Tracey Baldrey wrote:
> Some of my shopping is from the supermarkets and some from
>the local farm but sourcing good quality organic meat is difficult and I
>find that most of the time we have to resort to packaged organic meat.
In the US, organic meat means the animal was fed organic grains. To
be paleo we prefer out meat to be grass-fed and grass-finished. What
about all those cows one sees hanging out on the polders?
We can get lamb from Australia and NZ for a reasonable amount. All
their lamb is grass-fed.
Truly pastured pork is exceeding rare. Pork from feral pigs does exist here.
Poultry that hasn't been fed grains almost doesn't exist. They just
don't get fat enough without grains. There are some pastured heritage
turkeys from Texas.
Eggs from pastured hens does exist. They don't have to be fat to lay eggs.