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Fri, 16 Jul 2010 20:37:27 -0400
diana day <[log in to unmask]>
Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
diana day <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (86 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thanks to those who wrote about Poppies Deli in Brevard, NC, promoting
Sami's Bread as gluten-free. 


I'm happy to see that they've changed the page on their website that talks
about Sami's Bread as being gluten free. Here's the new page:




And here is a summary of the comments from list members about Sami's Bread:



Sami's is problematic. They got into trouble so that's why they put the line
on their packaging, but their sales reps still tell the stores that they are
gluten free. I've had words with stores in VA and VT because of this.


I ate this bread for many months with no problems. Then all of a sudden I
was having a reaction. I then noticed the label about it containing traces
of wheat. I stopped eating it and my symptoms went away. 


I can now get Udi's bread in my area and it is gluten and dairy free. It is
also way better than Sami's.


I was glad to see your post on the listserv. I think it is important to call
restaurants out when they are not being up front with our safety! I am
working on getting them to change their practice. There is a support group
in Hendersonville. Their leader (a dietitian specializing in CD) is going to
try to work with the restaurant. Sami bread is notorious for causing a
reaction. The ingredients are supposedly gluten free but their facility must
not be cleaned well enough.


Instead of calling and asking someone to alert them to the lack of gf 

standing in bread they are touting as gf, write a letter or send an 

email and tell them that if they fail to make the necessary change 

immediately (give them 2 days notice), then you are also going to 

report them to the Food and Drug Administration for selling bread as gf when
it isn't.  Keep copies for yourself. If they fail to make the change, then
send a copy to FDA and to your local newpaper. This is serious.


I was getting terrible reactions to "something". I called Sami's as I had a
GF cupcake party at my home sponsored by Pamela's to raise money for NFCA.
One of the ladies attending with her child informed me that her kids get ill
from Sami's bread too. They are celiac like me.


I called Sami's and it took three calls over a period of days to finally get
the right person to answer my questions. The man told me frankly that their
bread tests around 5,000 parts per million. I do feel they should state
"that" on their bread loaves- as that somehow communicates this very


He was also very kind and honest and told me it costs a lot to make it a
dedicated facility and they do not have the intention right now, but they
may down the road.

*Support summarization of posts, reply to the SENDER not the CELIAC List*
Archives are at: Http://Listserv.icors.org/SCRIPTS/WA-ICORS.EXE?LIST=CELIAC