost type drinks are too sweet so he mixes them with
milk.  You could also try slightly freezing the drinks so they are more like
a shake or mix them with some ice cream in a blender for a real shake.  Have
you gone to a GNC type store or HyVee?  They have those protein type mixes
and all HyVees have a registered dietician you can get some free advice from
-- all are great with gluten free knowledge.
The way to get the high cal is with healthy oils--ones that are high in
Omega 3--flax, grapeseed, nut oils, etc.  Canola is also high in Omega 3s
but it can cause inflammation for a fair number of celiacs (maybe more but
celiacs are more likely to link food with problems)--Early speculation was
that it was cross contamined with wheat, but I thinks it more likely from
the acid it contains (It's a member of the mustard family.)

Many of the nutritional drinks & even baby formula contain coconut oil...The
websites on coconut promote the health benefits of medium chain fatty acids
found in coconut oil.
I'd suggest you go with your own suggestion. Make your own. Whey powder is a
great protein source. You can make smoothies with fruit, yogurt and whey
powder that actually taste good. Research and work out nutrition needs and
do it yourself will result in a better and more palatable result.

*[My one experience to create my own drink using whey powder...I have not,
until this point, considered myself to be lactose intolerant, so I bought a
high protein whey mix, NNW, LLC, Vanilla Caramel Swirl, Gluten Free (marked
on the front) Healthy 100% Whey, using stevia. There are 22 grams of
protein, less than 1 gram saturated fat, 0 grams trans fats. I followed the
suggested instructions to begin - 1 level scoop per 8 oz. of liquid of one's
choice; I chose 1% milk. The flavor was amazing, consistency was great, just
a bit thicker than 2% milk. So...I drank an 8 oz. glass around noon one day
two weeks ago. Within an hour, I had gained approximately 3 inches around my
waist and thought, 'this can't be good.' I had a doctor's appt. at 3:00,
which was a challenge as by 2:30 I had nothing that would conceal my growing
belly. My doc came into the exam room, looked at me and said, "should I be
expecting to write an article about 60-year-old woman gives birth?" Funny. I
was miserable. So, I need to re-examine my convictions that I'm not lactose
I am using Bob's Red Mill Hemp protein. Please do a search of the
archives...I think I summarized the responses and I cant recall if I kept
the emails. I also use protein products from http://www.myvega.com/
I've been making my own smoothies and adding a soy protein powder (bob's red
mill - 1T = 5g protein, 0 fat, 20 cal)

Here's my usual recipe:
1/2 to 1 cup lowfat vanilla yogurt
frozen/fresh berries
1/2 to 1 cup either milk or cranberry juice
2 T soy protein powder

blend until smooth.  I have found the longer I blend, the less of a "grainy"
taste. Cottage cheese is also a great snack.
Why don't you log into Glutenfreepalace.com they have a gluten free
consultant  that gives free consults she has helped many with this and
offers some great shakes
I don't know if this will be helpful to you but I learned from an ICU nurse
this month that Greek yogurt is highly nutricious (high protein, etc.).
Perhaps you could make smoothies with it.
I am using Bob's Red Mill Hemp protein. Please do a search of the
archives...I think I summarized the responses and I cant recall if I kept
the emails. I also use protein products from
I found my summary
Here it is below:
Note that I have read not so favorable things about using Whey and I use
hemp and rice protein and flax....
Good luck and I hope you feel better!.

1.  Vegan rice protein at Whole Foods.  It comes in chocolate and vanilla!
2.  Reliv Classic for basic nutrition - contains protein.  Then for muscle
recovery I use Reliv ProVantage.
3.  Hemp for those allergic to casin and soy!
4.Suggest that you receive assurances that their product is tested,
post-production. Relying on their suppliers to provide them with GF
ingredients is not good enough. Suppliers may test for impurities and toxin
but rarely for gluten, particularly is the ingredient is intrinsically
gluten free. The facility where the ingredient is processed and/or packaged
would have to be gluten free.
5.   Brown Rice Protein Powder.  It is vegan and no added sugar, milk, soy,
egg, yeast, wheat, corn, herbs, preservatives or coloring.
Ingredients:  Brown rice protein,concentrate, brown rice syrup solids.  I
like to make berry shakes in the a.m. and add some spinach leaves to it.
It is distributed by MLO products  www.mloproducts.com
6.  I use the whey from Hammer nutrition (sports products).  They have
gluten free products and several flavors.  Works great.
7.  Try HEMP protein powder- hemp is naturally free of gluten, and is a
complete food. I use it for my backpacking trips, being both Colitis and
Celiac affected, and it helps me stay on top of my game out on the trail.
 No, it does NOT have any THC in it, is usually cold pressed (the best
kind), and is fine for your whole family to use.
8.  MLO manufactures a brown rice protein powder labelled gluten free and
Although there is no indication on the can I have, the website url indicates
it might be under the Genisoy brand.
9.  The following is  a wonderful company that produces wonderful
nutritional powders including protein powder. All of it is gluten free. I
have used this for years. The ENF powder with vanilla flavor is excellent
and tastes good. too.  This company designed the astronaut food for their
trips. It is Canadian. They have done marvelous research on many food
related diseases and it is available. I heartily recommend it and have seen
nothing in the US that comes close to it. In fact I was never able to find
an American product that was gluten and dairy and soy free. This is entirely
non allergenic because off the way they treat the small proteins (peptides).

10.  Hammer Nutrition Whey Protein and Soy Protein is gluten-free and free
of artificial stuff.
11.  Yes I sell one through Young Living Essential Oils, it is rice based.
 I love it!  www.youngliving.com
12.   Thorne  Mediclear , check out Thorne.com <http://thorne.com/> - their
products are also available from some distributors
13.  NutriBiotic rice protein. It comes in vanilla, chocolate, plain and
maybe strawberry
15.  Betty Lou's Robbs!
16.  Vitamin Shoppe has rice protein powder to use in milk shakes and
17.  Bob's Red Mill Hemp Protein Powder
18.  GNC has some, labeled "no gluten: on can and it mixes well.
19.  Jay Robb makes a great gf protein powder
20.  At Whole Foods:
The following company in Canada is excellent. Their products are used for
many things, weight gain, loss, health, etc. It is all anti allergic food
amd great for people with food sensitivities. The company even is the one
that made the food for the astronauts. *I* have used it for years. ENF might
be the main one you use and get it with the vanilla flavor. It even tastes
pretty good. I like it with orange juice, etc.

Due to technical issues with my computer, some of the responses I received
were strangely deleted. If someone sent a suggestion that's not listed here,
please resend it to me. There were several people asking for a summary, so
I'm sure those people would be interested in what inadvertently got deleted.
Thanks so much! ~~Ayn

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