Paleolithic Eating Support List


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Sun, 27 Nov 2011 18:10:30 -0500
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Robin Temple <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (84 lines)
Thank you very much for the info.
In a message dated 11/27/2011 5:57:38 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
[log in to unmask] writes:

Hi  Robin,

Welcome!  Give yourself credit for being bold and  stepping out of the box!

I disagree with Cordain to some  extent.   I prefer  lots of fat in my 
diet, sometimes in  greater quantity than protein, and feel it all depends on 
quality and  context.  If you live in a hot climate, and sit behind a desk all 
day,  you might not want as much fat as a paleo eater who lives in a cold 
climate  and works outside.  Even if you lived off the wild, there are 
different  animals who offer different fat profiles.  I've eaten beavers that were 
 dripping with fat.  There are wild turkey that are lean and mean.   Today 
we killed a doe that was loaded with fat because she was still lactating  
(yeah, I felt bad about that too, but then again, she was off with two bucks  
fooling around in the rut with her fawns left no where in sight)  
range from fatty salmon to lean haddock.  There's a buffet of choices  within 
paleo to keep you satisfied.  The more you eat this way,  hopefully, you 
will listen to your instincts and cravings, and tune out  the
other voices.   DOn't be afraid to eat as much as you  need.  That's 
totally paleo.  Being neurotic about food portions is  completely media driven and 
totally unpaleo.  If you need to eat a 20  ounce prime rib with all the 
fat, go for it.  If you can afford grass  fed/organic, eat it.  If not, stick 
to paleo principles and do your  best.    If you feel turned off by meat, 
then take a break  until the taste for it returns.  Once you get the grains out 
of your  diet, you will develop new yens for paleo foods.  Eat when hungry. 
  Don't eat when not.  Its pretty simple.  DOn't overcomplicate  things.  

SO back to the question of dairy:   To  quote Nancy Reagan, "Just Say NO!"  
  Getting back to the doe  story.  She had milk in her udders.  Guess how 
much?  1/4 cup  (yeah, I measured just so I could tell this story... LOL!).   
 Clearly if you were living a pure paleo life eating only wild game, etc.,  
where would milk come from?   Try getting a wild doe to stand still  long 
enough to  let you nurse on its teat!     

SO how about coconut milk kefir?  You can get it  unsweetened from "So 
Delicous" as an alternative.   Also, you can  make delicous nut milks from 

Read Neanderthin and just  keep it simple.  All you can eat crab legs at a 
Chinese Buffet also  works!

Good  luck,

From:  Robin Temple <[log in to unmask]>
Hello Folks,
I have been  lurking on this list for some time  now.
Have decided to give Paleo an  honest try, but have some  questions for you 
if I may?

Just  read Cordain's book. He seems to be in disagreement with  info I have 
read, i.e., meats should be lean. Other info says to eat the fat on   the 
meat as well. Case in point, cooking food in bacon grease. Cordain  says no 

Also, for a few years now I have been  making protein shakes  for breakfast 
with my homemade Kefir from raw  milk. I seem to do very well on  this. 
recommends doing away  with all dairy. How much trouble am  I in, from the 
Paleo  perspective, if I continue with the Kefir? My  holistic guru advises 
to stay away from dairy but says Kefir is ok and very  healthy  because it 
is fermented and made from raw milk from a cow that is  grass  fed and gets 
grain ever.

Thank you,

Rob  Temple