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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 17 Jul 1997 08:08:54 -0500
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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Ray's falling unconscious afer eating certian foods is not so outrageous as
it seems. Troy's point about maintaining the Neaderthin diet's integrity at
possible cost of actual immediate physical reactions, and all ensuing
consequences, is not out of line either.  I am epileptic and have
investigated the Ketogenic Diet administered at Stanford Medical
University; a diet only offered to children. Why? Because when the patient
begins the diet (a 10 to 14 day fast without medication) there can be no
"slips". There is no opportunity to cheat - even just a little bit.
Cheating produces increased seizures and hospitalization.  All these kids
have to do is follow the diet. If they are allowed to "choose" from their
future menu and feed themselves they could wind up catatonic from seizures
that cannot be controlled. (The "norm" is to withdraw medication
immediately, on Day One of the diet.) This is a strictly controlled diet of
fats, carbs, protein on a 4/2/1 (or similar) ratio.  The diet is not
offered to adults because they COULD CHOOSE something else that
meal-something a little less yucky.  It is felt by a majority of the
medical community that adults do not have the self control to follow the
diet to the letter. I believe they are assuming correctly. I would kill to
be off my medication, to never be at a party and have a seizure and begin
the "chewing motion" and hand tricks that are a part of my seizures.  To
never fall down and pee my pants in front of strangers (I'm 46 next week)
or wake up in a hospital after a grand mal again. And if you're 6 yrs old
and having seizures every few minutes you are relying on someone else to
feed you, administer your meds, and watch you having those seizures. (The
seizures usually stop the day medication is removed, and the recovery -
meaning completely - no seizures ever again - rate is remarkably high.) The
parents of these children - the one's they would take a bullet for - remain
dedicated to the precepts of this ketogenic diet because they've seen it
work for others and they're hoping it will work for them too. This
Neaderthin diet is not for everyone.  I'm not sure yet if it's for ME. And
it still have to convince The Hunk that maybe it will do good for him, too.
But those few days we followed Atkins to the letter we lived, felt and
created better lives and bodies for ourselves. I have not even read Ray's
book yet, but I would certainly be willing to try that again (for ME if
he's not willing to try with me).
Why are you following this group/diet if not to make things better for
yourself? To kill time? Nothing on TV? No good books at the library? No.
You're doing it to change the way you feel.  The latest I've heard is that
epilepsy is an auto-immune disease.  When I think of the crap I've shoveled
into my mouth, tha excercise I've avoided, the Dr. visits I didn't go to
(pick a philosophy). . .
I can see Troy's point about maintaining the program to the letter.
every now and then - as Ray will point out - is really not an option.  If
your body is running so well when you don't slip, why screw it up? I don't
experience any obvious negative reactions to food that I eat - yet.  But
what happens when that day comes?  (My God, I'm beginning to sound like an
80's alernative therapy doctor now!)
My apologies for letting you all read of my inexperienced email skills.
I'll do better in future. I've enjoyed what I've read so far.  Sherry